The Unthinkable Has Happened...

Hello Folks.
I'm a little sad these days...It's no biggie really. It's just that one of my all-time favourite bands has aligned with one of my least favourite bands...Sorry U2 fans out there, but I just plain don't like them. Their old stuff is OK, but lately it seems like it's all about The Bono...and now The Edge...It used to be about the music, man!...Anyway, this union was for a good cause...(See above article, from a link at The Green Day Authority)...
Never trust a guy with a Messianic complex...who wears sunglasses all the time...
I'm reminded of when I had first heard that Joey Ramone had requested the latest U2 song (at the time) while on his deathbed...It just makes me feel sad and leaves a bad taste in my mouth...But I guess it's unreasonable to expect our heroes to like all the people we admire and to hate those we dislike...Oh well...I hope they are able to help out the folks in New Orleans...
In other news, little Achilles was too cute last night as he played in an empty cereal box...He lost a tooth and I saved it...I'm gonna leave him a little cat treat under his pillow tonight...

I hope all is well in your little corner of the world.
I just watched "20/20". Barbara Walters interviewed Steve Irwin's widow, Terri. It was pretty sad to watch...They played a lot of clips of Steve and his family I gotta tell you, it totally bummed me out...
Hopefully Amanda Peet on Letterman and Evangeline Lilly on Leno can help to lift my spirits a bit...Amanda Peet is pregnant...Apparently they call her "fatty" on the set of the new Aaron Sorkin series "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip" ...Nigella Lawson is also on Letterman...I like her too...
Anyway, we saw "Jackass Number 2" last weekend...I guess it's not for everyone, but I can honestly tell you that I haven't laughed that hard for that long in quite a while...We made the mistake of hitting the Mandarin buffet beforehand though, which I cannot recommend...There were scenes where I actually had to avoid looking at what was going on or I fear I would have puked...Most of them were horse-related...If you liked the first one, you won't be disappointed...They've really lowered the bar on this one! In a good way...
Who knows when I'll post again, so I'll give you a video recommendation...I really liked the film "Stay". I won't tell anything about it, but I really liked it...Trust me. It's a pretty cool concept that's well executed.
Take care out there!
Your Pal,