2nd Post this Week!
I haven't been overly consistent in my Blogging these days...
I hope you're doing well wherever you may be...
Anyway, I just wanted to post a pic of Steve Irwin. I liked this guy and used to watch his show every day for quite a while...He was a funny fellow and I believe that he genuinely cared...which is nice to see from time to time. One of my favourite memories of his show was when he did a field assessment of a little critter that went something like: "See that lump on his jaw? It's called 'lumpy jaw'!" He'll be missed by many, including me.
Sadly, it didn't take too long for the venom to come out against him...As mentioned on the always funny site What Would Tyler Durden Do? (thanks to Beatdogg for letting me know, as I haven't been doing my daily review of that site latey)...Mr. Durden reports:
I have no idea who or what Germaine Greer is, but apparently she's a "feminist icon" in Australia and she couldn't be happier that Steve Irwin is dead. Making her kick up her heels in delight is that Irwin was killed by an animal, calling it the animal worlds revenge. Greer said:
"There was no habitat, no matter how fragile or finely balanced, that Irwin hesitated to barge into. Every creature he brandished at the camera was in distress. The animal world has finally taken its revenge, but probably not before a whole generation of kids in shorts seven sizes too small has learned to shout in the ears of animals with hearing 10 times more acute than theirs, determined to become millionaire animal-loving zoo owners in their turn."
"There was not an animal he was not prepared to manhandle. Every creature he brandished at the camera was in distress. Every snake badgered by Irwin was at a huge disadvantage, with only a single possible reaction to its terrifying situation, which was to strike. The animal world has finally taken its revenge on Irwin."
You had to know some filthy god damn hippie was gonna say this at some point, but it would have been delightful if they could have at least waited a week or so. But I guess this way the 8 and 2 year old orphans can have "it was all daddys fault" ringing in thier ears at the funeral. Nice. I'm gonna go down to Greenpeace and just start punching people.
Anyway, I can only hope that Ms. Greer, when it's her time to go, gets to die doing what she loved to do...(whatever that is)...Perhaps a javelin will impale her as she sits on the sidelines and criticizes the throw...Or maybe one day the 30 cats that presumably fill her home shall rise and take their revenge on her, for old Steve-O...But enough about her...(I'm not even gonna look her up. She'll be gone in 15 minutes...For me anyway)...
For those of you who feel sorry for little Achilles and his emptied teste satchel, behold some of the stuff that he's ruined of late...In my recreation room, no less!
My blinds, which he likes to chip away at from time to time...
My inflatable palm tree! He bit one of the palm fronds and punctured it...This is how it looked when I got home...
I think he's pretty well adjusted overall though...He's quite a character!
In other news, my friend gave me this little gem! She got him a while ago and called me up to see something cool that she got...When I went to visit her, his tray was full of Halloween sized treats...I thought he was pretty cool looking and she had named him Bobo. I asked her where she got him...She told me and I was planning on getting one myself...
I guess she was getting some weird looks at work and her kids told her he "freaked them out" so I inherited Bobo. (She's the friend who had a pet monkey as a kid...Also she told me about the IKEA catalogue I mentioned earlier)...
I have put him to good use...He holds my "Planet of the Apes" collector's bust (which contains all the ape classics from The Forbidden Zone)...
I know, I know...Super sweet, right?
Finally, check out this Mike Zambidis dude I found out about while looking up some fighting videos on youtube. This is a frame from the video. Note that they've called him "ZAMBO!" on this magazine cover...(I'm not fighting him for the name, that's for sure)...

Click on the pic to see his fight highlights. (WARNING: the video contains all sorts of beatings being handed out by this little guy with the heart of a lion). He's a fighting machine! He won another match on Monday. Gonna have to look it up.
That's all for now.
Watch out for the knees to the head and take care out there!
Your Pal,
I mourn Mr. Croc -Hunter's death, but I loved what Stern said today, his death was no surprise, only the method of said demise. Croc hunter killed by sting-ray, is anyone really all that flabbergasted? Thoughts go out to the wife and young kids. At the end of the day I feel like:
1. He got what he deserved. Not in a callous way, but in the context that the dude made his living and found his passion in fucking around with animal dudes that want to kill, kill, kill. Honestly, it's the only reason any of us ever watched him.
2. I was a big fan of the previous idea and I will miss him tremendously. I know he has little kids and a young wife. My heart goes out to them.
3. I find Zambo's portrayal of monkey's holding monkey's to be disgusting and offensive. I can no longer view this blog. Ever. How dare you, Zambo!
Zambo, you are a character. I can just visualize crabby old Germaine Greer with her 30 cats. I wonder if they're destroying her house.
Yes, I agree with Joel. Steve Irwin was very controversial and you either loved him or hated him, but he was too young to die and leave two wee little kids and a wife behind. It's very sad. But he took risks, and they caught up with him.
That little statue you inherited looks just like I guy I once dated.... I think, also, his name was Bobo. Or maybe it was Bozo.
Funny enough I read that in our local paper this morning, I think it is disgusting, who does she think she is to say something like that anyway! TART
I loooovvvveeee that little monkey statue! to cute for words!
Sorry bout the blinds and the palm tree *mwahahaahahahahahahah*
Have a good one and take care!
Hey there! I almost didnt check your blog, 2 posts so close together!! You MUST do this more often. mmmkay?
Your monkey tray is really cute but it reminds me of Lukas on Rockstar too. He looks very monkey-like to me. Put some make up on it and a piercing and some leather goth outfit and it would be a dead ringer.
Ha...you should have just posted the magazine cover and claimed it was you. hehehe.
OMG! I just SNORTED out loud at the pic of Bobo and the Bust. Hahahahahahaha!
Oh, and to answer your question. It was a band trip, not band camp. But yes, I played the flute. Mere coincidence!
I would tend to agree that he was a spectacle unto himself...Like the reason a lot of folks watch NASCAR...to see a fiery crash...You just knew it was only a matter of time...That's why we didn't allow him as a pick in our death pool...
(Also, though it's a matter of semantics, it's more about orangutans supporting chimp busts...We can learn a lot about ourselves by observing the apes)...
Yeah, I think this is Ms. Greer's moment in the sun...After that, she's a cat buffet...
Poor Bobo/Bozo...He had a shot at Josie and he blew it!
Thanks for the sympathy about the blinds and the palm tree...
(Though the *mwahahaahahahahahahah* makes it seem a little less heartfelt)...
I know. I'll try to post more often!
That must be why I like Lukas so much! I never thought of it before. He really is quite talented, I think. He, like a Dilana and Magni, is far too good for that band in my opinion. Whoever "loses" will probably have a great career in music after all this nonsense is over...I personally never cared for Toby's singing all along...but they seem to love him.
As for that mag cover, I'm way taller and much more ripped and powerful...(and hairier)...
That's all for the moment.
Thanks for dropping by and commenting, folks!
Your Pal,
Hey S*!
You snuck two comments in there while I was replying!
I'm glad it was SNORT-worthy!
Band trip, huh? Is "played the flute" a euphemism?
Thanks for dropping in, S*!
Your Pal,
I only hope Ms. Greer dies peacefully in her sleep and no one finds her for 10 days and when they do her cats will have eaten her face! Whow! Where did that come from? Must be my fight club personality. I laughed so hard at mel's comment about Lukas and she is so right. He does look like your BOBO monkey.
There's a link on Gorilla Mask to a game that lets you play Steve Irwin's widow, fighting stingrays. Tasteless but topical. Yeah, I remember when we used to watch the Crocodile Hunter and there was always the expectation that sooner or later he was gonna get it. Either he'd mess with the wrong cobra or try to wrestle a croc that was just too big, or he'd slip and fall while running from a komodo dragon, and that would be the end of it. I just hoped it would be captured on camera. So I was a little shocked to find out he was killed by a bloody stingray... basically, a big swimming bat. WTF? I have to agree with Stern, though; the guy had a family to think about, so maybe he should have curtailed his antics a little bit. Some people are comparing Steve Irwin to the dude in "Grizzly Man", but I think Irwin had a much better appreciation for the danger he was in. The jackass from "Grizzly Man" thought the bears were his friends, for christ's sake. And that Germain Greer chick can chew it. Sure, maybe Irwin got "what was coming to him", but there's no reason to delight in the guy's death. I've got a feeling that if Irwin had been a woman, she would have been singing her praises for being a "wildlife pioneer" in a field dominated by men, or some such tripe. Bah.
I'm sure we will continue not knowing who Ms. Greer is, dead or not, after this...At her eulogy, they might say something like: "Some of you may remember Greer as being the person who vilified Steve Irwin when he was killed in 2006, saying that the animals finally got their revenge...Not much else is known about her..."
Happy birthday, Bub!
I was thinking about what you said too, but didn't mention it...Jane Goodall=hero, Steve Irwin=idiot who had it coming...Yeah and there are all sorts of comparisons being made to that guy who will forever be remembered as "Grizzly Man"...who most people wanted to witness getting killed while watching that film...Some were even disappointed the there was no video footage of his demise, because they found him to be annoying. Poor "Grizzly Man"...
Take care out there, pals!
Wow! Another Zambo, how are we going to differentiate?? Ahh!
Yeah it's pretty sad about Steve Irwin, he was a hero, pretty entertaining too. And how can an animal lover have enemies like Greer? Does she think she's protecting the animal world from an expert? grrr.
Haa,how cool is that!? A fighter named Zambo! Are you sure that's not you??;p
I love what you said about Steve. He was great and to hear and read the things that people-including that twat Greer-are saying makes me sick. Fuckers.
Haa,your cat is my kind of kitty!
What a bugger! I'm sorry to say I laughed and laughed at the pictures. I couldn't help it tee hee. Actually,I was impressed too,you've got to be a special kind of cat to do that! The worst mine have done,was scratch carpets and squish the blinds a bit..
I know, a*bomb! But like I said, I'm taller and hairier...but we do have similar fighting skills...
Grrr indeed!
Ms. L.
I wish I could fight like that guy...I'd be such an asshole and I'd say stuff like, "Don't you know who I am?"
Good use of "twat", by the way! I didn't wanna go there...Glad you did...
I never woulda thought I'd actually enjoy having a cat as a pet...(I've had dogs and ferrets over the years) He's pretty dynamic and charismatic. I guess his cuteness helps to keep him from getting in too much trouble too...(Like the Warner Brothers cartoon, "Feed the Kitty" with Mark Anthony and the cute kitten)...
Your Pal,
She's a bitch...
Funny how she makes these comment's after crock man is dead.
Okay Zambo, I laughed my ass off at the inflatable palm tree, cuz all I could think about was the kitty getting revenge on YOUR...uh....shall we say...palm tree? And your kitty and mine would definately have to have a cat fight for the "most destructive" title.
I'm guess that if Steve was to die doing something he loved, it would have been hunting crocodiles. A stingray just isn't fair, but it's much more fitting that a car crash, heart attack, or dropping dead in your cubicle while entering data into the 'system'.
That giant, flacid, palm tree is quite the sorry sight, but the picture of the ape holding the ape makes a nice balance.
You should start fighting, I'd pay good money to see Zambo v. Zambo. hahahahaahahah
Ooh, ooh can I help punch Greenpeace people too?? Puh-lease!!?!?!?
Steve Irwin used to annoy me at first. But he sortta grows on you, and the "snake poop" episode I wrote about on my blog just made me laugh. Around "Herding Cats" we refer to him as "Crikey" to distinguish from my BIL and cousin who are both Steves also.
Tell the cat that Ms. Greer is actually a set of blinds, and the nintroduce what is left of her to "Zambo" the fighter.
Try my threats "You're going to get yourself a first class ticket to the pound."
In regaurd to Erwin, it never amazes me the things people say. How can that lady say that knowing he has kids. Karma, it will get her.
Hi, Zambo, thanks for stopping by - hope you have a good week ahead and that your darling little furry friend doesnt destroy anything else! (ROLFLMAO).
Take Care
Your cat!!! LMAO!!
Hey, Zambo, where'd ya go?
Some people are just so f&*%ing insensitive. Before she opened her mouth, maybe hippie woman should have thought of how her comments might make his family feel.
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