The Unthinkable Has Happened...

Hello Folks.
I'm a little sad these days...It's no biggie really. It's just that one of my all-time favourite bands has aligned with one of my least favourite bands...Sorry U2 fans out there, but I just plain don't like them. Their old stuff is OK, but lately it seems like it's all about The Bono...and now The Edge...It used to be about the music, man!...Anyway, this union was for a good cause...(See above article, from a link at The Green Day Authority)...
Never trust a guy with a Messianic complex...who wears sunglasses all the time...
I'm reminded of when I had first heard that Joey Ramone had requested the latest U2 song (at the time) while on his deathbed...It just makes me feel sad and leaves a bad taste in my mouth...But I guess it's unreasonable to expect our heroes to like all the people we admire and to hate those we dislike...Oh well...I hope they are able to help out the folks in New Orleans...
In other news, little Achilles was too cute last night as he played in an empty cereal box...He lost a tooth and I saved it...I'm gonna leave him a little cat treat under his pillow tonight...

I hope all is well in your little corner of the world.
I just watched "20/20". Barbara Walters interviewed Steve Irwin's widow, Terri. It was pretty sad to watch...They played a lot of clips of Steve and his family I gotta tell you, it totally bummed me out...
Hopefully Amanda Peet on Letterman and Evangeline Lilly on Leno can help to lift my spirits a bit...Amanda Peet is pregnant...Apparently they call her "fatty" on the set of the new Aaron Sorkin series "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip" ...Nigella Lawson is also on Letterman...I like her too...
Anyway, we saw "Jackass Number 2" last weekend...I guess it's not for everyone, but I can honestly tell you that I haven't laughed that hard for that long in quite a while...We made the mistake of hitting the Mandarin buffet beforehand though, which I cannot recommend...There were scenes where I actually had to avoid looking at what was going on or I fear I would have puked...Most of them were horse-related...If you liked the first one, you won't be disappointed...They've really lowered the bar on this one! In a good way...
Who knows when I'll post again, so I'll give you a video recommendation...I really liked the film "Stay". I won't tell anything about it, but I really liked it...Trust me. It's a pretty cool concept that's well executed.
Take care out there!
Your Pal,
well zambo...good cause...or no good cause..U2 still stinks...IMO...and and..i dunno what else to was nice knowing you..i'm going to jump off a bridge now. ;)
U2 will always be remembered as a band that started out with gritty, heartfelt, politically-minded songs with a unique stand-out guitar sound and intense vocals ... and then sank to the depths of producing a song for a Batman movie. (Insert joke about Prince here.)
Yeah, "Pride", "New Year's Day", "Sunday, Bloody Sunday", pretty much the whole "Joshua Tree" album ... good stuff. Even "Achtung Baby" was kind of cool, in a crap kind of way, except that it seems like that was when Bono started wearing sunglasses 24-7. After that, it was all downhill. I hope he dies of autoerotic asphyxiation, ala the chump from INXS. (Was that ever confirmed as the cause of death?) But no matter how disgraceful his eventual death is, his legions of fans will figure out a way to make a martyr out of him. (Shrug.) "He was murdered by the CIA and his death made to LOOK like autoerotic asphyxiation in order to discredit him!"
Jackass 2 was good? Man, I wanna see that. Horses, eh? I doubt it will get released in theaters over here ... but I will keep my eyes open. It just won't be the same seeing it sans you and the Beatdogg cracking up beside me, though...
Too bad we couldn't hang out more. 3 weeks in Ontario was just too short, and I had to spend most of that time with my pops. Oh, and then my car broke down, did I mention that? Perhaps an e-mail telling the whole, sad story is in order.
Anyway, hope you're not too bummed out about Steve Irwin. Dunno what to say, really. He seemed like a decent enough guy to me, genuinely interested in animals, unlike Germaine Greer, who isn't so much a zoophile (in the broad sense) as a misanthropist.
PS - You see that Clinton interview yet?
I was a huge U2 fan in the 80's but now I cannot stand Bono, the pompous windbag. Right up there with Sting, another annoying self-righteous person who once had musical talent.
I saw an article whose title was something to the effect that Steve Irwin's son still cries for him. I couldn't even bear to read it.
Luckily I am not a U2 fan either! That pic of da kittie is soooo cute! This whole Steve Irwin thing is still so sad and still feels so sureal! Nice Post! See you when we see you again! Have a great weekend!
Yah, what is it with Bono and those glasses anyway?
That is the cutest cat I have EVER seen.
I watched the 20/20 interview with Steve Irwin's wife. Too sad. She's so brave. And what cute little kids.
On my blog, the guitar is indeed the clue. You're smarter than the average monkey.
I know where you are coming from. I really like a lot of the old U2 stuff but the new stuff is pretty much garbage. That song makes my ears bleed.
I'll have to watch Stay. There aren't many movies that impress me anymore. My friends and I watched An American Haunting (or something like that) and were annoyed at how long it took to work around to the ending we had already figured out.
Cute pic of the kitty. He's such a beautiful smoky color.
I must have your cat! He is so sweet!
Hee Hee I love little kitty teeth:)
I am a U2 fan but hate Rush so ... to each his own but Greenday now they ROCK. I saw them in California in the early 1990's before they went big in a skating rink cum auditorium. I have every one of their albums including the ones released on indie lables back in the day. I have seen them live 3 times and they are always a great live band.I am not a Jackass fan though. I grew up with those kind of fools. We call them cedar choppers around here. You know the type,round plate faced, gap toothed, and inter-related if ya know what I mean.
Oi Senior Zambo!
Always good when you post. Ha, if you remember some time back I had taken a stray in and then she ran off at the first op, well she has now adopted me as her "Go to guy" I guess because she hangs around my place outside 24/7. In any case glad to see you are enjoying Achilles in spite of disregard to personal property.
I have a pretty quiet weekend ahead of me so I may just pick up stay in spite of the "blockbuster phenomena". that's when you get it in your head to rent a flick and Voila! it has been rented out by some other person....never fails!
As far as posting, I think that the blog reflects my personal situation...a standstill.
Hope the Leno show is a bit more uplifting.
I don't care for U2 either. I am glad I'm not alone...hahaaa!
Achilles is just too adorable for words. I love the shot! We used to have a cat and I could sit for hours watching his silly antics :)
I missed the 20/20 interview with Terri Irwin. It's probably a good thing though. I am sure I would have bummed out like you were. I was reading an interview of hers and she told a story a story about little Bob trying to fix his dads scooter. When Terri asked him what he was doing he replied " I am fixing it so daddy can ride home from heaven."
I had to turn off the TV. It just me sooo sad.
I hope you are enjoying a fine Canadian fall weekend up there, Monkey Boy!
I like both Green Day and U2.... I hope you still like me. :)
PS That is one remarkably adorable cat!
Holy shit...I expect the horsemen any time now.
p.s. I like Achilles, he's got moxie
Yea, I can’t say that I am the biggest fan of U2 either. In fact at one time I despised them. But don’t worry I’m sure Green Day wouldn’t do anything that is distasteful. You are very right, it is all about the Bono.
I am a big fan of (well, not really a fan at all, but I do appreciate) U2. I also like the Greenday. This is one situation where I cannot be sad with you. It's kinda wierd but it's not sad. Lighten up buddy. It's ok.
Greenday will still perform top-notch!!
Your kitten is just too darn cute! I think U2 and Greenday won't last and will break up soon! It happened to Tom and Nicole, Brad and Jen and a whole slew of others!
Hey Dude, why you so quiet? Hope you are well!
Hey, Zambo, where'd ya go? You okay?
I accidentally deleted my blog, so I have a new one. Arrgghhh
Dear Zambo,
Please be at peace with Green Day and U2 collaborating. I don't care for U2's current music, but think about it. We are all grow up in different ways. The members of U2 have all the money they could possible want. They had an awareness of injustice and suffering when they were young, and now they have the popular influence to try to make a difference. Would we be happier if they were getting drunk and banging teenagers? These men are doing the best they can with the time they have on this planet. See, that's not so bad! You are a kind man. You needn't be depressed over non-depressing shit! Joel and I always enjoy your presence in the comments on his blog.
In Highest Regards,
Sara Nan Nokes
U2 and Green Day? I simply can't imagine.
Zambo!! Where are you? I acme here for some good humour, and...I've read it all!!! I'm in serious need of your comic relief!!!
I actually like U2 and Green Day, but let's all be honest - that performance was crap. They sound terrible together.
Rock the house apart from one another, please!
Benefits are cool, though. Can't fault them for doing that.
Ben O.
I thought my cat was cute as a kitten. That picture is adorable!
A recommendation of my own - Little Miss Sunshine. Not quite Jackass humour, but really hilarious.
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