Aloha, Bitches!
Just a few pix from Hawaii...
We swam with the dolphins!
We also saw a few whales, but I didn't get too many good pix (they're quicker than they look)...Fortunately there was a pro photographer who tags along on these tours and swims with us and I bought the CD of the day's adventures...We asked him to mail it in a few weeks...

We washed them down with some tasty drinks...
Next post will be Australia stuff...
Thanks for dropping by to visit and I'm sorry I haven't been too Bloggy lately...I can't promise I'll get to it, but I'll try...
Take care out there!
Your Pal,
I'm listening to my pal Howard Stern online as Lasagna dreams of our further adventures. She's a tough little chick and she's all tuckered out right now. Cute. Stern's playing a clip of the time Green Day was in and swore up a storm in the song "Platypus (I Hate You)" ...(check out towards the end...It didn't air at the time)...So Anna Nicole Smith is dead, huh?...I really don't have anything else to say about that...and Howard Stern got engaged to long-time girlfriend, Beth O. (Not to be confused with one of the potential fathers of Anna Nicole's love child, and her lawyer/boyfriend, Howard K. Stern)...
oh my don't you love Hawaii I wish I had of known before you were going I know some cool off the beaten path places to go.
Devon(my 13 yo,says he may also be the father of her baby.*snicker*
Those photos are gorgeous!
I really liked the sufer dude,the wave behind him was so cool!
Ad of course your lunch and menu looked good too;)
Missed ya 'round here, Zam.
Can you believe Howard and Beth are FINALLY engaged??? I squealed out loud when I heard it.
Lookin good, Zambo. Me will be in aloha land in a month from now. Lookin at these pics makes me mouth water.
ooooh great pictures :)
i wanna be a surfer dude..but only not a dude....??? lmao
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