Back To Work Tomorrow...Uggh...
I hope those who had today off enjoyed it...The weather has sucked all weekend, but today was a bit better...I decided to clean the pool...We had the cover on all weekend 'cause Lasagna's a Weather Channel maniac and there was a storm coming...Anyway, I cleaned the cover, rolled it up and then went in to finish the clean up job...Though I turned on the heat, it was 69 degrees, but surprisingly refreshing...It was crystal clear when I was done and I had a clear bag full of fallen leaves and other such crap...lots of potato bugs settle at the bottom of our pool...There were hundreds down there today...
This was one of the Monday nights that I actually thought to watch that new Gene Simmons show on A&E...but it wasn't on...Here's a pic of Gene with a buddy of mine from back in the day...What up, Otis?!?...Lookin' good!
I picked up a Leonardo Da Vinci action figure when we went to Canada's Wonderland a few weeks ago! I considered not buying it, but I just had to have it...
The back lists his stats, along with Famous Works, Inventions and Quotes...
Here's the front of the package...
Here's an image from the web ('cause I'm not opening mine)...
In other news, we got Achilles neutered the other day too...When we told him what was gonna happen, he wasn't too happy....
After he came back from the the procedure, he spent some time licking his wounds...
(Poor little guy)... Then he just chilled and watched TV...
That's about it for now, since Blogger's being a prick again...
Steve Irwin
a.k.a. The Crocodile Hunter
Irwin was fatally pierced in the chest by a short-tail stingray barb while diving in Batt Reef (part of the Great Barrier Reef), off the coast of Port Douglas in Queensland, Australia
(I'd like to post a pic of old Steve-O, but Blogger's not letting me...
Thanks again, Blogger)...
We were hoping to visit his zoo when we go to Australia next year...and he died sorta in the vicinity of where we'll be diving, so I should be getting a call from my mom when she finds out...
Take care out there!
Your Pal,
Hey scaryhours!
The good folks at ACCOUTREMENTS are all over old Ben Franklin...
My next purchase will surely be Cap’n Danger Stunt Monkey (even though it's a chimp), then Bigfoot !
If they make Kato, I'll let you know...
Your Pal,
Gene Simmons new show is good I like it.
AAWWW poor baby licking his wounds.
Poor,Poor Kitty.
Heehee,he's too darn cute!
I've seen the Gene Simmoms show,it's pretty good. We all like it here,even though at times it seems a bit contrived...well more contrived than other shows of the like,lol. He seems surprisingly human and is a funny guy,in an understated way.
I was sad about Steve,he was just so young! I liked him,even if people freaked when he did the baby thing..he was still pretty cool in my eyes:)
Haa,Mum's are funny. You're not planning to actually ride a sting ray or anything,right?? I'm sure you'll be just f.i.n.e.
My mum's big thing was telling me about every dead body found within a 100m radius of anywhere I was going. Be careful she'd say,lol...gee thanks. Meanwhile,we'd be on edge looking for corpses the whole time;p
It was very unfortunate about Steve. I really enjoyed his shows and learned a great deal watching them.
I know he will be missed by many.
Hey a new Zambo post!!! woooohooooo!
I love the Gene Simmons show on A&E, his son is soooo cute! His daughter is cute too. The kids seem very well mannered and behaved, I guess I thought they would like Ozzies kids or something.
It is very sad about Steve Irwin, a very freaky thing really!
I agree with you about the Supernova songs, I am not impressed. A friend of mine is so hooked on this show she is planning a trip a trip to New York next year to see them at the radio city Music hall. Not me, I like to watch from home :)
I just saw this Gene Simmons show the other day and was suprised how much I liked it.
Haven't found it again so now I'm going to go search for it!
Hey Zambo, too bad about the weather there. We had great weather for the weekend...and that's one of the only things I remember about it.
By the way nice
Pretty kitty.
Leonardo Action Figures!
Want one.
'Nuff said.
Wow. What other action figures do they have? I'd like to see how Leonardo handles himself with my Darth Vader...
Good Morning!
We used to have a pool. They are a lot of work. We used to check the skimmer every morning to see what goodies were captured during the night. I never knew those bugs were called potato bugs. I call them "rolly pollies" Hahaaa!!
It's getting pretty cold here now,and most of the pools are closed up. How late in the season do you keep yours open??
I keep meaning to catch Gene's new show, but always miss it. I have heard good things about it though.
That's a cool new action figure you found! If I remember right, you collect them, don't you??
Achilles is soooo cute! Poor little bugger. I hope he mends up soon. I love the pictures of him :) Well, all except for the middle one of him licking his empty ball sacks...hehehee
I will miss Steve too. His show was always one the whole family could watch and laugh together at.
When blogger doesn't let me post photo's I use image shack. Here is the url:
Sorry, I am no good at making clickable links in comments :)
So, has your mom called yet??
Have a good one, Monkey Boi.
Well, thank heavens the paintings are removable, so you can add your own. Phew! Was worried their a moment.
And the kitty is cute...he must be so happy you saved him.
And I went to Canada's Wonderland this one time on a band trip in the 8th grade for a music competition. Yup.
Hate to see the pool close down for another year. You know that summer has officially ended when it does.
I don't have cable so I can't really comment on the Steve Simmons show... but KISS me anytime. I loved their shows.
Yes Crock Man was an alright dude... 'cept for the baby dangle... not very many people die doing the things that they love most. Almost kinda meant to be.
Take care ZAMBO
I saw those action figures in a store the other day, there was Jesus Christ, Beetle-juice, Moses and just TONS more, pretty neat little collections.
congrats Achilles on the de-balls-ing!! when my cat Darth was fixed, it was a sad little pop-pop, but worth it in the end, they can hold up pretty good to pain.
Oh man...I JUST got back from the museum and say a Van Gogh action figure (has two heads, one with the bandaged ear. I came SOOOO close to buying it! You could have had a collection.
Achilles didn't get a cone? LUCKY! I don't know about dying doing something you love. I think I'd rather live doing something I hate...well, based on the past two years that's the case anyway.
Like your new doll :P
Wow, what other famous historical people have been made into action figures?!
Achilles looks soft, yet possibly grumpy :\
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