Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Long Overdue...

Greetings Blogger Pals.

I hope this note finds you all well.

So I got my laptop back a few weeks ago...good as new, but I haven't had a lot of free time to do much Blogging...

I'm not gonna lie to you, the year's off to a bit of a shaky start...On our first day back in January our boss got called to a meeting. He was asked to bring his laptop to this meeting...Apparently this is the corporate equivalent of seeing a plastic drop sheet on the floor in mob circles. Needless to say, he was 'let go'...It would appear that the company I work for is employing a new strategy in its pursuit of profit. I won't go into too much detail, but in my opinion, this tactic will involve a lot more sales people and a lot less people who still have their souls...(In a rather ironic twist, the guy who fired our boss used to be our boss...He's retiring, so we're all chipping in to get him a gift...a laptop)...So we got a new boss and businessbots from head office will be visiting to shake things up. Pretty cool, huh? Our new boss seems nice though...I'll keep you posted on any interesting Head Office developments...

But enough about that nonsense...As I type this I'm sitting in Miami International Airport, en route to Hawaii...Things got all messed up this morning though...When we got to Toronto, the lady at the desk told us that our flight to Chicago had been cancelled due to weather...But she could re-route us. When she checked our info, it would seem that our flight plans had been changed...She said that we were supposed to leave yesterday and that we missed the flight...(Nobody told us though)...But not to worry, she turned out to be very nice and hooked us up with some sweet seats and now we're in Miami...We have a longer layover here than was originally planned for Chicago, but I'm thinking that things will turn out OK. We coulda tried to get to Honolulu on an earlier flight, but our luggage won't get there 'til much later...Lasagna got on the horn and everything should go as originally planned...after today...maybe...

The plane that brought us to Miami...

...I got interrupted for a few minutes there...

As I was working on this post, in a kinda remote part of the airport, with an outlet to plug this thing into, a security guy comes over and I give him the old courtesy nod that tough guys do...Then another security guy comes over and sits across from me...Then another one comes over and sits to the right of me...I started to wonder if I was about to be taken down the hard way. I smiled at the guy across from me and told him I felt like I was being surrounded. He said that I was about to be really surrounded...I guess they meet here every day to do a head count and go over Security stuff before their meeting...So I start to feel uncomfortable and ask the guy to my right if I should go and he said yeah. So I start to pack my shit up...iPod, Laptop, camera, etc. ...I ask if I can just leave my stuff here, since it's plugged in and go away 'til they're done, then come back...Then he says it's OK, they'll be done in a minute. So the Grand Pubah of Security comes by and tells them they have 30 seconds to get downstairs. By now there are about 20 security folks all around me...They're all kidding around and then the guy goes, "20 seconds"...Sound like a load of laughs, that guy...

Anyway, I'm listening to Stern online right now...I forgot I could do that...I must be slipping...

So here's some simian-type stuff for you:

The new delightful snack from Vachon...Igor. Tasty and available in chocolate and vanilla.

The Further Adventures of Trunk Monkey (But it's really a chimp)..

And now som truly classic footage from Man vs. Beast on Fox a few years ago...It's not all ape-related, but it's all amazing!

Chimp vs. Navy Seal

Takeru "Tsunami" Kobayashi Vs. Oso Kodiak

Elephant vs. Little People

Sumo vs. Orangutan

For those of you who are still checking in, that's what's happening in Zambotown.

I'll do my best to make the rounds...

Take care out there, Bloggerinos!

Your Pal,



Blogger Lynda said...

Sorry they are doing so much monkey business at your work. There is an important thing to remember about business though.

An business is like a tree full of monkeys, all on different limbs at different levels.

Some monkeys are climbing up, some down.

The monkeys on top look down and see a tree full of smiling faces.

The monkeys on the bottom look up and see nothing but assholes.

My husband loves that story!! Sorry I haven't visited much. Hope you have a great trip.

3:13 PM  
Blogger Mz.Elle said...

Zambo! It's great to see you!
Can't wait til you're in Paradise:)
Give us updates!

5:29 PM  
Blogger Mel said...

Hey, long time so see! We missed ya!

Work shakeup can be good, mine sure was. I am longer miserable at work!

Have fun in paradise, remember to post pics!

8:31 PM  
Blogger BeatDogg said...

Dude, I thought that story was going to end with a cavity search for sure... I was a little disappointed when it didn't, to be honest. I need some new material.


11:37 PM  
Blogger BeatDogg said...

heh heh... I can just picture that security team scene... you look vaguely Middle Eastern, and if you didn't shave yesterday (safe bet?), you were probably looking a little "suspicious"... with a laptop... in an airport... I can't believe it didn't end in a cavity search! "SWARM! SWARM! SWARM!"

11:00 AM  
Blogger junebee said...

So, did you like MIA? It's one of my favorite places. It has fond memories for me because the Citizen and I ended up there alot when we dated. If you pass through on your way home, eat at La Carreta, I believe it's near Airside E. It has excellent Cuban food. All the pilots, flight attendants and baggage handlers eat there. We've eaten there several times, it's almost worth a flight to Miami just for that. Enjoy Hawaii too. I loved eating Macadamia nut everything (pancakes, ice cream, on fish, in chocolage) when I was there.

6:45 PM  
Blogger Scary Monster said...

ZAMBOOOOO!!. My man, Me thought you just up and dissapeared offa the edge of the blogworld. So good to hear from you again. me had a somewhat similar experience with security folks in Dallas, man the presence of more than three robocops can really shake you up. All me wanted to do was find an area to smoke a cigarette in and all of a sudden Lil ol Me was bein asked all kinds of questions about me destination. This was before Sept. 11, so Me was totally unprepared for it. Almost made me want to give up smoking, almost.

7:34 AM  
Blogger Hale McKay said...

Hey! Hey! Zambo's back!

Enjoy your trip. Tough life - layover on Miami!

Take care. Looking forward to some more funny stuff.

11:24 PM  
Blogger NYD said...

Hey Zambo good to see you are no longer MIA. Hope the shake ups at work don't shake you up. And if you are gonna get in trouble at the airport make certain you keep a Get out of jail card tucked safely in yer wallet. Enjoy your trip and keep in touch.


3:15 AM  
Blogger keeks said...

Hmm... is this above ground "work" or basement "work". I'm so glad I left. Hope all is well in the bunker and outside of it. Happy Valentine's day to you and Lasagna :)

8:46 PM  

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