Hot Days...
I have to admit that I have totally sucked at keeping up with the Blog action these days...But last night I had planned on going home and catching up on all my pals' Blogs...Worksville was hit with a tornado warning, according to all the chicken littles around the roost...
As I was driving home, I found myself in a downpour that rivaled the one in "Identity"...There was a moment where I actually thought about turning back...But then, as I got closer to home, things were clear and bright...So I did some routine "just-got-home" stuff, then went for a swim!

It's been pretty darn hot these days...If you look at my last summer's heat gauge, it's even hotter this year and it's only June first...
My main short-term goal these past few days has been to power through the work day and get home for a swim before dark...I'm a simple man and have simple needs. There's something quite soothing about swimming. The volume on everything else gets turned way down and other stuff doesn't seem to matter as much when I'm swimming...
After a hard day at the Dream Academy, it's nice to take a dip...I got sorta depressed during the winter when the pool was closed, but the funk has lifted recently...I feel happier...(Even though it's been pretty humid)...
On the weekends we tend to do a lot around the yard and I tend to "sweat like a motherfucker" if you will...My only solace comes from knowing that I get to take the plunge when all the labour is over. Getting a house with a pool and subscribing to SIRIUS satellite radio are among the best decisions I have ever made in my life...(Plus tricking Lasagna into falling for me)...
Anyway, last year I always prepared myself to find dead beasts in the pool's skimmer, but there were none...So far this season, we have already found three fallen beasts: a mouse and two birds...I'm a little suspicious about the birds...seems odd...Lasagna has what can be described as a Hitchcockian fear of birds...So she insisted that I dispose of them immediately...If we have another, I'm gonna have to examine the body and maybe take it to a lab...'cause that's just plain weird...(I hope it's not West Nile... Maybe they're just bad swimmers...or maybe it's just a local kid shooting them with his Red Ryder BB Gun for kicks...I'll keep you posted...Hopefully)...
So we watched "Hostel" last night...It was interesting to see how different people choose to amuse themselves...The college-aged guys were looking to get laid and score drugs...the gang of kids would terrorize tourists to score treats, the local crack whores would lure young men to horrific situations for money and the bored, rich men would do all sorts of depraved stuff to get a thrill...I won't spoil it in case you plan on watching it...I'm pretty desensitized to most forms of violence, but there is at least one cringe-worthy scene...In the Special Features, director Eli Roth mentions that the story was inspired by stories of rich guys going to Thailand and paying lots of money to "get to" shoot people in the head for a rush...Roth said he wanted to do a documentary, but found that it would be pretty dangerous...You can also see the street kids bust out the moves behind the scenes...Those little Czech kids sure can break dance! It was an oversimplified film overall, but still pretty good. Kinda predictable, but it got its point across. I was reminded of such films as "Hard Target" and "Surviving the Game" ...where the rich dudes hunt men as the ultimate prey...But the guys in this film are more like the time I saw celebrities hunting boars that were pretty much plunked right in front of them...All they had to do was pull the trigger...Good for them! They are the nation's true heroes, I think...So brave and powerful...(In case you're reading this literally, I am kidding...I think they're assholes)...I guess this practise is referred to as a canned hunt ...
In other news, Lasagna and I are going to see Jon Stewart in two weeks! He'll be at a nearby casino...It should be good. Here's a clip from "The Daily Show", featuring Mr. Fumbles, one of the show's writers.
Take care out there!
Your Pal,
Blogger has ceased allowing images to be posted...or I would have posted a few more...Oh well...At least I got to add a Blogroll...(If you're a regular visitor and I haven't listed you, please let me know and I'll add you to the list)...
That movie sounds scary. I haven't stayed in hostels for a good 15 years or so... especially not Slovakian hostels, it's been a good 20 years since I've done anything crazy like that!
And now for some word association:
Zambo's pool: covet, jealous, envy, maybe moving isn't such a bad idea
Take care Zambo
Swimming's great if you're a guy...but when you're a girl and afterwards you have to redo your makeup, and wsh your long hair, and dry it...then it loses just a bit of it's glamour :)
I grew up with a pool in my backyard. I sure do miss those lazy days of sunning and swimming. Not to mention the mad ass wicked skinny dipping parties I was pron to throw when the rents were away for the weekend!
The movie sounds interesting, but I know I am probably feeling too sensitive these days to watch it this weekend. I am a leaky eyed, moody woman. I blame it on the humidity. Been hella hot here too, lately.
It's good to see that you have the pool to escape to at the end of the day. It's always nice to have something to look forward to isn't it?
Well..I gotta jett for now. Have a wonderful relaxing weekend Monkey Boi!
You've certainly got a nice pool there, friend. When I saw the picture I said, "this can't be in Canada - impossible!"
I could imagine how nice a swim could be after one "sweats like a motherfucker" :)
I haven't seen Hostel but I'd love to see it sometime. Perhaps I'll rent it in the next few days. I haven't been scared the hell out of in a while.
Hope all is well with you, Zambo.
That movie sounds disturbing*shudder*
I don't do well with stuff like that,makes me ill,literally.
I'm waaay too sensitve.
Thanks for the heads up,now I'll know what to expect if I see it out there and hubby wants to rent it:)
Mmmmm,a pool!
We bought one of those cheap self inflating ones and even it has saved my butt numerous times. It's just the right size for cooling off.
I'm glad you get to enjoy yours again!
What a great blog! I can't believe you lagged at it. You have to write more. Lasagna sounds delicious. SIRIUS is my life. I heard it is great in Canada, too. Did you guys get Stern yet? BTW, the pool looks nice. Have you and Lasagna tried it out yet????? I bet the pool may definitely like that combination.
hi Zambo!
One of the reasons we're moving is to be closer to lakes and rivers and the ocean, so that we can swim EVERY DAY this summer! Woo hoo! Swimming is the BEST!
Wow, we're headed to Toronto on Tuesday and I was looking forward to a break in the heat and humidity in Florida. Since we're going to Niagara Falls too, I thought it might be cooler around the water and thus was planning to pack long clothes for the kids. But sounds like it's not needed.
I read on the internet the average temp in Toronto is 74 F. What have the temps been lately? (C or F, I can convert.)
So good to see you're back Zambo!
I checked a few times, no new entry!
You love your pool, eh? Man I wish I could unload at the end of the day like that!
I've heard from a few different sources that we're going to have a really humid summer...ugh!
I'm hiding out at the beach!
Hi Zambo,
pool looks soo nice and cool. Can I come have a dip in it?? I promise to clean up after myself.
It is going to be a hot one this year.
Thanks for the heads up on the movie. I will pass on that one.
Take care, stay cool, stay out of trouble heehee :)
You know between getting back up to speed and "Blogger" acting funky -- you're right, a swim sounds great!
Now if I could only find a beach in Atlanta (sigh).
Great to have you back -- I miss you!
MMM..beautiful pool Zambo.
I was over at Spiders blog and read what you wrote there about mine and Spiders and Kimbers friendship...and you're right.
It's a life long bond, and they really are a 'swell bunch of gals'.
I found it really touching that you noticed that.
Thanks Zambo, you made my day!
Yo Mr. Zambo0o0o0o!!!
Hey man that might be a good thing to have that bird checked out...I unfortunately have been a victim of the media's Bird-Flu scare since it appeared in the news in late July.
You 2 are so friggin' lucky to go see Jon Stewart that guy is hilarious! Bring a stuffed monkey (in lieu of a real one) and see if Jon will pose with it, that would be pretty cool, though a grown man with a stuffed monkey may look odd...maybe Lasagna wouldn't mind......
Man, I saw Hostel at the theater and I remember just walking out like, "What the hell was that?". I will say this though, Hostel has nothing on the movie " The Hills have eyes", that had some "moments".
Anyhoo, thanks for stopping by and keeping the ""Flashes of Brilliance" section 0 free!
Hey how do Canadiand spell Canada?
C eh? N eh? D eh?...;)
Pool party! Brilliant idea from Lingo. So many times, Zambo, I too have been "sweating like a motherfucker" after yardwork, and would have killed to be able to take a dip in a pool. I understand your love of it, especially after a long day at work. Hope you continue to have "pool worthy" weather.
If it gets hot while we're in Canada, we're coming to your pool.
I'll bring the beer.
Hi Zambo!
That is one fine pool, yes indeed.
One of my favourite days last summer was spent half in a swimming pool. Not my own alas.
Thanks for all the comments, Blogger Buddies!
Sorry I haven't been responding to everybody's comments individually lately...
As for a pool party, that sounds like a good theory. But with all the sassy Blogger Gals sporting various 1 and 2-piece numbers, there are bound to be all sorts of distracted fellows, getting hurt trying to impress them...(Trust me. I've seen it happen)...Also, we have one of those cooler rafts that we keep filled with a variety of drinks...Again, another recipe for disaster...and all sorts of sexy "misunderstandings"...
Anyway, how's July for everybody?
Maybe we'll roll the dice and see what happens...
Take care out there and remember to employ the buddy system when swimming recreationally!
Your Pal,
Hey, I second the pool party idea! I'm so I'm loving the Blogger Buddies made me think of how everyone is connected in this big giant web. Like the old phone commercial from the 80s...
We're alllll connected...New York Telephone!
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