Mostly Superman...
I hope things are going well and that you have all your ducks in a row or whatever...
Until I watched Trailer 1 for "Superman Returns", I had never really considered the Superman as Christ angle...(I'm more of a Batman fan anyway...He's a self-made man, whereas Superman was born with his abilities and never really had to try that hard, in my opinion. I don't really wish to argue this point too extensively since I'm thirty-something...but if you prefer Superman, good for you)...So in the trailer, you can hear archival Brando narration as Jor-El..(or God maybe?)...Here's what he says:
Even though you’ve been raised as a human being, you are not one of them…They could be a great people, Kal-El …They wish to be…They only lack the light to show the way...For this reason above all…Their capacity for good…I have sent them you, my only son.
Interesting, huh? That's certainly something to think about, I guess... I did a quicky search and found a few related images...

But enough about that...Here's what could happen when the apes take over the DC Comics Universe...(It's an old one, but a personal favourite of mine...I recently found a shirt with this image printed on it! Which I think is kinda cool...if odd)...

So on Saturday we went to Chapters (book store) 'cause I wanted to get “In Me Own Words” the first in the Bigfoot series by Graham Roumieu…but alas, they didn’t have it in stock…So I browsed around at other books…Lasagna had to return something at a different store so I killed some time while I waited for her…Da Vinci mania is sweeping the nation these days due to “The Da Vinci Code” coming out on May 19…I'd like to see it, despite Tom Hanks' pathetic hair don't...It feels to me sorta like when you really like a band and then they become really popular…then everybody seems to like them and you feel somewhat let down…That’s kinda how I feel about all this Da Vinci hype…I’m glad that people are showing an interest in this great figure of human history, but there’s a part of me that was pleased to know about him when others didn’t…I guess that’s a selfish outlook, but that’s the way it is…It’s also weird when you think you’re a huge fan of a band and on your way to the concert you think…”Man I’m they’re biggest fan…ever…For sure” Then when you get there, you notice people dressed like the band or people with the band’s logo branded on their foreheads…and you think, “Maybe that guy’s more into them than I am”… I was browsing for books of interest, I was near the Starbucks section of the store and could hear the person who would probably tell people that she's a "barista", I guess...calling out all these outrageously named coffee drinks...(In Spanish, barrista means gymnast on the horizontal bars...which is more interesting to me than making designer coffee for urban go-getters)...There have been lots of jokes related to "mocha-frappe-latte" and other such names...but after standing there for a few minutes, I began to get really angry at what's become of I went to the magazine racks, where I found a few magazines of interest...I bought the recent issue of Adbusters and Lee's Toy Review...
In Lee's Toy Review, I spotted this pic that gave me a bit of a chuckle and is relevant to the whole Superman topic...

I ended up ordering "In Me Own Words" and "A Really Super Book About Squirrels" (which is illustrated by Roumieu) from when I got home...So that's the happy ending, I guess...
Hey! Look up in the sky!
It's a bird!
It's a plane!
It's Beppo the Super-Monkey!
Take care out there, folks!
Your Pal,
Loved this part of your post... had me gigglin in my cube:
"I'm more of a Batman fan anyway...He's a self-made man, whereas Superman was born with his abilities and never really had to try that hard, in my opinion. I don't really wish to argue this point too extensively since I'm thirty-something...but if you prefer Superman, good for you"
Sorry to hear the buzz about the Da Vinci code is creating such turmoil for ya Zambo - I think for a lot of people it isn't the Da Vinci stuff...but the religious stuff that's causing the stir (and to be fair, the book wasn't that well written, so there's hope for a decent screenplay).
and one last thing...Me want half-caf-no-whip-grande-mocha-latte-mathingy.
Hey Zambo,
I too have had many thoughts about the Da Vinci Code turmoil. People are getting all worked up without actually looking at the history the story is allegedly based on. This book is entirely fiction, and the theories that he touches on are far more complicated than the book indicates, and he very broadly glosses over significan historical facts. I think its great if people are taking interest, but I hope if they are interested, they will do a little bit of real and objective research.
For the first time ever, I went to Starbucks just the other week. I heard others ordering in some weird language, but I couldn't do it. I asked for a coffee, no extra words... just a coffee. They actually looked at me a little strange.
Until next time,
You are too cute with your monkeys. I can't wait till they take over...too many bad human men out there! And I bet when they see someone's breasts, they SAY something. Or at least grunt. ;) that monkey wearing underoos??
Wow, Superman is our new world saviour? Not too sure if I can trust him to save me AS WELL as the rest of the world, but he IS cute with his little monkey Beppo!
I feel ya with the popularity of Da vinci Code. I used to think Orlando Bloom was good lookin', till all the other girls tho't so too, and he quickly lost his charm...
P.S. Nice and quick with the postings lately, I'm liking it!
Let us know what you think of your "In Me Own Words' book when you get it!
Is it just me... or is that goddamn Beppo giving anyone else a case of the heebie jeebies? I wouldn't trust that little bastard as far as I could throw him. He looks like he's scheming... and with his super strength, he could tear off your testes and beat you half to death before you knew anything was happening.
When I saw Trailer 1 for Superman the other day, I thought it was weird that they were throwing the christ angle in there too... I guess Singer is trying to elevate this thing above your standard comic book fare... There is a whole "resurrection" theme to this one too. Further food for thought: there are all kinds of rumours and speculation that the new Superman (Brandon Routh) may be into the fellas. So now we have a christ figure in brightly coloured tights, whose true identity is revealed when he comes out of the closet - uhhh, I mean phone booth, portrayed by a guy who prefers sausage, directed by a guy who is openly gay... They're gaying up Superman AND Jesus! Imagine the uproar when nerds and bible thumpers everywhere unite in a show of force to protest this movie.
Spacey looks awesome as Lex Luther, by the way.
"That’s kinda how I feel about all this Da Vinci hype…I’m glad that people are showing an interest in this great figure of human history, but there’s a part of me that was pleased to know about him when others didn’t."
Right there with ya buddy! I read both books (I mean "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" and "Da Vinci Code" years ago. I feel like I'm standing around wondering what all the fuss is about! What a clever marketing scheme!)
And as far as "Adbusters"?
Yeah...they rock!
AAWW I think Beppo is cute :)
I feel a tiny bit sorry for Dan Brown. (Well, as much as I can be sorry for a multimillionaire.) The guy just sat down and pounded out a potboiler ... total airplane / cottage fare ... but somehow, it ended up being a mega best seller, and now everyone is combing through his book with a fine tooth comb. Some nerd in a chatroom somewhere is going, "Gaaaahhh, it is clearly impossible to have Pope Pontificus the Second attending a secret conference of Master Masons in Lourdes in 1729 since he was bedridden and dying of syphilis at the time, glaven!" I don't think the book claims to be anything but fiction, does it? I dunno. I think that book, "Holy Blood Holy, Holy Grail" was revealed as a fraud years ago, right? Anyhow, it's downright sad that certain religious types are getting upset about it.
I never thought about the "Superman as Christ" angle either, but I once read a funny essay called "Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex". It posited that Superman must be a virgin, and remain so, because he would kill any woman he slept with. Not only with his, uh, superpowered, er, thrustings (ahem) but his sperm would shoot out with the force of a bullet. Okay, enough on this topic. You get the point. So Superman can never have sex, and must eternally remain chaste, like our friend JC. Unless he slept with Supergirl, but I think they might be related. Maybe Wonder Woman would be strong enough ... or, to cross comic book universes, She-Hulk. Hey, there's a movie! She-Hulk! Starring Jennifer Lopez.
Beppo makes me feel ... weowd.
Yeah, but isn't a good smug feeling at first when you were ahead of the curve with listening to some band or whatever and all of a sudden it becomes the most popular thing?
Hey Zambo! Did you find out what "spill the beans" comes from? I'd love to know!
Great post -- made me giggle, after which I had to read it out loud to Shawn.
And I totally agree: Batman > Superman. :)
Heheheehee,Super-Monkey..LOVE him!
Yo Zambo!!!
That part about a band's logo being tatooed on someone's forehead is friggin' funny man. I never met anyone that crazy for a band but I promise i'll snap a pic if I ever come across one, guaranteed!
Yeah whenever I go to Starbucks I always try to give 'em some outlandish name to keep the Coffee Gymnasts on their toes. Among my favorites: Bonquesha (why not), Shanequa, Gaston, Tarzan, Thumper and The Terminator. Sometimes they yell it other times they just look confused and chug an espresso.
Cool Postin Mr. Z!
Aaaww look at Beppo the Super-Monkey.
Yes, a fellow Batman fan. In the comic book world, Batman beat the snot out of Superman and rightfully so! Batman is far smarter than Superman.. isn't this common knowledge?
I don't know if I'm going to see this superman release though. I really liked the 'new' Batman though with Mr. Bale.
Hope all is well with you, friend!
So what is Jesus’ kryptonite?
I know what you mean about the popularity thing. There are a few bands that I loved and it felt like it was ruined when they hit it big. No more 35 people shows or talking to them afterwards. It was like a great little secret that got out.
I always have so much to think about after reading your posts. You are a floatilla of information, Zambo!
Take care you crazy monkey boy,
As a Starbucks afectionado, I hang my head in shame ... sigh.
What's poppin Zambo? Great post!
Have a wonderful week!
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