Update...Long Overdue...But Not Overly Meaningful...
Hey Blogger Buddies.
Once again I have been a bit of a deadbeat Blogger lately...With the warmer weather around here these days, there's been a lot of stuff to do that doesn't involve a computer...(Hooray for the sunshine and the cute little outfits that some of the gals are starting to wear! Boo for the annoyingly slappy, flip-floppy shoes that come with the aforementioned "cute little outfits")...
It's been a little bit rainy the past few days though...There's nothing quite like going out for lunch when it's nice out and then getting caught in a torrential downpour on the way back. It's the best when the back of your pants stick to the back of your legs as they dry...Even better still, is when you come back looking like you just got deloused "Planet of the Apes"-style and some people will ask, "Is it raining out?"...To which we really should reply "No" and then sit down without another word about it...but we have to work with these people every day...I suppose we could tell them we were trying out that new gum, Trident Splash and got hit by a tidal wave...but it's nice out otherwise...(If you're not familiar with the ad, there's a bunch of folks waiting for a bus and then a guy shows up in a Speedo and pops a Trident Splash out of his blister pack...Then they're all hit by a tidal wave...It's that refreshing!)...
Anyway, once it was raining so hard after lunch that we stopped to seek shelter under one of the awnings of a downtown eatery. The buildings' gutters were filling up so fast that they were washing out onto the sidewalks...There were cigarette butts and used condoms and all manner of other filth surfing towards the street...All we could think was that one day a real rain would come...à la "Taxi Driver"..."Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets"...We're still waiting...Downtown is a real mess...
Once again I have been a bit of a deadbeat Blogger lately...With the warmer weather around here these days, there's been a lot of stuff to do that doesn't involve a computer...(Hooray for the sunshine and the cute little outfits that some of the gals are starting to wear! Boo for the annoyingly slappy, flip-floppy shoes that come with the aforementioned "cute little outfits")...
It's been a little bit rainy the past few days though...There's nothing quite like going out for lunch when it's nice out and then getting caught in a torrential downpour on the way back. It's the best when the back of your pants stick to the back of your legs as they dry...Even better still, is when you come back looking like you just got deloused "Planet of the Apes"-style and some people will ask, "Is it raining out?"...To which we really should reply "No" and then sit down without another word about it...but we have to work with these people every day...I suppose we could tell them we were trying out that new gum, Trident Splash and got hit by a tidal wave...but it's nice out otherwise...(If you're not familiar with the ad, there's a bunch of folks waiting for a bus and then a guy shows up in a Speedo and pops a Trident Splash out of his blister pack...Then they're all hit by a tidal wave...It's that refreshing!)...
Anyway, once it was raining so hard after lunch that we stopped to seek shelter under one of the awnings of a downtown eatery. The buildings' gutters were filling up so fast that they were washing out onto the sidewalks...There were cigarette butts and used condoms and all manner of other filth surfing towards the street...All we could think was that one day a real rain would come...à la "Taxi Driver"..."Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets"...We're still waiting...Downtown is a real mess...
Check the Urban Dictionary's description of Bukakke if you're not familiar with the term...then click this for a nonsexual, nonsensical video that's kinda funny...(Kinda like that "All Your Base Are Belong to Us" video from a few years ago...which is kinda boring)...

There's some sad simian news to report...On Sunday a little monkey was killed by a sloth bear in a Dutch zoo to the horror of many zoo visitors. The bear then carried the monkey's body to a den where a group of bears ate the little fella...The link at the end of the article had too much traffic, so the guy who took pix of the whole ordeal is now charging a fee to view them...R.I.P., little guy...
I didn't want to leave you on a sad note, so I have a link to a game where you have to try to walk as far as you can without falling over, after a night of drinking...It seems pretty simple, but it can get quite addictive...(if you're the competitive type)...If you have a chance, see how far you can get the little German guy to walk...
That's all I've got at the moment...
Take care out there!
Your Pal,
Geez Zambo where you been? hehe.
I gave up on the All Your Base Are Belong to Us video... it WAS kinda boring and at one point I thought I might be having a stroke.
Talk to you from the fiery pits of...my cubicle. Did I mention I have a new boss? I have a new boss..effective June 1st. I hope I can give my notice the same day hahahaha.
Have a good day :)
The little German guy looks like my old roommate Martin (one-third of the trio of German roommates fondly referred to as "The Germans"), right down to the facial hair and shorts. Boy, could The Germans drink!
Glad to see you around!
Yo Zambo!
Cities tend to have some of the nastiest things you can come across. I was working downtown New Orleans some time back and we were heading to the trailer where we had all our tools. Sure enough there in front of the trailer sat (or sprawled) a heap of crap that someone decided would be as close to a welcome mat as he could manage for us.
75 meters was my best....
hey zambo...you've been busy tooo huh...its hard to be a good blogger i think...especially with spring in the air...i used to be addicted to that stupid game...then it got to the point where i wanted to smash my computer because i was so bad at it..hahahha.
That drunk game IS rather addictive!
I checked out the link to the infant language study that you sent me... at first, I was intrigued, but the more I thought about it, the more I wondered what sort of long term effects this will have on the child... a little bit of Jeremy Bentham panopticon paranoia, anyone? :) Ha!
Maybe the male monkeys should get together and perform bukakke on the sloth bear!
...Maybe not - the bear might like it.
23 meters woohoo!
Thanks or sharing that tid bit of japanese culture with us. I'll let you know when I recover :P
Good to see you, Zambo.
That is sad news about the little monkey. The fact that people will now pay to see the pictures is even sadder :(
I am a good German drunk. I managed to walk 7 meters!
Oh and that whole Bukakke thing is promising to make my morning coffee turn and curdle inside my innards.
I found it interesting though, and will make sure to ask my Japanese friend if she knows how widely spread (or squirted) the punishment is in modern day Japan.
I hope the rain has cleared up by now and your pants didn't get too moldy...hahahaaa!!
Hugggerz Monkey Boi...
My best on a work break was 47 meters.
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