Post-Easter Post...
I hope everybody had a nice weekend. Hopefully you didn’t eat too much chocolate…I got a cute chocolate Easter chimp a little while ago, but I can’t bring myself to eat him yet…(I’m sure late one night, I’ll get him when he’s not looking. It'll be quick and painless. I promise)…

I was watching "Dirty Work" on the weekend, starring the always funny Norm MacDonald and the great Artie Lange.

Sam (Artie) and Mitch (Norm).
Mitch: Everything’s falling apart…Sam, do you remember how things were when we were young?
Sam: Yeah, it was great.
Mitch: Yeah, it was. I mean…I felt good about myself back then. You know, if somebody messed with me, no problem. I didn’t take crap from anybody. Now I’m in my 30s, I can’t hold a job. I go out with women I don’t even like. Worst of all, I take crap from absolutely everybody. Ah well…Things could be worse. I could’ve got my nose bit off by a Saigon whore.
I feel that way some days...except for the job part and the woman part...but it could be worse, I suppose. I got something from a Saigon whore once, but a shot cleared that right up...
I also watched the UFC 59 on Saturday night...( if the link doesn't work)...
I’ve been thinking of fighting a lot lately…I’ve been watching “Fight Club” pretty regularly and the UFC is in full effect ~ with the series starting up again and Saturday night's big event…It's kinda cool that these guys aspire to get a career where they get to beat on people regularly. I can't even remember the last time I beat on someone mercilessly...It was so long ago that the circumstances and smells have faded in my mind. Sure I've had a few entanglements in recent years, but nothing that would qualify as a beating or a "fight"...I think there's a part of us that longs for violence...What Johnny Cash referred to as "The Beast in Me" ...
In other news, there’s this scene in Napoleon Dynamite:
Deb: What are you drawing?
Napoleon Dynamite: A liger.
Deb: What's a liger?
Napoleon Dynamite: It's pretty much my favorite animal. It's like a lion and a tiger mixed... bred for its skills in magic.
Well, I received an e-mail the other day of pix of a liger. I decided to check with Snopes to see if such a beast exists…I had a feeling it didn’t, but the pix looked rather convincing…
According to Snopes, The word liger, documented as entering the English language in 1938, describes a real feline, the offspring of a male lion and a female tiger. (The opposite case, the offspring of a male tiger and a female lion, is known as a tigon.)
Maybe Battlecat was a Liger...Here's a handy breeding chart if you're interested...
More news from the jungle...
Thanks to Gobbles for mentioning Cheeta. I looked into it and found some interesting information.
Apparently, he's the world's oldest chimp and he now resides in a Primate Sanctuary where he lives a good life and paints...
I learned that chimpanzees rarely act beyond the age of ten because they become less manageable and less willing to follow directions. When the chimpanzees are retired, many of them are sold into biomedical research. [Wouldn’t it be cool if they did that with some of the modern “actors” we are forced to endure…singers too maybe, after 30]…Luckily Cheeta is flourishing in his surroundings...a bit like contemporary Tony Curtis...
Anyway, if you're interested in one of Cheeta's paintings, they're about $125 US and the proceeds go to the sanctuary. For a $25 donation, you get an autographed picture from Cheeta.
Take care out there!
Your Pal,
CUUUUTE chocolate chimpy!!! I would have eatten it the second i got it...but then again..i'm addicted to chocolate..i've been eatting it NON-STOP since yesterday..i've been eatting SO much chocolate...i think i'm turning into eyes have already turned brown..and my hair as well...eeeeeeeeeeeeep!!! If i turned into chocolate..i wouldn't be able to go out in the sun...because i would melt...I like battlecat...and i noticed that Cheeta is a lefty...just like you...NEAT-O!! :D (am i hyper??)
YAY!! I was the first to comment :)
Wow I forgot all about Battlecat, that cat was cool!
I heard about the UFC, my bud said that it was not money well spent, eh.
Rock on my friend!
Whoa, the liger looks pretty cool! The US Army should breed ligers and train them for battle... with armoured apes mounted on them. I would be scared shitless if I saw a herd (pride? school? covey?) of those things charging at me.
Cheetah's looking pretty spry for an old guy... I bet he could still hand you your own nutsack if you messed with him. I noticed he's not wearing diapers in any of those pictures, which is more than I can say for most 73 year old humans...
I would soo eat the chocolate monkey. I would eat it and say sorry Zambo with every chocolate luvin bite. :)
Cheeta looks good. I was wondering about that the other day when it was mentioned.
Wow,thanks for all that Zambo!
Those cats are huge,I never fully realized...
Heehee battlecaT! I remember him!
I have a beast within..for sure I do.
Are you enjoying the series? Dur and I are cheering on our boy from Surrey BC,lol it was pretty cool to see someone from our province!
Bye for now!
Where can I get a chocolate liger?
Cheeta paints in his retiring years? What if he painted in chocolate?? THEN I'd pay $125 us for a painting!!
What if A liger could paint in chcolate?...
Good Morning, Zambo!
I always wonder while reading your posts how you remember so many details.
I am jealous because I can hardly remember my phone number.
The chimp paintings are pretty cool. Perhaps you could pull that gig on the side and eventually take an early retirement?
Good to see you're still with us, Monkey Boy!
Think about it though..
Would Tony Curtis really have anything bio-science would be interested in? I mean whats not worn out is all modified through plastic surgery.
(I know that was wrong on a whole bunch of levels but I had to go there...)
Have a great week!
Hey, that's a good idea that the proceeds go back into the sanctuary.
I like it when money is used in a positive manner!
Hey Zambo...I have all your equipment in my locker. You should probably come get it cause I can't fit my numchucks in there anymore.
I wanna eat your chocolate monkey!!
I love Napoleon Dynamite...what a goofy movie!
I have been out of touch this week and am catching up. have a great rest of the week.
Holy christ! Somebody call somebody its a chocolate chimp!
Hi Zambo ... yet another entertaining, informative, and even bizarre post. It's the reason I keep coming back! I will store that knowledge about chimp actors being under 10. Now THAT's interesting.
Was missing your thoroughly entertaining, yet random posts! I'm digging the chocolate's great when people put thought into what they give you..even if you're tormented about eating it. that's a throwback. Immediately made me think of Lion-o (or however you spell it) from the Thundercats cartoon.
I kept thinking that the Liger was gonna eat those people eventually. My roommate had me watch this movie called Grizzly Man about some crazy dude living with the Grizzlies. It was all good till a mean one ate him.
Thanks for the handy Liger/Tigon wallet-sized chart! Love it!
Napoleon Dynamite - my most favourite film. Nothing says 'good post' like a quote from Napoleon Dynamite.
Fuck...Fuck...Holy Fuck me in the goat ass. I don't care how long I have to wait for your posts; my boner seems harder the longer I have to wait. If I had more piss I would have pissed myself more. That Liger looks FUCKING DEADLY. Just the look on my bro's cat seems like he could wrench my nuts off with much pleasure and ease. That bastard looks 100 times worse. I agree with the Beatdogg and military pursuits. Cats are quick and fucking crazy, especially with chimp riders. Do I smell a movie in the makes? I wonder what Cheeta is thinking about while painting? Probably not the same homocentric ideals as Tony. More of a concentric circles thing I think. I want to know what he's thinking: bananas, nut wrenching, chimp poon, death? He has such an intense look on his face.
You got a dog didn't you? That, or you kidnapped a baby...something is keeping you away from blogville and I'm determined to find out what...
i'm with shoebox..where aaaaaaaaare you zaaaaaaaaambo?!?!? huh huh huh?!??!!?
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