Now that I got your attention using the "FREE SEX" school of marketing, check out these cool "Painted Hands"...A friend sent me this via e-mail and I thought they were pretty neat...

Check out Koko, the signing gorilla, if you have a chance. She's also got busy hands and she seems like a sweet gal.
There are a few video clips on her site...one's with Mister Rogers...(it's kinda weird)...

I have more to report, but not much time lately...
A friend and I were chatting yesterday, and she said, "I told you about the monkey I had when I was a kid, right?" I was all, "WHAAAAT?!?!"...and then she told me all about it...She said she'd get some pictures to show me, so I'll post the pix when she gets them. But in case I forget or get hit by a bus or something, it was Christmas 1973...My friend's mom went to by the local pet store and saw that they had spider monkeys for sale. She thought, "Hey...I'll get the kids a monkey!"... a little spider monkey the kids eventually would name Buttercup, (due to the golden colouring of her chest area...like when you hold a buttercup to your chin and it looks yellow)...So she purchased Buttercup and left her with a friend down the street until Christmas, because the kids were curious and would no doubt have found out if there was a monkey in the house...So on Christmas Eve night, the kids noticed a large rectangular object in the middle of the living room that was covered in their grandmother's quilts...(My friend's parents, like so many other parents, would usually put out the larger gifts the night before, as the kids would get up really early on Christmas morning, eager with anticipation)...According to my friend, who was a little girl at the time, she and her other siblings didn't peek...but they did get up at about 6:30 the next morning...They all gathered around this mysterious object and were given permission to open it. Inside was a large cage, containing exactly one spider monkey...She was cute and seemed afraid...This was Buttercup!

So they decided to let her out. Being surrounded by two adults and four children, Buttercup did what can be expected...She darted towards the Christmas tree and hid within it for shelter. Try as they might, the kids couldn't convince little Buttercup that it was safe to come out. Feeling threatened, she grabbed ornaments and proceeded to throw them out of the tree like little hand grenades...They were shattering all over the place, according to my friend...I imagined Buttercup pulling the metal hooks out of the ornaments with her teeth, just before launching them and yelling "Fire in the hole!" in spider monkey-ese...
She eventually got used to the family and spent the most time with my friend's brother...Perhaps because of his deep voice, my friend thinks...She would sleep on his chest and ride around on his shoulder...The family enjoyed Buttercup for four years, but then she began to get a bit restless and possibly lonely...She ended up biting my friend's sister on the hand...The family decided that it would be best for all concerned if they gave Buttercup to another family who lived up the street and had coincidentally purchased a male spider monkey they had named Moonshine. So Buttercup and Moonshine were companions for the next ten years...They seemed happy, but never did produce a baby monkey. Then one day Moonshine got ill and eventually passed away...Buttercup soon followed...My friend said that she died of a broken heart...
I thought it was a pretty good little tale. I'll post the pix as soon as I get them.
Anyway, that's all for today.
Take care out there!
UFC this Saturday night! Should be good.
Your Pal,
Now that I got your attention using the "FREE SEX" school of marketing, check out these cool "Painted Hands"...A friend sent me this via e-mail and I thought they were pretty neat...

Check out Koko, the signing gorilla, if you have a chance. She's also got busy hands and she seems like a sweet gal.

I have more to report, but not much time lately...
A friend and I were chatting yesterday, and she said, "I told you about the monkey I had when I was a kid, right?" I was all, "WHAAAAT?!?!"...and then she told me all about it...She said she'd get some pictures to show me, so I'll post the pix when she gets them. But in case I forget or get hit by a bus or something, it was Christmas 1973...My friend's mom went to by the local pet store and saw that they had spider monkeys for sale. She thought, "Hey...I'll get the kids a monkey!"... a little spider monkey the kids eventually would name Buttercup, (due to the golden colouring of her chest area...like when you hold a buttercup to your chin and it looks yellow)...So she purchased Buttercup and left her with a friend down the street until Christmas, because the kids were curious and would no doubt have found out if there was a monkey in the house...So on Christmas Eve night, the kids noticed a large rectangular object in the middle of the living room that was covered in their grandmother's quilts...(My friend's parents, like so many other parents, would usually put out the larger gifts the night before, as the kids would get up really early on Christmas morning, eager with anticipation)...According to my friend, who was a little girl at the time, she and her other siblings didn't peek...but they did get up at about 6:30 the next morning...They all gathered around this mysterious object and were given permission to open it. Inside was a large cage, containing exactly one spider monkey...She was cute and seemed afraid...This was Buttercup!

So they decided to let her out. Being surrounded by two adults and four children, Buttercup did what can be expected...She darted towards the Christmas tree and hid within it for shelter. Try as they might, the kids couldn't convince little Buttercup that it was safe to come out. Feeling threatened, she grabbed ornaments and proceeded to throw them out of the tree like little hand grenades...They were shattering all over the place, according to my friend...I imagined Buttercup pulling the metal hooks out of the ornaments with her teeth, just before launching them and yelling "Fire in the hole!" in spider monkey-ese...
She eventually got used to the family and spent the most time with my friend's brother...Perhaps because of his deep voice, my friend thinks...She would sleep on his chest and ride around on his shoulder...The family enjoyed Buttercup for four years, but then she began to get a bit restless and possibly lonely...She ended up biting my friend's sister on the hand...The family decided that it would be best for all concerned if they gave Buttercup to another family who lived up the street and had coincidentally purchased a male spider monkey they had named Moonshine. So Buttercup and Moonshine were companions for the next ten years...They seemed happy, but never did produce a baby monkey. Then one day Moonshine got ill and eventually passed away...Buttercup soon followed...My friend said that she died of a broken heart...
I thought it was a pretty good little tale. I'll post the pix as soon as I get them.
Anyway, that's all for today.
Take care out there!
UFC this Saturday night! Should be good.
Your Pal,
Hi Zambo!
Very cool pics,I can't pick a favourite,I love them all!
Koko..sweet,sweet girl.I cannot watch that story on her and her kitty who died without sobbing my eyes out,lol
Hee Hee,I love the part in your story when Buttercup lobs stuff everywhere! That'd be so funny to see.
I'm glad she found a friend in Moonshine:)
Have a great day!
WOAH, those painted hands are trippy!
Good story..can't wait for the pics so don't get hit by a bus if you don't mind.
hand jobs and spider monkeys...can always count on you for a good time zambo :P
Aww Spider monkeys are cute!
Was this in Canada? Beacause I'm sure I haven't seen any pet spider monkeys lately, maybe it's due to the crackdown on immigration...
LOVE the hand jobs Zambo!
Those hand jobs were pretty cool.
And I thought for a second you'd say "her own feces" rather than "little hand grenades"
The people with the painted hands have too much time on their. uh...hands.
Great story. I never knew anyone that had a spider monkey for a pet. So Buttercup lived 14 years, that sounds pretty good for a housepet.
Wow, the first 3 letters of the word verification is my husband's name!
Morning Pal,
I love the hand jobs. I would have to say the elephant is my favorite. Can you imagine how much time and patience went into creating those works of art, only to have them washed off after a trip to the potty?
I love the spider monkey story. I could visualize the lil bugger throwing the ornaments out from within the tree...lmao! Her parents were brave to bring one of those creatures into the house. I have heard they are really high maintence, and all those diaper to change.....pewwww!
I am slowly getting caught up with everyone and in desperate search of another (Sherry)...
Have a wonderful weekend monkey boy,
Gosh, I almost spit my coffee at Shoebox's comment. LOL. Thank goodnes it was only ornaments she threw. Very cute tale.
Have a great weekend!
(Oh, and your Prince comment was too funny!)
Great photos!
I have a friend who's grandmother owned a monkey. She was only seven or eight when her grandmother got the monkey, and it would get jealous whenever my friend came to visit -- it didn't like having a little girl steal its position as the centre of attention. Eventually it began lobbing handfuls of faeces at her head whenever she was around, and for a monkey, it had good aim.
Needless to say, my friend didn't visit her grandmother often.
Stay well, Zambo! Have a great weekend!
"Hand jobs and spider monkeys" sounds like a great weekend in any language. Unless it's the spider monkeys giving the handjobs, because you just know those little bastards would end up emasculating you. I swear, after reading about that crazed chimp attack and the de-testiculation that ensued, I will forever associate monkeys with genital mutilation. And with rage-inducing viruses that decimate the world's population, but that's due mostly to "28 Days Later"... mostly. I also have a general sense that the apes are still pissed at us over the whole evolution/"why do THEY get to become the dominant species on the planet" thing. In that case, the dolphins should probably watch their asses too. Do dolphins have asses? Also, I would like to see a monkey fight a dolphin... on land, it's a no-brainer, my money's on Koko... but in the ocean, the dolphin would seem to have every advantage. Unless the monkey had a tuna net...
Aw... that is a sweet little story. Wish I had a monkey.
Love the hand pictures!
Love the story about Buttercup!
Great post! So sad about Buttercup, but it sounds like she had a good life.
Why do you build me up
Buttercup, baby
Just to let me down
and throw Christmas ornaments at my head
And then worst of all
you never call, baby
When you say you will
And I find out you're dead
I need you more than anyone, darlin'
You know that I have from the start
So build me up
Buttercup, don't break my heart
Hand jobs and monkey tales. And people might wonder why I love dropping in on Zambo's place.
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