Some might believe that there were forces out there that prevented me from posting this particular post, because it was so personal and so revealing…There was even a real photo of me!!!
It was a picture of me in a loincloth, from back in my competitive bodybuilding days…But alas, like a beautiful sunset, the moment can never be duplicated…It’s for the best, since it was an uncharacteristic moment of weakness…It probably won’t happen again for another 30 or so years…
You have no one but Blogger to thank/blame for this unfortunate set of circumstances...

Tonight we are going to see Jon Stewart at Casino Rama! I guess some people would be amped...or jazzed...or even stoked...I'm looking forward to it...I think it will be pretty funny and I'm lugging my copy of
America ...There's a part of me that would like him to sign it...but there's a part of me that realizes this probably won't happen...Also, there's a no cameras policy in effect, so I probably won't get a picture of him either...I guess I'll have to rely on memory for this one...
Have a swell weekend...and for goodness sake, take care out there, people!
Your Pal,
Artie Lange's
"Beer League" opens September 15th, 2006!
...and will close on September 18th, according to Shuli's roast material...
Beer League?
If I wanted to see a movie with an ugly guy with tits swinging a bat, I’d just check out Rosie O’Donnell in
A League of Their Own… "~Sal the Stockbroker~
We just got back from seeing Jon Stewart...It's a little after 3:30am...The night was filled with all sorts of emotions...There was the wondering if we'd get there in time...We left worksville at around 5 and got to the casino at a little after 8...The show was scheduled to begin at 9...traffic was a bit slow and Casino Rama is way north...(I'm not quite sure how they score the performers they get way the hell out there)...
Anyway, we got to the casino and we thought we should grab something to eat... We decided to go straight there to save time and that turned out to be a not-so-great idea...We ended up waiting in a line for like 30 minutes to get a sandwich, a bagel, a salad and two cans of apple juice for like $16...But we powered through our meal quick and dirty style and got to the auditorium just as they announced the doors were about to open...
Last month when I ordered the tickets online, Ticketmaster claimed that I would be sold the best available seats for this event...There was a nice little "convenience charge" too...Each ticket cost $92.50 ($87.75 + $4.75) so I figured we'd be fairly close to the stage...I didn't really check the exact location or the cost at the time...As it turns out, our seats were located at the very back left corner of the auditorium, in the upper deck...Jon Stewart looked about 1/2 an inch tall...Luckily there was a huge TV screen on either side of him...As soon as the show started, the disappointment began to fade away...Basically, it was 1 1/2 hours of non-stop laughs...He was really funny! His jokes were topical and delivered with his usual clever timing...He discussed politics, religion, science, pets and various other topics...It was a top-notch performance. He interacted with the audience a bit and it was an overall great night! Three guys got there late and tried to sneak to their the second row...(They must have sold a child into slavery to get those seats)...Anyway, Stewart asked them, "Where the fuck were you three?!?" They said their bus was late and he mocked them a little more...Then the camera guy focused on them and Stewart said, "Why are you filming them? They're nobodies! Up here!" I was cracking up...
Needless to say, I was lugging his book around all night for nothing...After the show, we decided to do a little gambling...So we hit the nickel slots...Lasagna and I each put a crisp $20 bill into the machines and we began our session...As a rule, I generally don't like to gamble...but when I do, I bet the max for maximum return...So after three or four spins, I won 5100 credits or $255...We decided to cash out at 4000 ($200) and to call it a night...Just then Lasagna got 845 credits ($42.25)...So we decided to pack it in...
After we cashed out, we drove back to worksville and Lasagna followed me home...I checked on the pool temperature...69 degrees Farenheit, or 20.5 degrees Celsius...I turned on the heater 'cause we're having people over to swim tomorrow (today really) and Sunday...Hopefully the weather's nice...Or else we'll have to entertain our guests in some other way...
The Artie Roast is being replayed as I type this...Life ain't so bad at the moment...
I guess I should get some rest...
Your Pal,
Chatty Zambo...
Have fun tonight!!
That is to bad blogger ate your post...
*@#^& you very much blogger, I bet it was one fine smokin photo of you.
Fortunately, I still have that 11x17 signed glossy picture of you ... I think it was when you were going for Mr. Universe, as I recall (sorry you didn't get it, but 3rd place isn't half bad) ... you're all greased up and shiny, wearing your gold lame nut sling ... WOW!
I might be willing to make some colour copies of this photo, but only if the price is right ...
:) u sure watch a lot of tv
but yea, was a good post indeed!
What? Blogger ate your post and you were FINALY going to be revealing and post a picture for us? Back up people, I am whipping out a can of Blogger Whoop AS*!
I bet it was a picture of your vein popping out of your temple too, wasn't it? Darn!
I think it's neat that you were so entertainted by the radio that you forgot one of your fav tv shows was on. Radio is much more stimulating. You know--you get to use your imagination and conjure up images of what you perceive is going on?
I am sorry you didn't get your book signed by JS. That had to be a major bummer. Perhaps he will come back again another time and you will have shot at it then?
You sure have been busy Monkey Boy! Life is good :)
Hi Zambo: We were in Niagara Falls this weekend. We stayed at the Hampton Inn on Victoria Ave. One thing I really enjoyed besides the falls themselves was the parks and grassy areas across the street from the falls. It was so nice to let the kids run around and sit in the sun. As you know, we had clear but cool weather which was nice. I did not see the falls at night but my BIL and SIL went out after dark to see it.
Unfortunately I did not get to do the walk around the falls that I wanted to. On Saturday night, the Citizen and I had the 14.95 Prime Rib at Brock Plaza hotel. Very worth it even though it wasn't exactly a place to take toddlers.
I went to the Hershey store on Falls Ave but my aunt lives near the real Hershey and can get all that stuff and more cheaper. I was just looking for Hershey's chocolate covered pretzels.
We went to some gardens also.
We drove all over creation looking for Fine Kettle of Fish on Portage Ave. but boy was it worth the trip. The fish and chips was outstanding.
I asked the Citizen, couldn't we live in FL just in the winter and live in Niagara Falls in the summer? It was so beautiful and reminded me of the woods in Pennsylvania.
I will actually read your post later. Just wanted to let you know we enjoyed the weekend in your neck of the woods.
Sounds like an action packed night. Good work at the casino! Pretty nice winnings, my friend.
Nothing pisses me off worse than paying top dollar for tix and finding myself in the nosebleed seats, or so far back you need a TV to see the live action.
But you had some good laughs. Won some cash, and had a great time. Bravo.
Holy FUCK....we've tried to enter the verification code 14 times with no SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our a loincloth...showing his face?!! Damn you, Blogger!
Awww Nooooooooo!!
Stupid,stupid blogger!!
The very same thing happened to Dur and Dev with Motley Crue.
Nice scam huh?
I'm glad you enjoyed the show!
I'm a fan too.
Hope you're Monday is a good one:)
I absolutely love your writing, Zam. It's a pity I don't have a bone of humour in my body.. but I have tons of love to give!
Be good out there!
No loinclothe pic? Oh come on?
Zambs - good stuff.
Sounds a little bit like a party.
Or am I just dreaming?
Ben O.
Hey Zambo! LoL, silly Blogger, JUST when I think I get to see you ALMOST nekked, they shut it all down!!
Glad you had fun at Jon Stewart!
Slots are great sometimes, in Niagara I won $45, and I only played with $20! My first timers luck!
Happy Tuesday!
Heh, I hate it when I write a post and Blogger loses it...or I can't post pictures, etc, etc.
But it often seems to happen on the days I'm in a foul mood so perhaps you're right and there's a good reason behind the times ya can't post.
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