Tuesday's Gone With The Wind...
Hello Fellow Bloggers.
I hope all is well out there.
I'll start with the lyrics to Green Day's "Burnout" from their bust-out hit album "Dookie"...
I declare I don't care no more
I'm burning up and out and Growing bored
In my smoked out boring room
My hair is shagging in my eyes
Dragging my feet to hit the Street tonight
To drive along these shit
Town lights
I'm not growing up,
I'm just burning out
And I stepped in line
To walk amongst the Dead
Oh apathy has rained on me
Now I'm feeling like aSoggy dream
So close to drowning but
I don't mind
I've lived inside this mental cave
Throw my emotions in the grave
Hell, who needs them anyway?
Chorus 2 x
(guitar and drum action)
Chorus 2 x
(This is loosely connected to the last post regarding professional burnout)...
Anyway...some guy who worked at our building died several months ago and I still don't know who he was...I thought I knew who it was, based on a vague description...but then I saw that guy smoking outside a few weeks later. I was glad to see he was still alive...(Sad to see him smoking though)...but I was a little frustrated at not knowing who had died...like I was disconnected from my surroundings or something...
I'm beginning to wonder what would happen if I dropped dead in my cubicle...
I think a conversation something like this would occur:
Person A: "Did you hear about that guy who died in his cubicle?"
Person B: "Which guy was it?"
Person A: "Hmmm...I'm not sure...but I'd know him to see him, I think...I heard he choked on a cupcake"...
Person B: "What's for lunch in the caf today?"
Then I think that I should be doing all the things I ever wanted to do...instead of wasting my time working this soul-crushing job at the yawn factory…
In "Fight Club" there's a pretty intense scene that always gets me thinking :
Narrator: [Tyler steers the car into the opposite lane and accelerates] What are you doing?
Tyler Durden: Guys, what would you wish you'd done before you died?
Steph: Paint a self-portrait.
The Mechanic: Build a house.
Tyler Durden: [to Narrator] And you?
Narrator: I don't know. Turn the wheel now, come on!
Tyler Durden: You have to know the answer to this question! If you died right now, how would you feel about your life?
Narrator: I don't know, I wouldn't feel anything good about my life, is that what you want to hear me say? Fine. Come on!
Tyler Durden: Not good enough.
Anyway...I'd like to end on a more chipper note...
(The link is to an audio file of the poem...It's a bit questionable for work or kids...you decide)...
Here's "The Candy Bar Poem" by one of my childhood heroes, John "Dr. Dirty" Valby...I have several of his records...
One PAYDAY, MR. GOODBAR wanted a BIT O' HONEY. So he took his Miss HERSHEY behind the POWERHOUSE on the corner of 5th AVENUE and CLARK where he there began to feel her MOUNDS. And that was an ALMOND JOY which definitely made his TOOSIE ROLL. He let out a SNICKER as he slipped his BUTTERFINGER up her KIT KAT which of course caused the MILKY WAY. She screamed "OH, HENRY!" as she squeezed his PETER, PAUL and ZAGNUTS and said "You're better than the 3MUSKETEERS!"
And since I just learned that Chef's death scene has been removed by YouTube...here's a different link, minus the cool Darth Vader ending...Sorry.
So that's all for right now.
Take care out there!
Your Pal,

I hope all is well out there.
I'll start with the lyrics to Green Day's "Burnout" from their bust-out hit album "Dookie"...
I declare I don't care no more
I'm burning up and out and Growing bored
In my smoked out boring room
My hair is shagging in my eyes
Dragging my feet to hit the Street tonight
To drive along these shit
Town lights
I'm not growing up,
I'm just burning out
And I stepped in line
To walk amongst the Dead
Oh apathy has rained on me
Now I'm feeling like aSoggy dream
So close to drowning but
I don't mind
I've lived inside this mental cave
Throw my emotions in the grave
Hell, who needs them anyway?
Chorus 2 x
(guitar and drum action)
Chorus 2 x
(This is loosely connected to the last post regarding professional burnout)...
Anyway...some guy who worked at our building died several months ago and I still don't know who he was...I thought I knew who it was, based on a vague description...but then I saw that guy smoking outside a few weeks later. I was glad to see he was still alive...(Sad to see him smoking though)...but I was a little frustrated at not knowing who had died...like I was disconnected from my surroundings or something...
I'm beginning to wonder what would happen if I dropped dead in my cubicle...
I think a conversation something like this would occur:
Person A: "Did you hear about that guy who died in his cubicle?"
Person B: "Which guy was it?"
Person A: "Hmmm...I'm not sure...but I'd know him to see him, I think...I heard he choked on a cupcake"...
Person B: "What's for lunch in the caf today?"
Then I think that I should be doing all the things I ever wanted to do...instead of wasting my time working this soul-crushing job at the yawn factory…
In "Fight Club" there's a pretty intense scene that always gets me thinking :
Narrator: [Tyler steers the car into the opposite lane and accelerates] What are you doing?
Tyler Durden: Guys, what would you wish you'd done before you died?
Steph: Paint a self-portrait.
The Mechanic: Build a house.
Tyler Durden: [to Narrator] And you?
Narrator: I don't know. Turn the wheel now, come on!
Tyler Durden: You have to know the answer to this question! If you died right now, how would you feel about your life?
Narrator: I don't know, I wouldn't feel anything good about my life, is that what you want to hear me say? Fine. Come on!
Tyler Durden: Not good enough.
Anyway...I'd like to end on a more chipper note...
(The link is to an audio file of the poem...It's a bit questionable for work or kids...you decide)...
Here's "The Candy Bar Poem" by one of my childhood heroes, John "Dr. Dirty" Valby...I have several of his records...
One PAYDAY, MR. GOODBAR wanted a BIT O' HONEY. So he took his Miss HERSHEY behind the POWERHOUSE on the corner of 5th AVENUE and CLARK where he there began to feel her MOUNDS. And that was an ALMOND JOY which definitely made his TOOSIE ROLL. He let out a SNICKER as he slipped his BUTTERFINGER up her KIT KAT which of course caused the MILKY WAY. She screamed "OH, HENRY!" as she squeezed his PETER, PAUL and ZAGNUTS and said "You're better than the 3MUSKETEERS!"
And since I just learned that Chef's death scene has been removed by YouTube...here's a different link, minus the cool Darth Vader ending...Sorry.
So that's all for right now.
Take care out there!
Your Pal,

Interesting chilhood hero....
If I died now I would wonder how i was still able to ty....jasdlhb
I feel your pain Zambo...
I had to complete my performance review and career planning documents today (the review is Thursday)...I was seriously considering answering "Where do you see yourself in 3 to 5 years" with "Happily employed elsewhere"
but thought better of it.
Talk to you soon :)
Carpe Diem or Seize the day! If there is one thing I have learned, it is that.
Of course, I am in a mind numbingly boring job too....
I have faced that question as I did almost die. But all the things I want to do invole money to do them and I am just a working stiff living from paycheck to paycheck. I am suffering from I dont want to work anymore period burnout LOL.
Hi Zambo!!
I have not heard the candy bar poem in a looong time. I laugh every time I read it.
haha i love that poem!! so funny :)that scene from fight club always makes me think as well..how many times have you watched that movie?? i can't even count how many times i've watched it..and it just keeps getting better and better and BETTER!! yesssssssss! oh ZAMBO!!!!!! Spring is HERE!! i'm soooooooo excited!!!! *hugs*!
Heehee,I love that poem!
You're giving us lots to think about...hugs from me too!
This was a very thought-provoking post, Zambo.
I just wanted you to know I was reading aloud from your post today--had to share the imagined conversation if you died. I laughed because it's funny, but ithas that uneasy ring of truth to it too.
I'm very glad though that both my husband and I work at places where the companies are small enough that if you die, it is definitely noticed.
A short while ago, I wrote about an Irish wake--that was for a fellow at my husband's workplace.
And two years ago, a good friend of mine who was also a co-worker passed away. Not only was a little memorial bench immediately put up at the entrance gate, but we are still having fund-raisers for a scholarship in her memory to a deserving student "story-teller" in the preschool field.
It's good to know that a person CAN live on in memory, even to semi-strangers like co-workers can often be.
Hi Zambo,
I am sorry work is dragging you down. Do you have any vacation time coming up?
--maybe you just need a break?
I am behind on the blogs....I am sorry I neglected yours.
I always enjoy my stay here.
Thanks for the entertainment :)
It's Friday Zambo.
I say we all go out and get drunk.
Whadda think??
Chin up kiddo.
Now, get out there and get some mud on your tires this weekend.
P.S. If you died all of us would definatly know something was up...and we would get Keeks to contact you.
You're safe with us, pal.
ANdddd....you would be** VERY VERY VERY** MISSED!
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