A New Post...
It's been a while since my last posting. I hope all is well!
"The Daily Show" recently did a story on the new methods of communication that we have at our disposal. The paradox of this communication technology is that it can connect us to people who are distant but it can separate us from those who are close to us, "creating new forms of social behaviour that blur the distinctions between online and real world interactions.”
My name is Zambo and I was a Blogaholic...For a while there, I was getting addicted to Blogsville, but lately I haven't had a lot of free time...
Anyway, we had Lasagna's niece stay over with us for the weekend and we went to Boston Pizza on Clifton Hill in Niagara Falls. We had pizza (Tropical Chicken) and then played games at the arcade in the basement. There were a lot of games that issue tickets which can be cashed in for various prizes. Normally, I like the first-person shooter games with the pseudo-realistic guns attached to them...but sadly they don't issue tickets. So I ended up playing this game where you drop a token into the slot and let it fall onto this spinning wheel. The object is to time it so that your token goes into a hole on the spinning wheel, thereby scoring 'bonus' points...So that game was like a ticket printing machine and we ended up getting enough tickets to cash in for Scooby-Doo (5000) seen below with a quarter on his nose to show scale...

Lasagna's niece got Scooby and we had enough tickets left over so I could get a monkey! (Seen on Scooby's neck below)...

Bart Has Two Mommies (HABF07)Airing: March 19thNed Flanders wins a new computer that features Susan Sarandon as the "You've Got Mail" voice and he offers it to Marge, as he has no use for it. In return, Marge babysits the Flanders children so that Ned can attend the Left-Handed Convention, where he meets New York Yankees pitcher Randy Johnson, who is selling left-handed teddy bears. With Marge spending so much time at The Flanders', Homer must look after Bart and Lisa. Homer takes the kids to an animal retirement home, but the trip goes awry when Toot-Toot the monkey pulls Bart into her cage and holds him hostage. Marge learns of the kidnapping when it is a breaking news report and she must figure out a way to get her son back.
It all ended up OK and the Chimp lady was reunited with her son, Mr. Teeny.
I enjoy "The War at Home" after "The Simpsons" ...
I also watched "Grey's Anatomy" and "The Sopranos" which were pretty good episodes...i wonder what's gonna happen with Tony.
Tonight the long-awaited return of "Prison Break" was on, followed by "The Apprentice" and then "24" ...Frankly, I'm spent. I got home at a few minutes to eight and managed to squeeze them all into my schedule as I got this post ready...I thought of an idea for a new show too (it's actually more of an SNL-type sketch). The basic idea is that it's a medical-type show, but the characters work exclusively on treating the casualties of "24" ...We never really get a chance to learn about the characters 'cause they're too busy treating victims and taking in bodies...It's just a thought...
Also, have you ever noticed that Paul Sr. from "American Chopper" bears a striking resemblance to The Cowardly Lion from "The Wizard of Oz"?
That's all for now.
I'll try to catch up with all my pals as soon as I can.
Take care out there!
Your Pal,
Wow, I do see a resemblance.
With a woof and a woof, and a royal growl--woof.
I find when I get behind on my blog buddies, I just have to pick up with the latest posts and go from there. That may help. :)
Wow Zambo...that was a long one!
I missed the Simpsons this week...but to make up for it I posted that lovely Gorilla picture for you hahaha.
I was gonna say, the resemblance is striking, especially in that last picture...then I realized what you'd done, sneaky little monkey!
Now I don't have to watch any tv at all!
Thanks Zambo!
hehehe i always look so forward to your posts!!! yipppeee!!!! i'm still waiting to hear if i'll be getting a new t-shirt anytime soon!!!! :P
They do look alike.
Scooby Do is soo cute. I am never any good at playing them games. The kiddos are always winning something out of the claw machines. I always loose my prize.
I missed War at Home this week. I like that show.
You take care too!!
huggiezzz to you Zambo!! :)
Hey Zambo!
Your evening out sounds fun!
I adore your little monkey;)
I thought of you while watching The Simpsons..it's funny I think of you now every time I see a primate,lol.
Hey Everybody.
Thanks once again for the comments!
Nicki, I'll work on a shirt for you...(I know your birthday's coming up...very soon!)...
In other exciting news, Beatdogg and I were at the mall tonight...we were in a store that sells DVDs and I heard a kid say, "Look at the monkey, mommy!" At first I thought she was referring to the "King Kong" poster (available on DVD March 28, by the way)...but no. The kid was pointing at the "Planet of the Apes Ultimate DVD Collection"!!! With ape bust that holds the DVDs!!! (Also available March 28, by the way)...My first impulse was that I must own this...Then I thought, it'll probably be several hundred dollars...but I must have it anyway! We wants it! We needs it!
Amazon lists it as CDN$ 174.99...Needless to say, I'll be pre-ordering it most rikki tik...
Good night.
Your Pal,
Good gawd - separated at birth, Paul Sr and the Lion -- that's terrific! I went years not watching any evening television shows at all -- didn't even know what times or days any show was on -- and now all of a sudden I weep openly if I can't be home Monday nights to watch 24. What's up with that?
My hubby ia soooooo addicted to 24!! They need some doctors or mourge staff or something, I think Edgars body was still laying on the floor this week!
I knew Paul Sr reminded me of someone!
Sounds like a good time at the pizza place!
Do you think I use too many of these!!!!! hehe...!
I hope you come into some more time to post soon, I do so miss your posts!
Hi Cool Monkey,
You are a dream of an Uncle! Your neice scored pretty darn well with the scooby plush.
I like the wheel game too. The ones here give out lots of tickets too. I keep mine though. By the time I fork out all that cash for tokens I want a prize in return.
I am mean like that...lol!
I have more to say, but I tried to post on Sherry's blog and it wouldn't let me.
If this goes through, I will return soon to finish.
Take care!
Very interesting commentary on the new methods of communication and how it now creates new forms of social behavior.
It's very much true. Communication via internet is a culture of it's own (with its own words and even symbols.) My sociology professor actually wrote her thesis on the idea of internet relationships and behavior between people in such a relationship. Very interesting stuff.
And Paul Sr. definitely looks like the lion from the wizad of oz.
haha.. good post, Zambo.
Thanks again to all my Blogger Buddies for your most excellent comments!
I hope to do some heavy-duty catching up and posting this weekend...but you never know how it's gonna go...
Until then...don't do anything too crazy.
If I don't get to it in time, I'd like to wish my pal, Nicki a very happy birthday!!! (tomorrow)...
That is all.
End of transmission...for now.
Take care out there!
Your Pal,
I am going to keep Boston Pizza in mind. We are going to Niagara Falls in June (the Canada side).
You list Anthony Bourdein in your favorite books. Tony totally rocks. If Lou Reed was a chef, he'd be Tony. His show was the only thing on Food Channel my husband would watch.
I love the Paul Sr. pictures...lmao!! Did you do that last one in photoshop?
You are one smurt monkey Zambo.
I hope you are enjoying your Friday. Don't feel pressured to blog. Just enjoy your time away from work and with Lasagne :)
Sorry I haven't responded to comments individually lately...Time has been limited. But thanks for dropping by!
I just passed out while strolling through Blogsville. It wasn't that I was bored...just plain exhausted...
I lost something that was very important to me this week (sentimentally as well as monetarily)...As a result, I've been in a bit of a funk for the last few days...But Lasagna found it in the strangest of places tonight and I feel like a heavy weight has been lifted!
Hmmm...About the Paul Sr. pic, I did manipulate the two images in Photoshop...(I am a smart and sneaky little monkey).
Welcome to newcomer Junebee! Thanks for dropping by. There's a lot to do when you're in the Niagara Falls area. June will be probably be very busy with tourists...
Thanks to Lynda for the CafePress advice and the tip on reading the latest posts when you've been out of the loop...(I usually try to read from where I left off, but it can get a bit overwhelming when you miss a few days)...
Lingo Slinger, I hope you're feeling better after that late night snack...sorry if the Boston Pizza story triggered it...I'm about 45 minutes from the Falls...But I grew up in the Niagara Region...(I noticed you were in Oakville in one of your videos, so I'm not too far from you)...
Since it's past 5 am, I'd better get some rest.
Take care out there, kids!
Your Pal,
i get the feeling you like monkeys...am i right?
I LOVE Prison break. and not ONLY 'cause hott intelligent guys are soo sexy...*dribble*
You are correct Leila.
Simians are pretty cool.
Your Pal,
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