Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Victim of Love...

Hey gang.

If you've ever been in a studio audience during the taping of a show, you will notice that you'll laugh more than you would if you were in your living room watching it on TV...You just get caught up in the moment...Anyway, Lasagna and I agreed that we were OK with the dinner and the stuff we already got for each other. But today after work I thought I'd get her some flowers...despite the clichéd foolishness of it all. I was fully aware of the silliness of buying flowers today, but I let the moment get the better of me. I went to a flower shop that I go to from time to time...there was quite the line up, but I thought I'd join the other 'assholes' and embrace the consumer that lurks just below the surface (it's in all of us, I, I don't care what people say, girls like getting nice flowers...maybe not 'all' girls...but I knew Lasagna was working late tonight and not feeling so great lately)...

Anyway, I got her some roses and a little Beanie Baby Guinea Pig named Twitch. Since she loves ours so much...

Our Guinea Pig, Freddie is on the left...with Twitch on the right
and the roses...(We already had the cool vase)...

Lasagna liked the little surprise...and then she got me a beer...

That's all for now.

Take care out there.

Your Pal,



We were playing with baby ferrets at a pet shop on the weekend. They were totally cute. We discussed getting two in the not-too-distant future...I still have a multi-level cage...somewhere...


Blogger kimber said...

Nothing says "love" like guinea pigs and beer! :D Happy V-Day to all!

1:14 AM  
Blogger Mel said...

awww the roses are lovely! You sappy sweet thing you!

5:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And a happy belated valentines day to you my friend!

I'm with Kimber on this one ... nothing says I love you like a guinea pig and roses. How fabulous!

Go on and keep doing the d*** thing. Tell her to give you a hug from me!


7:57 AM  
Blogger Spider Walk said...

Awww Zambo!
You are just too sweet!

I love the roses and the little piggy. We have a guinea pig too named Nibbles. They are nice little pets, except when they eat their poopies.

After all the romance and effort you put into VD, I certaintly HOPE you got MORE than a BEER!!

Take care my friend...

8:06 AM  
Blogger Linda said...

Thought I would drop by and say HI!! :)
Roses are beautiful!!

We had 2 ferrets once. Funny lil creatures.

11:01 AM  
Blogger StringMan said...

Zambo, you hopeless romantic! The guinea pigs, though admittedly not for everyone, are a nice touch.

11:52 AM  
Blogger Mz.Elle said...

Awwwww,that's so sweet.
I adore both pigs!
Freddie has the cutest little feet:)

Would you reccomend ferrets for kids?
Like a 12 year old boy?
Any advice??Thoughts??

I can't wait to hear about your new ferret adventures,should you decide to bring some babies home!

1:17 PM  
Blogger Spider Walk said...

My kids and I love this video! I bet you, Lasagne,and Freddie will too ;)

The Guinea Pig Way

3:31 PM  
Blogger nicki said...

awww are SWEEEET like sugar!! i love the little piggies..ehhehehe so very cute!!! thinking about some new pets as well?? thats so exciting! my belmont is sick right now :( i'm not sure if he is gonna make it :( anyways!! when u get your ferrets...can you name one noodle??

5:30 PM  
Blogger BeatDogg said...

Heh heh heh... dude... I bet two ferrets would go through a guinea pig like a hot knife through butter. I hope Freddie's got a sturdy enclosure. And after they're done with Freddie, they might turn on each other... Can ferrets co-exist peacefully with their own kind? I wonder if there are any laws against owning a wolverine...

1:05 AM  
Blogger Zambo said...

Hey gang!

Thanks for all the nice comments...and yours too Beatdogg!

I see a lot of familiar faces and would like to welcome new pal, beadinggalinMS!

Thanks to Spider Walk for that cute link...and as I mentioned on her site, Just for the record, I'm not really a 'Guinea Pig guy.' I'm more into dogs, ferrets and monkeys. (We got Freddie when a friend bought him for her kids...but her husband was 'deathly allergic'...Freddie's pretty cute and Lasagna really loves him. He doesn't do too much, but he kinda grows on you).

Also, as Beatdogg mentioned, I'm sure ferrets would probably do a number on him...They love bunnies...and Guinea Pigs is practically bunnies! (See "8 Ball Bunny"...original line is "penguins is practically chickens"...)

Anyway, I'm totally beat at the moments...Just woke up after a short blackout...Stern re-run is wrapping up...Nap soon...

Take care out there!

Your Pal,


1:50 AM  
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4:24 AM  

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