I hope that all is well.
I thought I' d do a post of some stuff that has come up these days...
Apparently the highly addictive online game, "BOOKWORM" does not acknowledge "FUCKER" as a word...Oh well...What can you do?

I have watched "Interview With Orson Welles" (1960) several times in the last few months on the Independent Film Channel (IFC). I really like this guy. He's flawed, but he's smart and entertaining. I think that Brain from "Pinky and the Brain" is based on him...
I took the following pix of my TV while I watched the show...I hope you like them...

Here's a link to an outtake from a wine commercial (you'll have to scroll down a bit)...There's also a great radio ad out there, where he goes all prima donna on the engineer...They used to play it on Stern's show a lot...I will look for it when I have more time. (If you manage to find it, it's quite funny)...
Anyway, here's this week in fruit:
Fig Newtons:
It would seem that this is the most popular form of the fig in North America...
But I have noticed that not a lot of folks know much about...
Fresh Figs:
I grew up eating fresh figs, and I really enjoy them. They're one of my favourite fruits...Here's a shot of my pops' tree from last summer. (Some figs are purple and some are green...He grows the purple ones)...

The past few times we've gone shopping, I've been fortunate enough to find cases of figs! So last weekend I bought a case for my folks and one for myself (Lasagna doesn't like them as much as I do, so she says I should enjoy them)...
We also got some bananas. They were "Dole"...but they had another sticker on them this time...

Anyway, that's about it for the moment... By the time I got all these pix loaded and this thing all set up, it's now 1:00am...So I'd better get some rest. Big day tomorrow. Gonna take over the world...
So remember to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables...
Take care out there!
Your Pal,
Good Morning Monkey Boy,
I love figs too. When I used to work for a nice Italian family their Grandpa used to bring me fresh figs,pears,peaches and cherrys that he would hand pick off his fruit trees before coming in to feed me--hahahaaa!. I haven't had a fig since Grandpa Deluca passed away :(
That game looks fun, but we all know any word game that doesn't acknowledge the word FUCK isn't really a realgame.
I hope you managed to get some zzzzz's last night.
And don't forget to eat some wheaties with those figs this morning. You are going to need the extra engergy when you take over the world.
Be kind to the little people,
P.S. I am surprised you haven't written about Sterns lawsuit. It's all over the headlines here in the states!
You're a BOOKWORM addict too? Yay! I'm lovin' the Monkey Man more each day. I clicked on your link for the wine outtake and never got to it...I was too shocked by the crassness of the American Apparel ad. Good grief!
Fresh figs are good. I've had fig "spread" on a grilled panini before.
Anyway, I gotta go get some bananas...I want a Curious George sticker. I'm not ashamed to admit that he's on my bed right now...although hidden by many pillows.
Can I count Fig Newton's as a fruit or vegetable?
And I think Curious George stickers on bananas is a good idea! It is better than having him on potato chip bags. Maybe kids will want bananas because Curious George is on them.
Rats...now I'm hungry and there's 3 loooong hours left till lunch.
hehehehehehee,one of my favourite words!
I always feel ripped off when games like that don't recognize dirty words.Booooo!!
I've never had a fresh fig before!
I will look for them...
My husband takes those stickers and sticks em on his thermos,lol
Everybody's a fan!
I saw a show this morning,Top Ten Animal Pests or something like that..I didn't stick around for number one but saw that the MONKEY was number ten!
How DARE they,huh??
I don't believe it..lies ALL lies!
Zambo How funny I am sitting here eating a banana and you have them here :)
I have never had a real fig, always in the newtons which I love.
Remember me when you take over the world LOL :)
mm newtons and bananas and bookworm!! that would make a perfect couple of hours..i haven't had a real fig either..i dunno they remind me of a big bug or something..hehehe..hope your day was GREAT Zambo!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Zambo, I went through all those videos on that link. That is some messed up stuff. My favorite is the Winnebago CEO. Fuck this. Fuck that. Hehehe.
Enjoy those Curious George bones ... er, bananas ...
Glad to know someone is watching out for me and reminding me to eat my fruits and veggies.
I'm hungry, I think I'll have some french fries.
Later - Ben O.
Hey Gang.
Thanks for the comments.
I really like your new profile pic! Hot! Hot! Hot! (With a just smidgeon of bitchy)…
Figs aren't like dates, really. I was gonna take a pic of what they look like inside...but I ate them all...I found this pic online. Inside, there are millions of little seeds. Some people don't like the look of them when you tear into them...When they're soft and splitting open, they are just right and very sweet. (Like when bananas start to go a little bit dark and they're sweeter)...
Sorry to hear about Grandpa Deluca’s passing. It sounds like he was a swell fellow.
Look at you with the “F Bomb”…I love it when you comment dirty!
When the ape uprising is complete, I won’t forget where I came from…(Or did you literally mean ‘little people’?…‘Cause they’re so dead!!!…I kid, of course)…
As for Stern’s lawsuit, he went on and on about it the past few days…I don’t think it’s gonna go to far though…If it does and he loses, then there’s something seriously wrong…It seems like nonsense and totally unfounded. He may counter with a suit of his own though…
I enjoy BOOKWORM…(It’s almost identical to BESPELLED, which was like crack with my co-workers for a while…but the online play didn’t work on my laptop for some reason…so I found BOOKWORM…)…
Sorry that ad was off-putting…
Curious George is a lucky monkey!!!
If McDonald’s burgers qualify as ‘meat’ then Fig Newtons will pass as ‘fruit’…
I agree that George is better suited for bananas.
Sorry about that…hope you brought a snack…
Ms. L,
I know. I wonder if there are ‘adult’ versions of games with nudity, violence and coarse language…
I think you’d enjoy a good fig…
Look for monkeys climbing the charts in the near future…‘Number one with a bullet’ probably isn’t the best phrase, but it’s the first thing that springs to mind…
Beading Gal,
That’s a funny coincidence!
I’ll remember you, beading pal!
“Games and bananas…yummy!” will make people wonder if you meant it like that…
More figs for me, I guess…
Mmmm…Big bugs! Just pretend you’re on ”Fear Factor” and it’s no problem…
I hope your day was great too!
I’m glad you enjoyed the videos!
Ben O.
In this irregular world, fruits and veggies help to keep us regular…
Enjoy the ‘Freedom Fries’…
Thanks for noting my extremities!
I’m glad you like fresh figs too!
Red Foxx was pretty fuckin’ cool!
Lingo Slinger,
I hope work is going well!
IFC’s got some really good stuff on most of the time.
Figs are quite good with a crusty bread and a good cheese…(When figs aren’t in season, watermelon is a nice substitute)…and maybe a little wine…Perfection!
So there.
I hope everyone had a great week.
I just watched most of “House of D” when I got home…It ended, then I watched a bit of “Closer”…Luckily it was the Natalie Portman as super sexy, teasing stripper scene. Good stuff! Then I turned to the Leafs game and they still stink…
Oh well…
Gonna listen to Stern for a bit ‘til Lasagna gets home.
Take care out there!
Your Pal,
I'm a huge fan of bananas Supposedly, it was one of the only things my mother could eat when she carried me in her tummy.
It's funny, I remember being the only person in my kindergarden class who had peanut butter and banana sandwiches.
Speaking of which, time to get some banana bread.
Cool site.
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