Stern on Letterman Tonight!
Hey Gang.
I hope everyone's doing their part to make the world a better place out there.
It's hard to be chipper when it's grey and rainy...but I'm trying, Ringo. I'm tryin' real hard.
Anyway, I don't have much time to post right now, but I thought I'd mention that our pal Howard Stern will be on Letterman tonight to attack CBS' President Les Moonves (seen below with "Big Brother" host, Julie Chen)...who is suing Stern for for breach of contract and other nonsense...

My man in Amsterdam, Lo-Fi Samurai sent me this cool image...

Anyway, I'd better be on my way.
Take care out there!
Your Pal,
I apologize in advance, but somebody sent me a pic as an e-mail attachment. The Subject was "Some idiot banged my car last night..." Now I've had some pretty bizarre thoughts over the years, but I don't think I would have ever thought of this one...All I can think to say is why? Let's say the guy's desperate...OK...but why the lingerie?
Maybe he liked that other "Crash" film...
I hope everyone's doing their part to make the world a better place out there.
It's hard to be chipper when it's grey and rainy...but I'm trying, Ringo. I'm tryin' real hard.
Anyway, I don't have much time to post right now, but I thought I'd mention that our pal Howard Stern will be on Letterman tonight to attack CBS' President Les Moonves (seen below with "Big Brother" host, Julie Chen)...who is suing Stern for for breach of contract and other nonsense...

My man in Amsterdam, Lo-Fi Samurai sent me this cool image...

Anyway, I'd better be on my way.
Take care out there!
Your Pal,
I apologize in advance, but somebody sent me a pic as an e-mail attachment. The Subject was "Some idiot banged my car last night..." Now I've had some pretty bizarre thoughts over the years, but I don't think I would have ever thought of this one...All I can think to say is why? Let's say the guy's desperate...OK...but why the lingerie?

I will stay up to see your friend Sterns.
But, did you HAVE to leave me with that last image?
My virgin eyes will never fully recover :(
Have a wonderful day Monkey Boy...well at least what's left of tit anyways. :)
omg. I meant "it" not...ummm...nevermind...
See, I told you you corrupted me..blah!!!!!
Hey Keeks.
To be honest, I didn't really care for either film. The Cronenberg one was just odd...I found the "Best Picture"(?) one to be too heavy-handed and manipulative...But Oprah said it was good and so...I guess that's all we needed...
Hey Spidey.
Sorry about that 'auto erotic' pic. Don't worry...Tit happens.
Today just doesn't feel right...
Gotta make it through though...
Then "24", "The Apprentice" and Stern on Letterman might make things better...Pretty pathetic, huh?
Take care and don't bang people's cars!
Your Pal,
I forgot what I was going to say to your post. My EYES!!!
And now I have to send my dad to your blog, cause that is funny in a sick, sick, sick sort of way.
I agree with spider. My virgin eyes may never recover.
hahahaha thats some crazy say the least..thanks for that zambo...hahahaha can always count on you :P...hope you make it through the grey and yucky day alright...i went out and bought a ladybug seems to cheer me up when its raining out..maybe you should do the same?!?! or a monkey one anyways..!!
Ooooooh Myyyyyyyy
What on earth would possess someone...never mind I'm sure I don't want to know!
I hope he got it stuck,hehehehehe
Ewwwwwww!!!!!!!!! I echo ms. l. What on earth would possess someone to do such a thing and to document it??? I'll bet he feels like a tool now.
Ewwwwwww!!!!!!!!! I echo ms. l. What on earth would possess someone to do such a thing and to document it??? I'll bet he feels like a tool now.
Thanks for posting my picture, you jerk. I sent that to you in confidence!! I hate you now!
What did you thing of The Apprentice? Is Brent really that odd or they're just doing some creative editing?
so disturbing!
You know that is just wrong he should never wear red it doesnt suit well with his skin tone...LMAO!!
What's so unusual? You see this all the time in the parking lot at NASCAR events. Some guys just really like their SUVs.
Dear Zambo,
I tried really, really hard to stay up and watch Stern last night on Letterman. I watched right up until he took his seat next to Dave....and I don't remember anything else beyond that. My lids came crashing down and I am certain I was snoring within minutes.
I tried though...I really wanted to see that interview :(
Hey Gang.
Sorry for any damage that image may have caused to any of you...
Stern on Letterman was really good and a lot of fans called in to say that it was his best appearance on Letterman ever. I always enjoy it when these two sharp fellows get together.
"The Apprentice" was good. I like that Lenny guy. I would love it if Trump started referring to that Tarek "I'm in Mensa" guy as 'genius'...For example, when they go to the boardroom, "So, what went wrong this time, genius?" Also, that Project Manager, Theresa had enormous boobs! Last night they seemed to be showcased...but they weren't enough to save her...Oh, and that Brent guy is a total freak show. Way to represent Canada! I think he's just an idiot...He seems like another one of those "It's everybody else's fault" types...(typical for the show though)...
Sorry about the pic, Gobbles...but you knew the risks. If any of you folks out there like what you see, let me know and I'll hook you up with my pal, Gobbles...
I'm gonna try to catch up with all my Blogger pals real soon...Or on the weekend, if this weeks continues to suck...
Take care out there!
Your Pal,
All I can say to the last picture is WOW...
Greetings beloved Zambo!
(Also you've been tagged -- smile)
Be blessed!
I just don't know what else to say, really.
Back in '75 I bought the Queen single, "Bohemian Rhapsody," from their album, "A Night at the Opera." The B-side was "I'm In Love With My Car," from the same album.
Never, in my wildest dreams (and I have some wild ones!) did an image so disturbing ever enter my mind.
I just can't imagine this guy even doing something like this in the presence of another person, but then to say, "Okay, NOW take the picture!"
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