What Made Howard Stern Cry?
I hope all is well.
This is just going to be a short entry...It's getting late...

It would seem that a book made Howard Stern cry. Normally, he would have us believe that he’s incapable of feeling for another human being. He often makes fun of athletes and actors who happen to cry in a public situation. If it's captured on video or in audio format, he will make fun of it endlessly. He’s mocked retiring athletes such as Mike Schmidt and Mark Messier. He’s also made fun of Jon Stewart and Jimmy Kimmel because they cried while filming their respective programs. I think Stewart cried while discussing 9/11 and Kimmel cried when John Ritter died.
(Sadly most men are socialized to bottle up their feelings and to lash out at other men who 'slip' and show emotion or other forms of perceived 'weakness')...

Mike Schmidt (in case it's not obvious)...

Jon Stewart...
Jimmy Kimmel...
So I have to admit that it came as quite a shock to hear Stern admit that he was reading a book and that he started to cry. He happened to be traveling in an airplane that was experiencing turbulence at the time. The flight attendant asked him if everything was OK. He tried to explain that it was the book and she apparently rolled her eyes and pretended to believe him...It seemed that she thought he was scared the plane was gonna crash...
Anyway, the book is called "Marley & Me : Life and Love with the World's Worst Dog" ...(So it wasn't a human being that he was crying about). I guess the book is about relationships with those around you. Stern wrote a nice note to the author, John Grogan, to thank him for writing such a touching book. Surprisingly, no one made fun of Stern for revealing this.
Sometimes it takes courage to show your emotions and to be vulnerable...(especially in a room full of unforgiving guys with a history of being mean-spirited)...
That's it for now.
Take care out there!
Your Pal,
They did a roast for Ralph a few weeks ago (and re-aired it on Presidents' Day) and they did one for Ronnie The Limo Driver yesterday. Quite funny! Artie was awesome yesterday! What a great way to start the day. Today Jon Stewart and Roger Ebert were on. They went without doing a commercial for well over an hour.
Hi Zambo,
I don't believe it. It's probably a publicity stunt..lmao!!
Hope you are having a good day there kiddo...
It's FRIDAY!!!!!
(how's that for unforgiving and mean-spirited?)
On a more serious note...
MWAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! What a chick! I can't believe he cried! In front of a woman!! HAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
(Sorry, I couldn't help myself)
Ok, seriously... that picture is hilarious. It reminds me of this movie I saw, called "Girl With A Pearl Necklace"... I rented it because the ravishing Scarlett Johansson was supposed to be in it, but I didn't see her once, unless she was the one wearing the gimp mask. If that was her, she should win an Oscar for sure. Do they have a category for "Best Use of a Cattle Prod"? If not, they should.
Anywho, time to get ready for work.
howard stern...that is all :)
oh...and HAPPY friday!! and i'm sorry i told keeks not to send you cake :( i'm glad i have been forgiven :) you're the best Zambo!!
Stern's "softer" side is one of his biggest draws. He can be rude, crude, and damned clever, but we know inside he's got a big heart and loves a big ugly bull dog named Bianca (for crying out loud).
Oh, and I can't wait for the chimp uprising.
OMG I cried when I read that book too!!!! I can't believe Howard and I have something in common. Great book. not as good as a Zambo post but close :)
That's an interesting painting of Howard you have there, Zambo. I guess with the Stern tears, there is no longer a celebrity alive who hasn't been seen crying in public. He was surely the lone holdout.
Hey Blogger Buddies!
Thanks for visiting!
I found that cheesy portrait of Stern and added a tear...
I hope you're feeling better these days. Though it may be some kind of publicity stunt, I think he got those out of the way in January for the move to satellite radio...
Oh Beatdogg:
Too funny! The comment amused me...the time cracked me up too. 9:09am "Anywho, time to get ready for work."
Jon Stewart's pretty funny (but he can get a bit smug at times)...He'll be hosting the Oscars next Sunday...Hopefully it goes well for him.
How could anyone be mad at you?
Sorry about the loss of your little pal...
You're right about sociopaths 'thriving in business and politics'...Glad you're enjoying my blogs and that you found a safe zone for access...Stern's tender side comes through sometimes. I think people have the wrong idea about the guy.
'Bianca Romijn-Stamos' is a great name for a cute pooch.
The 'ape uprising' ain't no joke!
Thanks for the compliment!
I think you may have more in common with Mr. Stern than you think...Maybe not though...
There's always Mickey Rourke. Stern admitting to crying wouldn't be such a big deal if he wasn't always mentioning that he never cries and mocking those who do cry...(It's like the time I bragged to my buddies about never having puked from drinking...By the end of the night I threw up at a cop's feet...Luckily he gave me a break)...
Lingo Slinger:
Perhaps it's the romance novel cover appeal...or the fever...or the amazing tear placement...
Hope you're feeling better soon!
Welcome! Thanks for the tag. There are links to Stern's official site and a summary of the shows on the right, if you're interested.
Take care out there!
Your Pal,
I think I would have to go with time travel; invisibility seems like a great idea but sooner or later you would get hit by a bus. And with time travel, I could go back to 1985 and invest in Microsoft and become a multi-millionaire so I would never have to work again.
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