Not Much Time Lately...
Hi Blogger Buddies!
Once I find a way out of this...I'll be posting more regularly...

Talk to you soon (I hope)...
Your Pal,
Captain Oreo,
My initial response would be to choose invisibility...then to hide in the lab where they're making the time machine…then sneak onto it as needed. This is a rather sneaky response, I know…but the hypothetical question did not exclude this option. If, however, I wasn’t allowed to do this for whatever reason, then I think I’d choose the time travel and check out “the good old days” everybody’s always talking about…(I would prefer to do this while invisible though, so as not to affect history…and/or be killed. I guess I'd need to get shots too...I could be bringing back modern bacteria or other such stuff)…
Once I find a way out of this...I'll be posting more regularly...

Talk to you soon (I hope)...
Your Pal,
Captain Oreo,
My initial response would be to choose invisibility...then to hide in the lab where they're making the time machine…then sneak onto it as needed. This is a rather sneaky response, I know…but the hypothetical question did not exclude this option. If, however, I wasn’t allowed to do this for whatever reason, then I think I’d choose the time travel and check out “the good old days” everybody’s always talking about…(I would prefer to do this while invisible though, so as not to affect history…and/or be killed. I guess I'd need to get shots too...I could be bringing back modern bacteria or other such stuff)…
Could one travel in time more than once or would one be ‘stranded’ in whatever era one chose to visit? It seems pretty tricky in the great film "12 Monkeys"...
Take care out there!
Hiya Monkey Boy!
I just stopped in to see what's up and to catch up a bit.
Have a loverly day :)
Hey Zam. Poor chimp. He looks so sad and I think he needs some Chapstick.
Hi ya!! :)
awwwwwwwww :( Zambo..that pic makes me so sad :( i'm getting misty :( *sniff* *sniff*
Awwww Zambo:(
Me too,that picture makes me so sad.
Aw, he is so cute! I think I might have a skeleton key around here somewhere.
I came to visit from Spider's blog.
Zam-man ... stay in the cage and collect your thoughts. I don't know how the 'daily' bloggers do it. I'm lucky if I can get a post off every two days or so.
Hi Blogger Buddies! Welcome, Lynda!
I thought I'd work the pity angle on that last one...
It has been hard to get all caught up on Blog stuff...Both reading and writing...This work stuff's getting in the way...
Was the film called "La Jetée" (1962)? I mentioned it briefly in an entry from August 9, 2005...
What's The Frequency, Kenneth?
If you have time, check out this interesting article about Dan Rather's beating several years ago, the R.E.M. song, "12 Monkeys" and closure to the story several years later...(It is truly amazing...and it is possibly related to the idea behind "12 Monkeys"...I wonder if maybe William Tager might have seen the film "La Jetée" (1962) and then incorporated this idea into his bizarre fantasy-world...Or perhaps he really was born in 2265 and travelled back in time...You decide).
That's all for now...
Take care out there!
Your Pal,
Any good?
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