I've Been Tagged and I'm trying to Keep Up...
Damn, a hard day's rockin'.
Better slip off ma shoes.
Maybe give a little stretch, and a bend.
Dip m'toe to jacuzzi, baby.
Slip out this book: The Buttress of Windsor.
Ho ho ho, who's this? How's it goin'?
That's the first thin' I say to you.
How's it goin'? Are you flowin'?
Listen honey,
Thinkin' 'bout a couple things to say to you,
Showin', growin',
Man I'd like to place my hand
upon your fuckin' sexy ass and squeeze.
And squee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-eeze!
That's the intro from "Double Team" , by the amazing Tenacious D (pictured below...Congratulations to Jack Black who recently got married).
So, my good pal, Ra, has tagged me...
Here we go...
Four jobs you have had in your life:
1. Dishwasher;
2. Go-cart guy;
3. Mural Painter;
4. Shipper/Receiver at a major Department Store.
...and of course my current job: I'm a whore of sorts...but most of us are in our own special way, I guess...
Four movies that you would watch over and over:
1. Fight Club;
2. The Silence of The Lambs (which becomes a comedy the more times you view it);
3. Full Metal Jacket;
4. Pulp Fiction.
Four places you have lived:
1. My parents' house;
2. University residence;
3. A condo;
4. My current house.
(All in Canada).
Four TV shows you love to watch, currently:
1. The Sopranos;
2. Lost;
3. American Chopper;
4. The Batman (animated series).
Four places you have been on vacation:
1. England;
2. Cape Cod;
3. Mexico;
4. Vancouver.
1. Blogspot (you're soaking in it);
2. Dictionary.com (Spelling is the key to success);
3. IMDb ('cause movie trivia is better than work most of the time...I kid of course...it's better all the time);
4. What Would Tyler Durden Do? (Even though he apparently doesn't like Jack Black).
Four of my favorite foods:
1. Pasta (all sorts);
2. Meats (Pork and chicken in most forms);
3. Most stuff that has no nutritional value;
4. Hostess cupcakes lately...
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. My bed;
2. The pool (summer time);
3. Somewhere warm, where no one knows me;
4. 1984. (I know it's more of a time than a place)...
Four friends I am tagging that I think will respond...
I won't specifically tag anyone in particular...but if you have time and would like to do this, please do...If you've already done this one, you can link to that blog entry in my comments section, if you'd like...
I was fiddling with my drawing tablet when I got home tonight...This image reflects that sometimes an ape needs to be left alone with his wireless headphones and a Hostess cupcake...

I am going to try to visit all my Blogger pals soon...These past few weeks have been pretty tricky...
Take care out there!
Your Pal,
The "South Park" guys will be on Letterman next...I like them.
Vin Diesel was just on, and he usually seems pretty impressed with himself...Possibly because according to IMDb somebody paid him $11.5 Million to do "The Chronicles of Riddick"...I guess I'd be a douche bag too...
Sweet jeezus fuck! That girl must have a back like an ox... Looks like she's been drinking too much lake water.
Dude, I'm pretty sure you could make that Kong pic into a T-shirt and it would sell...
I'm lovin' the ape with his cupcake, Zam. Such talent you have!
I'm looking, but I don't see a red arrow or the CN Tower... are you sure that's the right pic?
For some reason, I too have been loving the Hostess Cupcakes lately.. I wonder there is something in the water...
Until next time,
Hostess cupcakes!! ooh baby me luvs them !! :)
I didn't know Jack Black got married. I guess you do learn something new every day.
Way to go, Zambo!
Wowie... you sure found some interesting pics to accompany this post!
I think you should open your own graphic design and illustration business. Just an observation.
Yes, well about those Hostess cupcakes....
1984? Glad you're a close friend of Big Brother.
p.s. did you have the shepherd's pie today?? You'd think they'd serve it on St. Paddy's day??
It's a virtual visual playground in here Zambo. Eye candy for everyone too...the ladies get Jack Black in his whitie tighties, and the guys get torpedo tits!
You are just too dang thoughtful :)
Happy St.Pat's my Monkey friend.
**Cheers** to green beer, and hostess cupcakes
:::hiccup, burp:::
What I love most about your blog, Zambo, is not just the pictures of big bazooming women, or guys humping SUVs, or he-she guys that I can't figure out, or exellent stuff from people like Tenacious D (Hey, I'm a Black Man, too, so to speak), or even your hilarious monkey hijinx.
What I love most is that your blog appeals to people like me with minimal attention spans coupled with a need for excitement. You are the MTV of blogs! You bring out the ADD in me. I feel at home here.
Checked out the "What Would" website. Liked it all lot -- but you're still the "bestest".
I'm with everyone else though. You gotta explain the 1984 thing (smile).
i'm with beatdog..that pic would make an amazing t-shirt..i WANT one..work on it...make it happen for me Zambo :P hehehehe oh...and by the way...i'm BAAAAAAAAAAAACK :P!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can get the monkey pics put on T-shirts and CafePress. Sounds like you have customers already. ;)
I had trouble seeing the red arrow in the last picture, because my eyes kept going back to the center of the picture and saying, "Um, those can't be real". Holy moly,....
And I have never had a waist that small. Where did you find that picture of Lara Croft anyway?
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