Canada Day!
Hello Pals, Accidental Tourists and Lurky Merkins.
Happy Canada Day to all fellow Canadians! (And a premature Happy Fourth of July to our pals to the south of us!)...
We're heading out for the long weekend soon...just thought I'd do a quickie post in case people are bored this weekend...(I started visiting my blogger pals, but didn't quite make it all the way down my list...I got caught up in the link Junebee had and I read the whole thing. It was quite funny! Scamming the scammer is always a delicious treat. Check it out if you have a chance)...
Here's another pic of a big rig...
I see these many days a weeks. They often are hauling piggies to the slaughter...Sometimes I can see their little snouts sticking out of the holes and I feel bad for them...This particular truck was empty though...Perhaps heading for a refill...Even though I feel sad for the piggies, I cannot deny how good pork products taste...
My pal got married last weekend, so we had a little gathering at my place the weekend before...He loves zombies movies, so I got a big hunk of ham and carved a face into it, complete with tongue and pickled eggs for eyes...
And a bread head with a ham tongue and turkey and ham for a brain...pickled eggs for eyes too...
His face slipped a bit in the baking process...
Anyway, we had fun that weekend...swimming and drinking and being mean to each other and watching Howard Stern on Demand (on tape)...Also, the wedding went pretty well last weekend. The groom sustained a neck injury the next morning and we mocked him, but good. Everyone claimed it wasn't honeymoon-related...but we still made fun. He's OK though and a few of our pals still remain "unhitched" as it were.
I recently stumbled across this church sign generator and thought it was kinda funny...

(SeLiNa will like it for sure).
And finally, in simian related news, it seems that though the Spaniards still enjoy a good bullfight, they are fond of simians and on their way to giving them "human" rights. Check out this article if you have a chance...It's pretty interesting...
There will be more on GAP (Great Ape Project) when I have more time.
Anyway, that's all I've got time for right now.
As always, take care out there and have a safe and happy weekend!
Your Pal,
That ham is wickedly cool. I might have to do this for my kiddos. They will luv it. :)
Happy Canada Day to ya.
Happy Canada Day! I'm embarking on a 4-day Independence Day weekend here in the good ole USA.
Funky zombie hams!
Have a great long weekend.
LOL - Love the Zombie ham.
I've seen the church sign generator before. You like sign generators? I have several of them on my side bar, including one which is a generator link site.
Enjoy Canada Day - as we will the 4th of July. The FRench speaking Canadians have Bastille Day coming up, don't they?
Your zombie food is awesome and very creative!
My in-laws went to a parade for Canada Day today.
Glad you enjoyed the 419eater post. I can't imagine how "Derek" has enough time to sit around and think of all that but it's sure nice to hear about the tables being turned!
Howard Stern On Demand? Ack!
The Great Apes probably deserve alot more rights than some people I've heard of!
Happy Canada Day!
Yummie zombie ham!
I found that church sign maker funny too, try out for more sign generators.
Happy Canada Day Zambo! Those are some freaky vittles you conjured up there.
Hey Zambo!
Happy long weekend and Canada day to you! My Canadian loves those zoombie movies too, although I do not. I think its either a Canadian thing or a guy thing. He will love that ham though either way!
Happy Canada Day, Zambo! I love your culinary creations -- maybe a love of zombies is a Canadian thing, like mel suggested.... I don't know a single person who doesn't enjoy a good cinematic flesh-eating zombie romp every now and again! (Check out Dead Alive for some pre-LOTR Peter Jackson zombie fun!)
Hope you enjoyed your day :)
I have never seen a truck of pigs, just cows. All this is making me hungry.
It's funny ... right before I checked in and read your Blog, I had been reading about that unfortunate woman whose labrador retriever ate her face ... she subsequently became the world's first successful face-transplant recipient (not counting John Travolta and Nicolas Cage) ... while everyone was gushing about her amazing progress and everything, I was feeling a bit queasy looking at her as the results are miles away from perfect. I'm sure she looks better than the "before" pictures, but nevertheless, there was a certain "uncanny valley" quality about her ... Anyway, then I saw your zombie hams, which made me think about botched face transplant surgeries ... uuurrrrrghhh... ulp... feeling a bit opposite-of-hungry just now ...
So how did our long-haired friend injure his neck, anyway, if not via some sort of bedroom misadventures?
Oh yeah, Happy Canada Day. Hmmm... I read a news story about some fine patriots who urinated on the National War Memorial on Canada Day following a beer-soaked day of revelry ... the thing that caught my attention was that a crowd of people saw the whole thing, and apparently responded with "laughter and cheers" according to eye witnesses ... now, I'm not in favour of blind nationalism or a "like it or leave it" mentality toward one's home country, but I can hardly imagine somebody pissing on the Vietnam Monument (for example) and getting away from Washington without being castrated, let alone shot-and-pissed-on ... I think we Canadians have something to learn from our 'Merican friends in that department.
I love your ham! You are so creative!!!!!
That would be a great dish to serve up for Halloween too. I just may try to imitate it come October.
I hope you are enjoying your long weekend--Happy Canada Day :)
haa,those are the coolest!!
We get those big trucks too,ours haul cows:(
But yeah I always end up thinking YUM hehehehehe
You are one of the reasons I maintain my sanity. This post is ridiculously fuunny from beginning to end.
YOUR pal,
"Accidental Tourists" that would be me and Geena Davis I suppose!
Hope you had a fabulous weekend my friend...all the best!
Zambo, I just stumbled upon your blog. You're a hoot. Of course, you have to be Canadian. All the truly funny people are. Have fun out there.
Oh, God - pctglqaw... hah
P.S. That zombie face you carved out of a hunk of ham looks a bit like Homer Simpson...
I love that Zombie!
Had you made me one, I would of just kept it in the fridge. If it had begun to show signs of going bad, all the better!
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