Hopefully all is well these days.
As I mention from time to time, I do a lot of driving during the week…
I’m not sure how many of you remember the show “BJ & the Bear” …Basically it was the story of a handsome young chimp who traveled around the country in a red and white big rig with some guy…(Sorta like Chewbacca did with that Han Solo guy)…
that statues lay hidden, imprisoned within marble blocks...
I wonder if he had any idea that his "David"
would one day be used to peddle third-rate cola.
As he laboured on the Sistine ceiling...

his “Creation of Adam” (above) would be
used to push third-rate diet cola…

"third-rate" in terms of Cola... But one cannot
ignore Coke and Pepsi as the Big Two)...
Anyway, I think I have reached my image quota with our good pal Blog-O...So I'll wrap it up...
But before I go, Do you recognize this painting by any chance?
If not, it's Raphael's "School of Athens", 1509.
Some of the artists pictured include
Michelangelo (as Heraclitus) and Leonardo da Vinci (as Plato).
But if you look closer, you may recognize the two figures in the periphery...

"Use Your Illusion I & II" album covers...(Uncredited, I might add) ...
I guess in these unoriginal times, it must be OK to reduce the works of great artists to something marketable or easy to absorb...and if said works are old enough, you can use them for free! (I think...But please don't quote me on that)...It's sorta like when you know a song from a commercial for something (that you don't remember) and much later you realize it was actually a hit song from before you were born...Or like when you find out that a film is a re-make or re-imagining or whatever...but you had never heard of the original...Or when you're aware of the original, but want to see the see how it has been improved/modernized...(quite often, it's not as good though)...
Anyway, as I was looking for some of the stuff mentioned above, I was glad to see that the good folks at Symantec have aligned themselves with the Da Vinci mania that has been sweeping the nation of late...
(Sorry for the shakiness of the drive-by pix...Some were taken at high speeds)...
I think that's it for now. It's getting late. I'll try to post again real soon.
I didn't get to post the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle pic that I had planned on sticking in there somewhere...
I always learn something here. Sometimes it is about music, sometiems it is "don't look while you are at work", and now even art!
The Carpenters recorded a whole song based on a commercial for Crocker Bank, so I guess sometimes it can go the other way too.
You are right that if something is old enough, you can use the image freely. It is called public domain.
I wonder how many Guns & Roses fans have looked at that painting and said, "Those guys are on the cover of my favorite album." It give a connection, which probably isn't a bad thing, considering art doesn't get appreciated as much as it use to.
You are always full of info. :)
I feel old now cause I remember BJ and the bear tv show. haahaa
Whew, glad I'm not classified among the "Jerky Lurkers".
I loved GNR Use Your Illusion 1 and 2. When they came out, my sister got me one of them and my brother got the other one for me. It was for my birthday or Christmas this year.
I love trivia such as knowing where that cover art is from. That's something I should have known by now.
That was REALLY interesting!
Senor Zambo,
Dang I spent all my teen-age years listening to music like GnR and I could've had an interesting tid-bit that may have landed me a girl-friend.
Better late than never.
Is there a chance the Turtles will make it into the next post?
I am impressd. Did you figure all of this out on your own, Zambo?
Like Lynda said...I always learn something new here.
You are very educational :)
Have a great weekend Monkey Boy.
Very,Very cool! I had no idea...
I hope you're having a great weekend!
No teenage mutant ninja turtles???? Dang.
I wait for your posts with baited (or is it bated?) breath! So glad to see a new one!
Have a good one.
I love Guns N roses and now I know where they got their album cover from thanks for the enlightment.
I love G'n'R's "Use Your Illusion 1 & 2", and I love Raphael's "School of Athens", and I'm so disappointed with myself for never noticing! As always, a post that leaves me with something to ponder!
"Michelangelo Buonarroti famously believed that statues lay hidden, imprisoned within marble blocks.. I wonder if he had any idea that his 'David' would one day be used to peddle third-rate cola."
I burst out laughing when I read this. Michelangelo is probably turning in his grave right now.
Poor guy.
The picture of the Guns N' Roses album makes me want to listen to their albums I have right now.
Excellent post, Monkey Man!
I like pepsi better than coke.
You're strange and insightful at the same time -- two reasons I love the damn blog. I loved BJ and the Bear... another stupid American sitcom that was in one door and out the other before they knew it hit 'em.
Very observant! Impresso.
Hi Zambo,
I moved blogs and wanted to let ya know. You can find me at
I hope you have a great weekend, Monkey Boy!!
Don't you ahate it when your masterpieces are demeaned...?
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