Do you ever have those days where you just don’t want anyone to talk to you? Yeah…Me too. Today was one of those days. I just wanna go to work, do the work that I had planned on doing, then go straight home and not have to talk to anybody. Billy on “Six Feet Under” mentioned in one episode that “Clothes don’t feel right today”…Of course, he was off his meds and walking around in his tighty-whiteys when he said this…but I knew exactly what he meant. Interaction just doesn’t feel right today…But I guess most of us have to do it. We go through the niceties and the courtesies…but sometimes it is a problem and no I don’t have time to help you and get the fuck away from me! Anyway, it was almost 5pm when I wrote this and I think I managed to do one of the things that I had intended to get done today. I have a rather lengthy “to do” list, but I guess that’ll have to wait…It seems that I’m constantly re-prioritizing my “primary action items” and not really getting things done. I really should just let go or push back and only do what I can do, given the constraints offered with each job I receive…but I have this nagging inner voice that tells me to do everything right…or at least to the best of my abilities…whether it’s a $1 job or a job worth thousands of dollars to the corporation…Needless to say, I think need a new job…We played the lottery today…our little office group…I’m pretty sure we won’t win…we never seem to win…but if we don’t play, then there’s no chance…no hope, right? One could argue for either side of this, I guess…
That’s my rant for the moment. Let’s move on…
I saw that “Ocean’s Twelve” was on one of the movie channels the other day and I watched some of it. I found myself once again drawn to the lovely Catherine Zeta-Jones…uh…Douglas…I remember the first time I saw her in that Zorro movie and I marveled at her beauty. Anyway…Now when I look at her, I still think she’s quite pretty, but the fact that she’s with Michael “Old Enough To Be Her Father” Douglas…I feel kinda grossed out. I picture him climbing all over her with that “Basic Instinct” ass and I start to feel a bit queasy…Don’t get me wrong…He’s a pretty good actor and I’ve enjoyed his work over the years (“The Game” and “Falling Down” and “Traffic” are some of my favourites…Even those “Romancing the Stone” films)…and I don’t blame him…He’s a lucky man and he’ll have someone around to change his diaper in the next few years…I know all about “you’re only as young as you feel” and all that other crap about age not mattering… It just doesn’t look right to see them together…Anyway, all the best to them and their kids…hopefully he lives to see them graduate...from kindergarten. He'll be 62 this year! He and Catherine share the same birthday... September 25…but 25 years apart...
“Lost” was on tonight. It was a pretty good episode…There’s a war a-brewin’… Evangeline Lilly is another true beauty…yet now when I look at her, I think of that hobbit, Dominic Monaghan all over her…and again, I don’t feel too good about it…maybe I have some sort of problem…or maybe I'm jealous or superficial or whatever...but it just seems so wrong in the natural order of things.
The Pitt-Jolie romance thing, though over-exposed, seems more in keeping with the way things "should be"…in our vapid, shallow world.
The DaVinci Code
Tom Hanks seems, to me, a horrible casting choice to play Robert Langdon in “The DaVinci Code” ...His fake hair looks all wrong and in the book, Langdon is described as looking like a younger Harrison Ford...He's supposed to be a swimmer who catches the ladies' eye...Hanks with his fake mullet hair weave thing is laughable. I would think that most women would describe Hanks as "nice" rather than "handsome" or even "hot"...unless he was all sweaty...then people might say, "I think he's hot"...Also, his son is a hack.
Stern Update
If anybody's interested, the Stern show revelations are listed below:
- I cheated on my wife and she caught me... SCOTT
- I once hid in a bathroom closet and pleasured myself when my family members went to the bathroom... SAL
- In the last year, I got a girl pregnant and had to pay for her abortion... RICHARD
- I think I'm addicted to porn - I jerk off twice a day and prefer to masturbate than have real sex... JASON
- I have spent well over $10,000 on internet porn... JD
- My buddy and I once ordered massage girls to our hotel room, but they ripped us off and we were left staring at each other in our underwear... GARY
- I have pleasured myself with meat and vegetables... ROBIN
- I have a half-sister I've never met and don't want to... FRED
- I've had cosmetic surgery... HOWARD
- A guy once blew his load on my chest... ARTIE
- I once had my stomach pumped for alcohol poisoning and when I woke up in the hospital, an acquaintance of the same sex was fondling my genitals... BENJY
Though many of these were pretty lame and the explanations were somewhat disappointing, it was truly captivating radio.
- Scott’s story was pretty good.
- Sal’s was predictable and further proves that he should be institutionalized.
- Richard used this sad story to explain that he broke through the condom with his large penis.
- It was determined that Jason has just lost interest in his girlfriend.
- They turned JD’s somewhat boring revelation into a more interesting one…he likes those webcam sites, where you tell the girl what to do…one story involved a girl, a dog and peanut butter…I think I’ve said enough.
- Gary’s was boring.
- Robin was totally embarrassed and felt that many of the other revelations sucked. Songs and gags have since been written to mock her…
- Fred’s hurt him…but it wasn’t a very good revelation.
- Howard’s was kinda obvious…Robin was really pissed at him.
- Artie had a pretty great orgy story…
- Nobody wanted to hear Benjy’s story.
Today former super model Rachel Hunter refused to appear on the show and walked off. Howard totally flipped out, yelling “Who the hell does she think she is?!?” and other things that I won’t mention…(The “C” word got used a bit).
Oh…and former mobster and “Goodfella” Henry Hill called in and it appears that he was drugged and ass-raped on video.
Catch Stern in the new issue of “Esquire” if you’re interested. There are some pretty good articles in it, but the Stern stuff is pretty much a rehashing of stuff that fans have already heard ad nauseam.

King Kong is on the cover of the current “Rolling Stone” and there’s a little piece on Billie Joe from Green Day in there too.

“The Aristocrats” comes out next week. I have been waiting to see it for quite some time now. I think it’s gonna be a keeper.
That’s about it for now..
Take care out there.
Your Pal,
I wonder what kind of plastic surgery did Howard have? He doesnt look any different to me.
I have days where I am uncomfortable in my skin, I think that is close to clothes getting on your nerves.
Hi Mel.
He had his nose altered slightly and a bit of fat removed from under his chin.
His nose does look better.
Take care.
Your Pal,
Hey Zambo, its Chico... sometimes i want to tell everyone to F off too...i dont though... i know i will need or want to annoy them at a later date... you and Beatdizzle down for some lunch tomorrow? let me know...
Hi Chico and Keeks.
Thanks for dropping by.
Lunch would be swell, Chico. We might be going a bit early though...Give me a call...
I feel better today. The booze really takes the edge off.
The password is...SAUSAGE...
Talk to you later.
Your Pal,
I hope your today is better Love.
What a great post,I enjoy you,as always!
great post Zambo :) little bit of everything in there :) !!!! hope today is way better for ya :)
Hey Ladies!
Thanks for the kind comments.
I'm OK...I was just venting.
It's weird. I never really used to complain that much when I was younger...Now I seem to complain all the time. I don't like it...(I think I actually just complained about how I complain more now...it's a vicious cycle)...
Take care out there!
Your Pal,
Hey Captain!
Have a great weekend too!
Just doing what I can to get by...I'm glad if people like it.
If not...Oh well. What can you do?
Talk to you soon.
Your Pal,
Hi Zambo,
I hope you are having a better day today than you were on Wednesday when you posted this. We all have "Fuck Off" and clothes don't feel good days. I think I had one of those yesterday.
You sure did give us a lot to read. It's so much fun to come here and read ya!
Did you win the lottery?
Hi Gals.
Thanks for dropping by!
Today is Saturday...so how could I not feel wonderful? (T.G.I.S.) I get to have a peaceful breakfast in the house...(not while I'm driving or rushing out the door)... and I can watch "The Batman" and other Saturday morning TV stuff! I just watched "The Hilarious House of Frightenstein" and now "Napoleon Dynamite" is on one of the movie channels.
I haven't heard anything about the lottery yet. (Keep your fingers crossed).
Take care out there.
Your Pal,
About CZJ and Mr. Douglas? You're right ... too funny (and the visualization IS ugly).
Thanks for the Stern update. I've never heard the show, but then thank to my friend Zambo i get a blow by blow (now THATS funny) update. Listening to him makes my life seem pretty nomal and mundane. And compared to those stories -- that's a GOOD THING!
Nope. No MLK update. Saving all of my amunition for the really BIG feast -- Black History Month (smile). Too busy handing out stupid awards (lol).
Good reading. But then I always enjoy "spending time with you".
Oh yeah...
And about your day? I feel you.
Sometimes you just wish "they" would all go away.
Fortunately (at least for me) the feeling passes before you get seriously pissed off and decide to take action (lol).
Feel better darlin!
Hi Zambo,
Ya gonna share those tots?
I certainly understand those days when you just want everyone to leave you to your stuff. I have plenty of those. Nothing makes me happier on those days than going to work knowing a) I have no meetings scheduled, b) my boss and others that could change my day are not in the office, and c)I'm not behind on any of my projects and therefore not under unusual pressure. It's like hitting the jackpot.
Thanks for all the great comments, folks!
I hope to do a new post soon. We'll see how it goes. I didn't even turn on my computer when I got home last night.
I had a rendez-vous with Jack Bauer (the Teflon kid)...I tried to get to sleep early too.
Take care out there.
Your Pal,
I'm glad you liked the tapes 8th Dwarf. Stern addressed rumours about censoring the satellite show this morning...He insists that's not going to happen.
Hi Zambo,
Where have you been hiding my friend? I haven't see ya around, and you haven't updated your blog.
Did you choke on a banana??
Hope you're ok my friend.
oh...and I tagged ya :)
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