Staying Positive...Letting Go...
I hope that my first post of 2006 finds you well. I had initially planned on venting a lot of negative, angry stuff today...but then I took my pal Ra's advice and decided to let it go. (I wrote with a lot of rage earlier, but decided to keep that to myself...Writing about it did help to let off some steam though).
Anyway, I wanted to mention that I watched “King Kong - Peter Jackson's Production Diaries”…I enjoy the behind-the-scenes stuff…and there’s a part where Colin “son of Tom” Hanks is complaining that he’s had to sport his 1930s hairstyle for a long time…(He’s lucky to even be employed, but that's another story for another time)…Anyway, he mentions that Jack Black did a very smart thing by going with a wig…They cut to Jack’s wig...then to Jack as he's about to get it “installed” and he explains:
“It wasn’t really a move on my part to get a wig...but it worked out to my advantage…‘cause you throw on the wig and it gives me a 1930s hairdo…Then you take it off and look what’s under it: [He smugly points to his hair, then looks seriously into the camera] Rock ‘N Roll…”
Black with Peter Jackson, wearing 1930s wig...
What lies beneath: Rock 'N Roll!
There’s also a funny segment on disc one where a website has indicated that Black is 5’4” and he pretends to take great offense. He goes around telling people how outraged he is…He then proposes a “period” footwear choice to Peter Jackson. He lifts his foot and puts it on a table, displaying a snazzy shoe with a 3” heel…Then they cut to him strutting around the set...funny...( I must admit that he reminded me a little of a huskier version of Prince).

A funny picture of Jack Black, to erase the Prince reference...
Here's a bit of a spoiler related to the "King Kong" franchise. So if you don't want to know, don't highlight the following:
JUNE 2006
Anyway, that's it for now...I wanted to also discuss Lenny Bruce and Howard Stern a bit, but I'll leave that for another time...
Your Pal,
Letterman had Bill O'Reilly on and was clearly not into his whole deal. He seemed rather disgusted and basically told him that 60% of what he does is bull shit. It was odd. Letterman seemed to be getting agitated, but then was nice to O'Reilly at the end of the interview...Weird.
Why were you enraged? You don't have to go into it if it's going to get you all riled up and take you back to when the rage was fresh... Just curious.
Which one was Tom Hank's son? I'm guessing the goofy-looking assistant to Jack Black's character? I hated the fact that all the cool, charismatic, tough-as-nails sailors got destroyed by giant insects biting their faces off but meanwhile that paper-pusher milksop guy somehow survived Skull Island. Sheesh. Just so he could utter "That's the thing about [Jack Black]: he destroys everything he loves" with way too much gravity.
Hi Zambo!
I love Jack Black...especially in the movie "School of Rock". My kids watched that about a zillion How could I not love him after seeing that many times too? :)
The rage is all work-related...It was my first day back and there was lots of stuff to deal with...But that's my problem. If I don't takes steps to change things, then I should just "suck it up" as they say. And yeah, Tom Hank's son (as he should be referred to) is "that paper-pusher milksop guy"...He's also in the lackluster "Orange County" with Jack Black (who was the only good thing about that film, by the way).
Hi Spider Walk!
Thanks for dropping by. Jack Black is awesome. Are you familiar with his folk metal band Tenacious D? They're really good...and really funny...(but not for the kids)...He's also great in "High Fidelity"...
Take care.
Your Pal,
Aww,I'm sorry you're having to deal with work BS:(
I like Jack Black too,there's just something about him..
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