MLK Jr.'s B-Day
Our pals in the US have the day off tomorow. Though it's Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday today, the holiday is observed on the third Monday of January each year.
I would like to think that we all know at least a little bit about Dr. King, his famous speech and his contributions to the "exceptional advancement of the principles of human liberty." (If not, and you would like to know more, click the links above).

He won the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize, and in 1965 the American Jewish Committee presented Dr. King with the American Liberties Medallion.
U2 wrote the song "Pride (In the Name of Love)" as a tribute to Dr. King and his work. (But the song contains a historical error...the first line of the last chorus ~ which references Dr. King's assassination ~ reads "Early morning, April 4/Shot rings out in the Memphis sky"...but Dr. King was killed shortly after 6 PM - early evening. U2 glory hound/leader Bono admits he "screwed up" when writing the lyrics...and now performs the song live with the correction. Nice work, Bono. Thanks for putting forth some effort).
(The above information was condensed from the Wikipedia entry for Dr. King ~ click first link above for more information).
Anyway, maybe we should take a moment to consider how far we've come or haven't come since the day Dr. King gave his "I had a dream" speech.
(1 minute later).
I would like to think that he might have seen the humour in the Stern billboard that was taken down in Chicago...but I guess we'll never know...
That's all for now.
Take care out there.
Your Pal,
Not all of us in the US have today off. I will be slugging it out at work.
Wonderful post Zambo,thank you:)
Hi Mel.
Sorry...I should have said "Some of our pals have the day off"...(Some provinces here in Canada have Remembrance Day off on November 11th, but we don't. We do take a moment of silence though)...
I hope you had a good day at work.
Hey Ms. L.
Thank you for reading it!
I can always could on your kind comments!
Take care, ladies.
Your Pal,
Hey Zam...I was gonna say what Mel said. This was actually the first year I've had the day off from work (other places I worked at kept on slaving away on MLK day. No pun intended). As a young black person, I was always annoyed that we had that one day where everyone went to the special program in town and there was African dancing and some poems and essays and then everyone held hands and sang "We Shall Overcome". And then that was it. Why wasn't anyone wondering why there were only two black students (females) in the advanced courses in my grade? Year after year after year. And it's not that she and I were the only blacks in the town. Always seemed suspect to me.
Hey S*.
I hope that you're doing well.
I don't know what to make of things at the moment. We certainly have come a long way (technologically)...but we still have a long way to go to make that "dream" come true, I think...I don't particularly like my current job...yet I'm not really doing anything about it. Just as a lot of us don't like the way things are out there...but again, we're not doing all that much to change or to improve things...I pre-voted on Saturday...That's probably the extent of my involvement in anything remotely political, I'm sorry to report...In the end, I have no good answers...only questions...lost of questions. And I'm tired.
Good luck with all that you're going through these days. I hope it all works out OK.
Hey Captain.
It was nice to see you and to have lunch with you today! You're not a bad fellow yourself!
Thanks for the kind comments.
Take care.
Your Pal,
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