Desert Islands and Getting Tagged...
I’ve been away from Blogsville for a while...but I’m back! I hope you didn’t miss me too much.
Recently, a lady I know asked me a "hypothetical lost on a desert island question." The scenario is as follows:
You’re going to be left on an isolated island in the middle of nowhere, with no chance of ever leaving it. You may take only one person, living or dead, to live there with you for the rest of your respective natural lives. Who would you choose?
I asked a few follow-up questions. You can take the person at any point in their life…(like Elvis in his prime), but you are the age that you are now. A lot of people just answer immediately with Angelina Jolie or Brad Pitt or some other good-looking celebrity…without really thinking it through. But I was thinking about the long run. Even though it’s all hypothetical, I have to answer it to the best of my ability for some reason. (The lady who asked me the question chose Jesus, by the way…and we discussed that choice a bit. We addressed some controversial aspects of his life story…which I won’t go into here).
Wouldn’t it be nice to spend time with a great thinker, or someone who would be “entertaining”? But after a bit of thinking and some further discussion, I realized that there are several undeniable “needs” that would have to be addressed after all the discussions run out. It would probably have to be someone of the opposite sex. But who? Choosing our current mate seems like a good answer at first. But by doing so you are, in essence, taking him/her away from the world we live on this deserted island with you. That’s probably not fair to him/her.
If you choose to take Hitler when he was a child, you could impact world history and save many lives…but you’d have to live with him for the rest of your life (or his). Perhaps you could affect his development in a positive way. This would be “taking one for the team” in a big way, I guess.
If you took Leonardo DaVinci as a young man, this could affect the way he would develop as an artist and thinker ~ and it could change the course of art history. If I were a gay man, he might be my first choice. I have been facscinated with him for so long…even before Dan Brown told us how interesting he was/is…He was such a great thinker and it would be amazing to spend time with him. (I’d have to learn Italian though). Also, given his history, he kept a lot of his ideas a secret and his “notebooks” were brimming with all sorts of cool stuff (though some of his ideas were incorrect or implausible, it’s still pretty damn cool). “The richness and originality of intellect in his notebooks reveal one of the great minds of all time.” Many accounts indicate that Leonardo was a gay vegetarian in the 1500s. That alone would be interesting to address. Some accounts indicate that he remained celibate after a rather public and humiliating accusation of homosexual behaviour seemed to scar him for the rest of his life, probably contributing to his paranoia and secrecy. Personally, I don’t really know if I could sacrifice sex for knowledge. (That’s always been a weakness…possibly my downfall. I'm not sure I could be swayed in my orientation, but I've seen enough "Oz" to know that one should never say never). He was an architect and a botanist among other things…Which would be helpful on an island. Yet he didn’t really get much done, all things considered. According to Giorgio Vasari’s “Lives of The Artists”, Leonardo said, “…men of genius sometimes accomplish more when they work the least; for, he added, they are thinking out inventions and forming in their minds the perfect ideas which they subsequently express and reproduce with their hands.” This would be bad. Nothing would ever get done and we’d probably starve to death, shivering. (Not that I'm a "genius"...just lazy)...
Any historical figure that you choose will be a gamble, because it would be like a blind date…’til you die. Of course it’s all just hypothetical. Plus, a lot of “entertaining” people can be introverts or assholes in their personal lives. I used to think that Peter Sellers was so awesome. But then I saw that movie “The Life and Death of Peter Sellers”. Man. Though it shouldn’t affect the work he did, his personal life now does play a factor. Should it? For instance, if I didn’t know anything about Bono, could I actually like U2’s music? Too many hypotheticals…
Anyway, if you don’t choose your current partner to go to the island with you, then this should lead you to wonder why you’re him/her in the first place…or not. I’m beginning to think that my current mate, Lasagna, would be my choice. We’ve been through a lot of stuff together over the years and we’ve chosen to be together “in the real world”…so why not on the island? We work well together and we’re good friends. I’d have to ask her if that would be OK with her…hypothetically, of course. If she wouldn’t want to go with me, then I’d have to take someone else…Maybe Jessica Simpson? Nah. If my penis ever stopped working, I’d probably have to take my own life. To be honest, I might consider someone pretty, but not as dumb as Jessica Simpson…Maybe Natalie Portman or Christina Aguilera. They seem interesting. Maybe a pretty female doctor would be a smart choice. Maybe Ellen DeGeneres? She’s pretty funny, but then there’s that sex stuff again…Kelly Ripa? She’s quite cute and personable…Maybe a younger Martha Stewart would be a good choice. She’s pretty handy and, though some say she’s not very nice, I think I could win her over in time.
Colby from “Survivor” once said, “if ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we’d all have a merry Christmas.”
Anyway, I’m still contemplating my answer.
Meanwhile, I’ve been “tagged” by my pal, Ms. L. I have been asked to answer the following questions and then to ask five folks to do so as well:
What were you doing 10 years ago?
It was a day not unlike today. I was living in a condo, going to school, working part-time, dating…I was also into doing reckless, self-destructive things without really considering the consequences…My pal, the 8th dwarf, once mentioned, “Remember when Zambo used to be fun?" It seems like it was only yesterday, and yet it also seems so long ago…Weird…
What were you doing 1 year ago?
Lasagna and I had been living in our house for about two months and were getting stressed about holiday stuff. But we were looking forward to spending our future in our cool house…and we looked forward to using our pool! (Note: try to get a summer closing date if you buy a house with a pool. We moved in October and had to wait ‘til June to use the pool! But it was worth the wait)…
Five snacks you enjoy:
- Anything covered in milk chocolate tends to be good (almonds, pretzels, peanuts);
- Currently the “Lindt Advent calendar” that Lasagna got for me;
- those crunchy, round red grapes. They’re good;
- Roasted chestnuts! (They’re in season right now);
- Cookies (soft chocolate chip or Oreos).
Five songs to which you know all the lyrics:
- Most Beatles songs. They have so many amazing songs;
- Most Green Day songs;
- The Big Mac jingle… “Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese...";
- “Coward of the County” as performed by Kenny Rogers;
- “Maybe Tomorrow” from “The Littlest Hobo”.
Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
- Pay off debts (mine and my family’s and friends’…within reason of course);
- Isolate myself from the world. Perhaps a ranch with its own fire department…But I would still try to be up-to-date with what the kids are into these days…(Like a well adjusted George Lucas/Michael Jackson-type set-up with much less creepiness…);
- Build a bunker with a wicked theater and lots of water and lots of my favourite snacks (see above) and guns…lots of guns;
- Depending on how many millions we’re talking here, I’d set up scenarios where people who claim that they can’t be bought…would be bought. They’d have to do all sorts of dehumanizing things to prove that they lied about “there’s no amount of money you could pay me to do that”…It would make “Fear Factor”, Bang Bus and Japanese game shows look like a walk in the park.
- Initially, I thought about the “Two chix” angle, à la “Office Space”…but that’s just one of those fantasies that usually doesn’t live up to the hype…So…Six chix…at once…
Five Bad habits
- Being lazy;
- Having outrageously high standards (which often leads me to inaction);
- Not getting enough sleep;
- Avoiding Doctors and dentists;
- Eating too much of the bad stuff too often (when coupled with 1 and 2 above, see “moment on the lips, lifetime on the hips”).
Five things you would never wear again:
- Diapers (wishful thinking);
- Loafers (hopefully);
- School uniform (it doesn’t fit any more anyway);
- Vests…(I never really liked vests for some reason…Especially ones made from real gorilla chests…Boo-urns!);
- I guess white socks…I haven’t worn them in years…It’s not that I wouldn’t wear them again…just running out of things to list.
Five Favorite Toys:
- Maskatron
- Hogo
- Laptop
- Digital Camera
- iPod Mini
So I did it. I would like to invite some pals to do it too...if you're interested.
I won't impose, or name names, but if you're a regular commenter, please feel free to answer these questions too.
From 12.16.05
But not posted 'til now...
The Kings and I
If you ever can’t sleep, I’d suggest watching Harrison Ford on “Inside the Actors Studio”…send away for it if you can…it’s worth it…Though he’s been in many good, dare I say great, films, he just might be one of the most boring speakers of all time…I wonder what he and Calista (it means “most beautiful” in Greek) Flockhart discuss when they’re at home…Uh…never mind. Who cares?

Thursday night I crashed at The BeatDogg Estates, “A Place To Be Somebody”…We (and Joe Blow) decided to work the “Viet-Kong” combo, if you will…More “gorilla” than “guerilla”…some Vietnamese cuisine followed by a viewing of “King Kong”… The meal was tasty, as usual. Kong was like “Hulk” in many ways. It took a while to see the beast, but when you finally did, he was pretty awesome! Anyone who didn’t feel for the big gorilla as the story unfolded is one cold fish. You know how sometimes you know how something’s gonna end, yet you still have a glimmer of hope that it’s gonna be alright? Well, that was what happened here…I knew how it would end, but was still hopeful that it would all end in a “happily ever after” way… But alas, it was beauty killed the beast…Poor Ann (Naomi Watts) had to choose between the loveable and protective, but impractical Kong, and the asymmetrically-faced, but talented and brave, Jack Driscoll (Adrien Brody)…Luckily the choice was made for her.
Kong, though a computer-generated character, exhibits a range that puts a lot of the younger actors out there these days to shame. It’s interesting to see how a giant CG gorilla can manipulate us. Maybe they should use this technology to create a CG Keanu (which means "cool breeze over the mountains" in Hawaiian) that can act…Though the film is not without its flaws, Kong himself is nothing short of amazing. Here are two links about Andy Serkis, who played Gollum and Kong.
Friday was Howard Stern’s last live show on terrestrial radio. “Best of” will be played for the next few weeks and they start on SIRIUS on January 9th [not true]. As I mentioned, I stayed at the BeatDogg’s place…The station didn’t come in…So I got up early and sat in my car from about 6:15am until about 9am…Then I went in to work and watched the Yahoo! Live feed of the events. The main cast members gave speeches, then they took a bus to The Hard Rock…The Yahoo! Lady who was interviewing the Stern crew was “creeped upon” by Ronnie the limo driver…and to a lesser degree, Ralph “the fag” as they call him…They kept trying to get her to take her jacket off to see her chest…She seemed as uncomfortable as can be expected…Gary commented on the sexual misconduct as Ronnie was pawing at her jacket in a clumsy effort to get her to remove it…Stern and Fred behaved like gentlemen…Robin was good too…Martha Stewart welcomed Howard to SIRIUS. I think she was contractually obligated to do so…she didn’t seem to want to. She did manage to plug her station and to complain about the poor location she was given…Howard called her “honey” and perhaps “baby”…possibly “sweetheart” as well…That was kinda funny to me… Sheryl Crow performed two sets. Overall it was pretty good.
that was quite the entry there, but lemme just say, very well written! i laughed, i cried, i reevaluated my life...
as far as who i'd take with me to this deserted island...that really is a tough question and let me just say kudos to you for putting so much damn thought into it! i dont know that i'd pick jesus myself because, well, i would like to have atleast a little fun for the remainder of my life. as i get struck by lightening i'm hoping to also be struck with inspiration, but no. definitely a man, because like you said we all got NEEDS here and the only tacos i like are from taco bell.
i'll try to think of a man with some key qualities that i personally could just not do without.
-intelligent and thoughtful but also playful and silly
-hard working and previously a boy scout (you dont think i'm building shit on this island, do you?!)
-someone who can make me laugh so hard my side hurts and i pee a lil bit in my pants, atleast twice a week.
-good imagination
-generally optimistic
-realizes hygiene is still important even on an island
-nice ass
-fantastic and adventurous in bed
had to slip those last two in there, cant hurt. now that i have this list, i'll be accepting applications! lol. i'll check back in often to see if you've thought of your person and i'll be sure to spill it once i think of mine too.
fun blog, i think the first time i've been on it though i see your monkey face all the time on S*'s.
merry christmas and all that!
Seeeee myyyy loafers,former gophers...
Great reference! That's my favourite Simpson's song;)
Haa,you had me laughing my butt off throughout your entry,nice to see you!
Thanks for playing along with me.I hope you never have to wear diapers again:)
I don't know who on earth I'd pick to live with me on that island..I'm going to say my hubby,I think he'd probably want to come anyhow..he'd better! Hehehehe,joking
Have a good night,Lael
Holy shit, Keeks! Did someone corner you for sex at a work-related Christmas function?!? Or did (s)he get belligerent and all "up in your grill"? Or both? I must know. Are you gonna post something about this? I don't mean to make light of it...Hopefully you didn't have to take a 2-hour shower huddled in the fetal position when you got home...Also, don't worry about not sending me "stuff"...
It was nice of you to stop by and to read that rather verbose passage that spewed out of me today...
I've been sort of keeping abreast of some of the developments in your life through S*'s blog...(I've also enjoyed reading much of your blog ~ is it still on hold?)...Hopefully things are going well these days, despite the MTA strike (which I hear is over now). I have a feeling that you may be flooded with "applications" from some of my less-than-savoury acquaintances who may not meet all of the criteria on your checklist...I'll be sure to forward you any photos or "auditon videos" that I may receive...
Ms. L:
I'd have to say that “Dr. Zaius, Dr. Zaius” is my favourite Simpsons song...then “CHIMPAN-A TO CHIMPAN-Z” ...but the vest one is up there too...There are so many good ones...
Sadly, I may be wearing “Depends” on New Year's Eve to avoid any...uhh...complications. Please don't think any less of me...
Thanks for the comments, ladies!
Talk to you soon.
Your Pal,
Letterman just mentioned the "King Kong Monkey-Scented Holiday Candle" and lit it...He's still got it!
OK, I'm strange, but I'd take Martha Stewart. I'd eat well, everything would be clean and cozy and the woman can find a use for EVERYTHING ("It's a good thing"). I'll bet she'd find a way off that damn island too, so I won't have to go without good lovin' for very long.
I'll do your fives thing later. I like those things. I did a sevens on mine, that I'd love for you to do too.
Freaky seeing HH's pic on here, but like she said, she's already seen much of Monkey Man.
OH! And I am going to go see King Kong. I was telling HH that the subway posters with him and that injury on his head look so real. I want to bust out some neosporin ointment and a bandage. Poor KK :(
Hi S*.
I hope you're feeling better.
Glad the strike is over for my pals in NYC.
Kong is cool. I'll probably see it again in the next few days. You can't help but feel for the big lug.
As for the island, there is no chance of escape...hypothetically, of course. Martha would be a good choice ~ in theory ~ but you're gonna need some lovin' at some point...Eventually, you'd end up exploring Martha's Vineyard, if you will...(which to me sounds much hotter than me being DaVinci's reluctant bottom)...
Anyway, if we don't talk again soon, have a great holiday!
Your Pal,
Time to go to the mall and fight the urge to hurt others while festive music plays in the background...I'll count the number of oblivious cell phone users who don't realize how others see them: as ignorant obstacles...I think I'll long to be on a deserted island in no time...
Zambo, I wrote a "Kong" mini-review and then stupidly sent it to your work email which promptly generated an "out of office" reply. Whoops. Anyhow, I liked it but I had some complaints, mostly about Ann's character. But Kong... Kong good!
I spent last night tossing and turning and regretting the direction my life has taken... if only I could go back in time and make some slight adjustments. Sigh. But yeah... 10 years ago was when I made my biggest mistake, I think, going into Graduate School. Argh! What a stupid move. I would've been better off starting work in a factory or becoming a drug dealer. Or maybe both. From what Beatdogg tells us about life at the GM plant, perhaps there's a niche there...
It's funny... when you're busy, all you can think about is how great it would be to have some free time. (Hence wishing that you could be on a deserted island for a while... I've even thought that prison wouldn't be so bad, provided I could be left alone to read and watch TV in my cell. Not so crazy about anal gang rape, you know, all that bad stuff; but the free time, I thought, would be good.) Well, now I have nothing but free time all day. It's horrible. It's like Limbo (purgatory, not the dance)... when you don't have a television or anybody else to talk to, it's funny (sad?) what you'll do for diversion. The upside is that I've been doing a lot of studying. You know you're bored when you're studying to entertain yourself...
I thought about who I would take with me on a desert island. I think I'd want somebody funny and hot. That's a pretty rare combination, because hot girls usually don't have to go through all the trouble of developing a personality or sense of humour in order to get friends. (Am I being outrageously misogynistic there?) So anyway, I'm still thinking about that one... It might also be a good idea to choose somebody who'd had her tubes tied or was naturally infertile because the last thing you'd want would be babies running around on the island. Or would you be allowed to bring contraceptives with you? Then again, maybe (providing that food was in plentiful supply) raising a family on the island would be just the thing you'd need to keep you from going crazy... kind of an Adam and Eve scenario... but hopefully your kids wouldn't murder each other. I guess that goes without saying.
Martha's Vineyard! Good one, but ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
Hey Gobbles.
I got your e-mail today. You raised some good points about Ann's actions. But I think one could argue a case for Stockholm Syndrome here.
Anyway, Lasagna and I went to see it yesterday. She really liked it and shed a tear at the end. I enjoyed it again. We hit the mall beforehand and I bought "King Kong - Peter Jackson's Production Diaries" ...and I'll buy the DVD when it comes out...and the special edition when it comes out later...and then probably the one with the figure...
Talk to you later.
Your Pal,
Hi 8th Dwarf.
I hope that all is well!
Hypotheticals are always tricky. But it's human nature to wonder "what if"...(I guess it's the Hessian in you that prevents such imaginings)...
I watched some of the SNL with Jack Black and Neil Young. I have to agree that it is borderline unwatchable. If I have no interest in the host or musical guest, then I have no reason to watch. I remember when it used to be "Must See TV"...where you'd watch it every Saturday...because it was funny...I'll watch it at some point, it's just been a bit busy lately...(I recorded it, but fell asleep watching it in the middle of the night)...
As for SIRIUS...Turns out the guy whose info I used doesn't have a credit card (and may not have US citizenship for much longer)...So I tried to "activate" (form of: listenable radio!) using my credit card, but there must be a US address associated with the card...What a cluster fuck this is becoming...So now I'm gonna have to get someone else's credit card to make it go...I'm beginning to enjoy imposing on others though...It makes me feel better about myself...Also, there's no option for the lifetime package...only 1-6 year options...Utter bull shit. Frankly, I'm disgusted with this whole situation. There are rumours that Stern will probably be on in Canada around May...once all the hype settles down...But who wants to wait 'til May? (Probably everyone else)...But I'm currently of the opinion that the good folks at the CRTC and SIRIUS (and all of its subsidiaries) can go swim in piss...and then fuck their own mothers...with piss still on their dicks...But as the facts change, so may my opinions...
That's it for now though.
Talk to you later.
Your Pal,
8thDwarf, Zambo -
Yeah, Grad school and living on I-can't-remember-street was definitely fun, and I don't regret that part of it... I just wish I had a bit more self-discipline and that I had come out of that whole experience with a degree. You know.
I definitely spend too much time dwelling on past events, though. You're absolutely right there. Maybe I should try and make that my New Year's Resolution ... to try and assume a more positive, forward-thinking attitude...
I think one's SNL experiences always tend to follow a certain path - it peaks in "funniness" around the time you're 20 - 25, but then trails off. I don't think the show is necessarily any less funny, but perhaps our sense of humour changes as we get older. Didn't you have older friends who swore that SNL hasn't been funny since Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi were on there? Then you go back and watch old episodes and you think, "Man, these are just as lame as the crap they're showing now..."
As for Sirius radio... I feel your pain. It should be a simple matter for you to listen to a radio program, and the fact that it is turning out to be so much trouble must be enraging. I'm sure it will sort itself out soon. Has Stern started on Sirius yet? I think it would be funny if, to inaugurate his first uncensored episode, everybody had to work at least one "unmentionable" word into every single sentence they say, for the entire show.
I have another hypothetical situation for you over on Gobbleblog, by the way. I don't know if it's interesting or not.
Of course we miss you Zambo. Wishing you and yours a most healthy, happy and prosperous new year!
I have nothing to add.
Well, I guess I have one thing to add: there's a lyric from an alexisonfire song (a band that I'm really getting into, despite the idiotic screaming of one of their two vocalists) that is really sticking in my head right now: "I feel like some kind of shadow, another slave to the week". The song is actually about someone who enjoys cutting themselves, something I would never do because 1) I hiss like a girl when I get a paper cut, and 2) it wouldn't be fair to the ladies to mar this otherwise unblemished vessel; but that one lyric really seems to summarize my existence at present: a life measured out in Mondays. How utterly depressing. Anyway, enough moping.
Oh, one more thing: Zambo's comment about piss-soaked incest had me cracking up.
Oh, and Gobs, I think you're right that people have their "SNL windows", timeframes of the show that they regard as being the funniest period. I often hear people 40-plus saying that the Aykroyd/Belushi/Chevy Chase era was the funniest, while most of us thirtysomethings would probably argue that the Adam Sandler/Chris Farley/Chris Rock/Will Farrell period was the definitive era. If you include Smigel's stuff in there, that's a pretty convincing argument. But kids these days would probably scoff and say that Rachel Dratch and... whoever the hell else is on the show now are Da Bomb, or something equally as grating. One of our co-workers is of the opinion that the 90's was a period of terrible music with nothing worth listening to, but with his next breath he praises 80's music as some kind of cultural watershed. He's obviously insane.
Anywho, it's 2:45 AM so I should get some sleep.
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