Scandal Could Delay Ape Uprising
Hello all.
I recently received some disturbing news. It seems that a high ranking orangutan was caught "having relations" with an unidentified female.
WARNING: some readers may find the following images disturbing...

I recently received some disturbing news. It seems that a high ranking orangutan was caught "having relations" with an unidentified female.
WARNING: some readers may find the following images disturbing...

Ape officials said that things will continue as planned, but insiders reveal that this is "...a big blow to the uprising..."
A spokesperson for the apes has issued the following statement, "This is merely a delousing ritual that has been blown ...uh... taken out of context. Humans couldn't possibly understand."
The photos are being distributed in an e-mail message entitled: "luckiest monkey in the zoo"...Ape officials disapprove of the word "monkey" and the matter is currently under investigation.
More news as it unfolds.
Your Pal,
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