One day, the apes shall rise... and when they do, it won't be the way Tim Burton re-imagined it...If you haven't heard the story of how that California couple got rocked by chimps at Animal Haven Ranch, check it out
here. As Jeffrey French mentions in the article, “We know that one of the most reliable predictors of increased male aggression is the presence of sexually receptive females...” Just go to any beer-sponsored event this weekend (preferably near the Canada-US border...with Canada Day on Friday and Independence Day on Monday, shit's bound to get fucked up...) and multiply what you see by about three...that should give you a brief glimspe into the future...
In honour of "Be Kind to Primates Month"...well...be kind to primates...and watch your back...
That's it for right now...
Your Pal,
First of all, what is up with these people reading these blogs.
"I really like star warz movies! I have seen them all I think."
Who the fuck doesn't know what movies they have and have not seen? I'm pretty sure I was high during the viewing of all six of these films, and somehow I'm pretty god damned sure I've seen them all.
Anyway, sorry Zambo to take away from the adulation of possible female admirers, but good blog. Keep it up Big Guy.
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