Hello Blogger Pals!
I haven’t been doing a lot of Blogging these days. I guess I’ve been in a bit of a funk, so I try not to Blog when I'm in a rut...(or when I'm in rut for that matter...But that's a whole different story)... Like shopping hungry, you know? Anyway, we closed the pool a few weeks ago and that usually serves to depress me…The whole leading up to it and for the next few months after… Then the following week we turned on the heat…I guess I’m feeling the effects of SAD to some degree…(Seasonal Affective Disorder ~ a recognized mental condition…a type of clinical depression that can last until spring)…I know...Wah for me, right? But that's how it is...
Lots of stuff has been going on these past few weeks, but I just didn't get around to Blogging...Frankly, I haven't even been turning on my laptop when I get home these days...
But I have been watching a lot of UFC action lately...It's quite soothing...Below are a few stills from the last Pay-Per-View title match between the Middleweight Champ Rich Franklin and Anderson Silva...(You may remember an earlier
post about how Franklin resembles Jim Carrey, as does Heavyweight champ Tim Silvia...)...Anyway, Franklin got trounced! He was totally dominated and knocked out late in the first round...
This is what is referred to as The Tale of the Tape...
Franklin looking confident before the match, as
"For Those About to Rock" played in the background...

After several knees to the midsection and getting pretty much dominated, Franklin finally took one right to the old schnoz...He couldn't escape Silva's clinch. A few more kicks and another knee to the head and it was all over...

Rich Franklin's nose, post-fight...

He'll be back once he's healed and give it another go, I'm sure. He's a tough dude. Tim Silvia (back right) defends his title next month against Jeff Monson...Should be a good one...
I usually enjoy Joe Rogan's commentary during these big events, but he wasn't able to attend the last one...Some of you may know Joe from "Fear Factor" or "News Radio", but he's a filthy comic and at the age of 19, he won the US Open Tae Kwon Do Championship (and, as the lightweight champ, went on beat both the middle and heavy weight title holders to take home the Grand Championship ~ from IMDB bio. If you think of him as just the host of "Fear Factor" then you should probably never go see that guy from "Full House" and "America's Funniest Home Videos" do stand-up...Bob Saget is super filthy too...but not as much of a tough guy...I don't think...Check him out in "The Aristocrats" ...I kinda like his new game show "1 vs. 100"...Good concept for a game)...
Anyway, I'm not sure where the Joe Rogan clips will land on my Blog once I've posted this...
Another weekend has come and gone and it's just about 1:30am as I post this...
I bid you farewell, good folks...
Take care out there!
Your Pal,
Oh! I just finished reading "A Confederacy of Dunces" and I rather enjoyed it. Artie Lange and Howard Stern were discussing it one morning and the circumstances of how it came to be published...I bought it online for like $2. (It ended up costing about $13 before I could get my greasy mits on it though)...Anyway, the author, John Kennedy Toole committed suicide and his mom got it published after his death...it won The Pulizter Prize for Fiction in 1981...
It begins with a quote:
When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him.
--Jonathan Swift--
The protagonist, Ignatius Jacques Reilly is a rather fascinating fellow. The Forward by Walter Percy (the novelist who actually got the book published) describes Reilly as a "...slob extraordinary, a mad Oliver Hardy, a fat Don Quixote, a perverse Thomas Aquinas rolled in one -- who is in violent revolt against the entire modern age, lying in his flannel nightshirt, in a back bedroom on Constantinople Street in New Orleans, who between gigantic seizures of flattulence and eructations is filling dozens of Big Chief tablets with invective."
Reilly explains that most fools don't comprehend his world view and suggests a reading list for one character. For the contemporary period, he recommends some selected comic books:
I recommend Batman especially, for he tends to transcend the abysmal society in which he's found himself. His morality is rather rigid, also. I rather respect Batman.