Friday, February 03, 2006

Here Comes The Sun

Today’s tidbit from my George Carlin “Thought of the Day” calendar:

I’ve begun worshipping the sun for a number of reasons. First of all, unlike some other gods I could mention, I can see the sun. It’s there for me every day. And the things it brings me are quite apparent all the time: heat, light, food, a lovely day. There’s no mystery, no one asks for money, I don’t have to dress up, and there’s no boring pageantry. And interestingly enough, I have found that the prayers I offer to the sun and the prayers I formerly offered to “God” are answered at about the same 50-percent rate.

It’s something to think about.

I heard that someone is in the process of suing James Frey for about $10 Million for time invested in reading his book (and other made up nonsense like pain and suffering, hurt feelings, perennial victimization, a sense of entitlement to something not earned, etc.). So some guy e-mailed Howard Stern about how he’s going to sue the publishers of The Bible for a ridiculous amount of money…His argument was that he was led to believe that it was true his whole life and now he realizes that it’s fictional. (This guy was kidding though)...

Good luck to both of them anyway.

Thank the sun, or God, or’s Friday!

Your Pal,


There's a UFC event tomorrow! Hooray for guys beating the hell out of eachother!


Blogger BeatDogg said...

No way, man, that dude's gonna ride this gravy train all the way to the bank (if he's smart). Oprah's just putting more money in his coffers (despite her carefully composed "hurt" and "anger" at his "betrayal"), so more power to him, I say. I have to ask why these people are so upset... I think it's because they now realize that this story can't give them that feeling of "better you than me" that they so relished when they first read the book. They're not going to feel entitled to a sense of moral vindication because they can't point to this guy's story and say, "Look what happens when you do the wrong thing. I'm glad I never did drugs and got married instead and had 2.5 kids and bought an SUV!" Okay, maybe that's being (unnecessarily) harsh, and my bias towards conservative, right-wing, bible-thumping, do-gooder Americans is showing, but I really think that people read stuff like this because it makes them feel better about themselves. And the fact that someone pulled a fast one on them must really burn their asses. Give the guy a Pulitzer, I say.

12:59 PM  
Blogger Tai said...

I never read the book.

My ex-boyfriend, who has developed a bad crack habit in the last few years, has a very devastated mother.
BUT she had managed to find some solace in Freys' book.

I wonder how she feels about it.

1:35 PM  
Blogger Mz.Elle said...

Zambo, I love that Carlin tidbit,I think I might have to stitch it onto a pillow or somthin'.
Happy UFC watching:)

1:47 PM  
Blogger S* said...

Carlin's got a point there...

So does Beatdogg (and I'm not saying that just cuz we're the same Lamborghini)...the whole thing has just stirred up more publicity, more people will want to read the book to see what everyone's talking about, he'll make more appearances. The guy's gonna end up with way more money than he would have otherwise. And really, why are people so upset...he's an idiot and has issues. Happens all the time.

2:17 PM  
Blogger Mel said...

Hey you can Sue people for wasting your time????? Wow I didnt know...I wasted a BUNCH of time yesterday at the hospital. hmmmmmmm..........

I love the sun. I dont worship much of anything though.

Happy weekend and UFC watching! (whatever that is LOL)

4:47 PM  
Blogger nicki said...

good post..something to think about..heeheheh..i like the makes me happy..have fun watching UFC...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....big tuff guys...grrrrrrrrrr.

6:08 PM  
Blogger Spider Walk said...

Good Morning Monkey Boy,
I had forgotton how much I love Carlin. I used to listen to his act on cassette tapes in my car while driving on long road trips. He always kept me awake and laughing.

Have a great weekend :)


7:37 AM  
Blogger StringMan said...

Greetings Zambo ...

George Carlin still has "it" after all these years.

I don't think I've ever gotten a "God burn". That's something in God's favor, I guess.

1:29 AM  
Blogger Zambo said...

Hey gang!

Thanks for visiting.

Blogger's being a bit of a prick lately...

Lingo Slinger,
I think if he makes it through all the lawsuits that James Frey will be OK...If he doesn't make it, oh well...Life will go on.

Good point. I can't 'til the book about this book comes out...

Sorry to hear about the ex. I hope his mom's doing OK. (Frey's mom seemed so proud on Oprah and Larry King. Though her son had seemingly messed everything up, it appeared that he'd turned it all around...then...not so much).

Ms. L,
If you should do a pillow, please post a pic. I just watched the was pretty awesome! Watching the Pamela Anderson roast at the moment...Uncomfortable, but funny...

I think you and Beatdogg may be right...but as Lingo Slinger mentioned, Frey could self-destruct...(I have a feeling he's gonna "come out" soon...just a feeling I get...then there's another book!)...

Sorry Mel,
UFC is "Ultimate Fighting Championship"...Violent, yet somehow soothing...

Sorry it's been such a shitty week for you...It's crazy how these frivolous lawsuits keep popping up, huh?


I didn't think that blogsville was so litigious. I'm sure we can come up with a very reasonable settlement...

Spider Walk,
What's "cassette tapes"?...But seriously, George Carlin's pretty funny. You have a swell weekend yourself!

Yeah, Carlin's always been pretty clever...When prayers go unanswered, isn't that sort of God "burning" us? Maybe not...

If this comment doesn't work, I'm gonna be pissed...

If you're there God, please make Blogger work consistently...

That's all for now.

Your Pal,


2:25 AM  
Blogger kimber said...

I spent a long road trip listening to two tapes: one was George Carlin, talking about American politics, and the other was Noam Chomsky, talking about American politics. They were both discussing the exact same thing, US foreign policy in the Gulf and the use of 9-11 for nefarious gains, and I could actually flip back and forth, between the two, without losing track of what they were talking about.

Only Carlin had me in stitches, though. And his is the monologue, I most remember. (Take a lesson, Noam! Humor=good!)

As for James Frey? It's all money in the bank for him. He'll probably write another book about how this experience changed him, 'made him a better person', and he'll make another boatload of moolah. Pah! I'm going outside to hang out with the sun....

11:42 AM  
Blogger Spider Walk said...

Your comment posted Monkey Boy--seems like mine haven't done as well...oh la la la laaaaaaa....

Hope this one posts...if not I will be back to haunt ya tomorrow :)
lmao...the word verification is "goatfoam"..lmao!!

12:26 PM  
Blogger Zambo said...

Hey Kimber,
Thanks for dropping by.
You're right about humour...Laughter is good for us and funny speakers do tend to be remembered more than dry speakers...Whether in lectures or on CD or in our every day lives, I think...

As for Frey, I agree that if he does live through this, that he will surely profit from it somehow...or at worst, be on "The Surreal Life"...

Spider Walk,

That's it for now.

Take care out there.

Your Pal,


8:08 PM  

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