Hello out there!
I hope that all is well.
It's been so busy lately! Not much time to do fun stuff. Some people are able to extricate themselves from situations that they don't want to be in...I'm more the "Every time I try to get out, they pull me back in!" type of guy. I can't seem to say no or to turn people away if they ask me for help...Basically, I worked all day Monday and then helped some University students with a project from 6pm to 12:30am (through work sort of)...I don't mind helping people, but I'm pretty tired...I missed "24"...I recorded it, but when I started watching it last night I passed out on the couch...
It’s day three for Stern’s official ‘visit’ to Canada. I say ‘visit’ because it’s only a matter of time before they drop his show again. There’s already a woman doing her best to get rid of him. She was featured on “Howard 100 News” on Monday saying that although it’s a pay service, the material is illegal in Canada…so she’s not sure why they’d allow him back on our airwaves. Holy shit! I wonder if this woman’s got anything better to do. Maybe help her community or something.
Today’s show was quite amazing. First they had Fred “The Elephant Boy” stop by for a visit. Then, they played “What’s My Secret?”…Basically a muscular guy came in. He had many tattoos, and he had a shaved head and handlebar mustache. Howard went first and asked if he was gay. The guy said no. Then Robin figured it out right away, saying that the guy used to be a woman. This was pretty shocking to everyone else. They asked a whole bunch of questions and it turns out that 'he', though legally sexually reassigned, still has a vagina. Cool huh? As it turns out ‘his’ name is Buck Angel, and ‘he’ is an adult film star. Howard contested that the vagina means that ‘he’ is still a woman. There was a brief exchange about that…Apparently Buck was a hot female model before the transformation. Howard said, “What a waste”…Then, Howard mentioned that since the female equipment was still intact, why not get Buck on the Sybian? And so another amazing radio program came to be. Buck mounted and they finally found Gary to operate the remote (he's always lurking nearby when it's a hot girl). He increased the speed and rotation until it got to 100%...maximum thrust…So Buck got off (both ways), and 'he' squirted! Some guys in the studio were going to throw up…Go to Howard Stern’s site for a pic (it’s censored…there’s no actual nudity on his site ‘cause it’s free access, I guess). Click this (it’s uncensored) if you’re having trouble staying awake at night…It may haunt you…It’s unsettling at the very least…Man, I was cracking up in the car on the way to work. It was so funny! They apologized to Buck, because they didn’t mean to be rude, but ‘he’ said it’s understandable…‘He’s’ an unusual specimen, to say the least.
Yesterday, Artie cracked me up. He’s gained a bit of weight and he’s sporting a big mustache…He said that this new look says, “I dare you to fuck me!” (His girlfriend, Dana, is apparently really nice and cute. She’s a teacher)…
They also discussed best drunken moments yesterday...Artie was the champ...He's had some good ones.

So the lessons here:
Find your niche, even if it means sexual reassignment.
Drinking excessively and an unkempt appearance are recipes for great moments of comedy.
(I'll be visiting all my pals' blogs tonight hopefully. Thanks for the comments!).
That's all for now.
Take care out there!
Your Pal,
Spider Walk,
I'm not sure if I'll be posting a picture of myself any time soon...But you'll have to keep dropping by in case I change my mind...(I wonder if your idea of me is anything like the 'real' me)...
Haaaa,that was startling,even though I was expecting it!
Cool though..I'm all for being ones self:)
Ew! Ohmigod, ew! Why oh why did I click on that Sybian pic? Definitely staying away from the uncensored one. Why does "his" face look so rubbery? You know what...he looks remarkably like a Ken doll, right down to the weird anatomy.
Gosh, I miss Howard.
I couldnt stop I had to click uncensored! Bizzareness.
Hello Zambo ... I clicked the uncensored thing. I'm lost for words. How is it that you get to take in most or all of the Stern show? How does that fit in with your work schedule. Just curious.
You mean that picture on your blog really isn't you?
Hey gang!
Sorry to not address all the comments individually...getting sleepy...Thanks for visiting, pals!
Crazy radio these days. Total Bizarreness!
Stern is on SIRIUS satellite radio (he's not physically in Canada)...you have to subscribe to it...but until this week, his show wasn't 'allowed' to air in Canada...(So I had to get it through the US ~ which was a real pain in the balls, if you will)...They're testing him out again (though he's broadcasting from his New York studio)...I listen from 6am to 9am (or 9:30ish depending on what's going on that day)...Plus it re-airs from 9am-2pm (work time) and 9pm-2am (sometimes I listen 'til 2)...
The Sybian could eventually replace a man in the bedroom...Plus, I think it can cut the grass...(It sounds like a lawn mower at higher speeds)...
Green Day won a Grammy tonight...I'm watching the re-airing of the awards show...while listening to Stern re-aired...I'll unmute the Grammy's if something of noteworthy occurs...
More pix of Buck Angel (rubbery face and all) if you're interested (not overly inappropriate)...Plus there's one from 'his' days as a woman near the bottom...(Thanks to Beatdogg for finding the link).
Just listening to Dee Snider on Stern, 'cause I missed it due to work this morning...
I'd better take a nap soon...
Take care out there!
Your Pal,
Oh Mr Stern, you try to hard.
hahahaha buck angel...i clicked the uncensored link...of course..jeebus...hahahaha.
Hiya Monkey Boi,
What an interesting post..lmao!! I clicked on the links..and am stil gazing at the sabian one--In my world a Sabian is a cymbal..lmao! There is always room for another I suppose. LMAO!
I am too afraid to open the Buck one though. I may have too though... Nicki told me to eat some jelly beans,and I did... so I am pretty ganked up on a sugar buzz.
Please don't feel pressured to post a picture...I was just being selfish and wanted to be able say "Ha! I knew you looked like that!" I am hardly ever wrong ya know ;)
Thanks for being such a special Monkey-- You are sooooo loved by this spider ;)
Take care my friend,
yeah Zambo..don't feel pressured to post a picture...hey SPIDER...maybe u should draw a picture of what you think zambo looks like and post it on yer blog?!?! hehehehe
Nicki--Good idea! :) I think I may do just that...heheheheh!!
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