Wednesday, February 01, 2006

What Car Are You?

Well hello there.

I hope that you're doing well.

First I'd like to take a moment to thank my pal Ms. L for connecting me to a lot of my new blogger pals. I have seen a lot of my new Blogsville chums as a direct result of Ms. L's comments sections.

Now, I'd like to say that my new pal Kimber had a post called "If I was an Autobot..." that triggered all kinds of ideas just after I read it and tried it...

I was immediately reminded of the time when Homer Simpson designed that impractical car and did the voice-over for the ad:

"All my life I have searched for a car that feels a certain way ... powerful like a gorilla, yet soft and yielding like a Nerf ball."

So below is what mine came up with:

I'm a Chevrolet Corvette!

I did a few modifications to the image though...

You're a classic - powerful, athletic, and competitive. You're all about winning the race and getting the job done. While you have a practical everyday side, you get wild when anyone pushes your pedal. You hate to lose, but you hardly ever do.

Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz if you're interested...

While I was looking for the above quote, I happened upon the following site:

T.V. Monkeys: Monkeys on "The Simpsons"


In other news, Stern's guests today were Jenna Jameson and Diddy...

Diddy was promoting a new cologne...(boring)...he followed Jenna, and was thoroughly impressed with what went down...

Jenna revealed that she had a little girl-on-girl action with the lovely Jenny McCarthy in Las Vegas...

Jenny had some sort of leakage in the tickle chair when she was on Stern's old show on September 23, 2005. (At the time she struck me as the sort of girl who'd be "Woo Hooing" the whole time she was banging the entire football team...a real "Girls Gone Wild" type)...

Anyway, Jenna was the first to use The Sybian...a product designed to please a woman sexually...that was given to Howard for his birthday last month. She kept her panties on though and there was no penetration, but it did the trick...Jenna mentioned that she's not into "degradation" (and I wonder if she's had sex with less people than Madonna to get to where she is today...possibly...if you just paused, then that's a testament to Madonna's...let's say... "looseness").

A photo from the Howard Stern site.

Diddy summed things up quite nicely by saying that it was, "A great day in radio and television history."

I would tend to agree. It's a difficult task to make five hours of talk radio per day interesting, yet Howard and his crew manage to do this most of the time.

That's all for now.

Take care out there.

Your Pal,



Blogger Spider Walk said...

Good Morning Zambo,
Where can I get one? Did Stern say??


Have a great day, you crazy monkey!!

5:42 AM  
Blogger StringMan said...

Me, too, I want one of those! Oh wait, that won't work ...

I miss Howard, but not enough to get satellite radio. You're lucky up there in Howard-Free-Zone Canada, Zambo.

7:51 AM  
Blogger S* said...

I miss Howard too. BF has Sirius in his car, so sometimes I catch a little. Ho Hum.

As for the car...(btw, you're too cute with your little monkey in it)...I am a
Lamborghini Murcielago! (You're not subtle, but you don't want to be. Fast, loud, and dramatic, you want people to notice you, and then get out of the way. In a world full of sheep, you're a raging bull.)

You tell me.

9:25 AM  
Blogger Mz.Elle said...

Aww that's sweet Zambo,thank YOU:)
I love the way you made the car,more you.
The Sybian is one neat looking machine...

1:56 PM  
Blogger Zambo said...

Hey Gang.

I hope that all is well out there. Thanks for dropping by.

Here's more Sybian Info for those who are interested...A porn star named Tatiana Stone used it on Stern today...(full throttle and rotation ~ Jenna only had it at low gear yesterday)...

S* and Sherry are pretty sweet cars...
Ms. L had the 'vette too.
My pal Beatdogg was the Lamborghini Murcielago like S*...

As for Come Together by The Beatles, I don't know that there's a specific meaning to the lyrics...but I'm guessing that drugs may have played a factor.

By the way, the post I scrapped the other day was going to be on James Frey and how Oprah misled her beloved disciples. Maybe I'll mention it on the weekend...we'll see...

That's all for now.

Your Pal,


11:45 PM  
Blogger nicki said...

I'm a Lamborghini Murcielago...YUCK..i don't even like how it looks..apparantely i'm not subtle, but I don't want to be. Fast, loud, and dramatic, I want people to notice me , and then get out of the way. In a world full of sheep, I'm a raging bull....seriously?!?

6:04 PM  

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