Hello out there.
I hope that all is well wherever you are.
There was this post I was working on...but I decided to scrap it...
I wasn't going to post anything at all...but I've been seeing these things around lately and I didn't really know what to make of them:
So I entered "Zambo" and selected "him"...
Try it if you're interested. (Numbers 2 and 3 sound very uncomfortable...only numbers 7 and 10 are true, by the way)...
Did you know that there's a film from 1937 called "Sher-e-Jungle"? (It's also known as "Zambo the Apeman"~ A scientist transforms an ape-like monster into a man who begins to behave like Tarzan)...I've never seen it, but it sounds like it's not that good. describes zambo as \Zam"bo\, n.; pl. Zambos. [See Sambo.] The child of a mulatto and a negro; also, the child of an Indian and a negro; colloquially or humorously, a negro; a sambo.
I remember there was a question about the definition on a Social Studies test in the fifth grade and a girl wrote "The boy who sits three seats behind me"...The teacher, Mrs. S, told the class because the girl, Carol A., tried to change her answer when we got the tests back. Mrs. S said that she laughed about that answer with her husband the night before and that Carol should take her seat and be quiet. I'm pretty sure Mrs. S must be dead by now. She was pretty old, even then.
R.I.P. Mrs. S.
As for Carol, I can only hope that she married a rich guy who's soft in the head... All the best, Carol.
That's it for now.
Your Pal,

Howard Stern reported to be returning to Canadian airwaves
February 6, 2006.
Only a month late...Good thing I went through all that shit to get illegal satellite!
(I'd do it again though)...
I hope that all is well wherever you are.
There was this post I was working on...but I decided to scrap it...
I wasn't going to post anything at all...but I've been seeing these things around lately and I didn't really know what to make of them:
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Zambo!
- Zambo is the last letter of the Greek alphabet.
- The average human spends about 30 days during their life in zambo!
- Zambo is picked, sorted and packed entirely in the field.
- The first American zoo was built in 1794, and contained only zambo!
- American Airlines saved forty thousand dollars a year by eliminating zambo from each salad served in first class!
- Thirty-five percent of the people who use personal ads for dating are zambo.
- If you blow out all the candles on zambo with one breath, your wish will come true!
- There are more than two hundred different kinds of zambo.
- Britain's Millennium Dome is more than double the size of zambo.
- Zambo is born white; his pink feathers are caused by pigments in his typical diet of shrimp.
Try it if you're interested. (Numbers 2 and 3 sound very uncomfortable...only numbers 7 and 10 are true, by the way)...
Did you know that there's a film from 1937 called "Sher-e-Jungle"? (It's also known as "Zambo the Apeman"~ A scientist transforms an ape-like monster into a man who begins to behave like Tarzan)...I've never seen it, but it sounds like it's not that good. describes zambo as \Zam"bo\, n.; pl. Zambos. [See Sambo.] The child of a mulatto and a negro; also, the child of an Indian and a negro; colloquially or humorously, a negro; a sambo.
I remember there was a question about the definition on a Social Studies test in the fifth grade and a girl wrote "The boy who sits three seats behind me"...The teacher, Mrs. S, told the class because the girl, Carol A., tried to change her answer when we got the tests back. Mrs. S said that she laughed about that answer with her husband the night before and that Carol should take her seat and be quiet. I'm pretty sure Mrs. S must be dead by now. She was pretty old, even then.
R.I.P. Mrs. S.
As for Carol, I can only hope that she married a rich guy who's soft in the head... All the best, Carol.
That's it for now.
Your Pal,

Howard Stern reported to be returning to Canadian airwaves
February 6, 2006.
Only a month late...Good thing I went through all that shit to get illegal satellite!
(I'd do it again though)...
Hey Selina.
Your list was pretty good too.
I found number 5 a little troubling...I guess you're like a fine wine that way(?)...
I think the toe thing can be explained as a spelling mistake. I believe it relates to the singer Selena, who was taken away from us to soon...I heard she was known as "cantante sin los dedos del pie" (roughly translated as "singer without toes")...That's just what I had heard...It might not be true though...
(Thanks for linking to me, by the way!)
Anyway, back to work, I suppose.
Take care.
Your Pal,
Oh yeah, Little Black Sambo was totally un-PC (think ink black skin, big pink lips, big nose, nappy hair, gonna get eaten by a tiger kind of un-PC). I think they tried to re-work the book in recent years to make it more PC. Go figure.
Here's mine:
Ten Top Trivia Tips about S*!
1. The patron saint of S* is Saint Eugenie.
2. You share your birthday with S*.
3. Two grams of S* provide enough energy to power a television for over twenty-three hours.
4. S* is the only one of the original Seven Wonders of the World that still survives!
5. S* can't sweat!
6. S* can't drink - she absorbs water from her surroundings by osmosis.
7. S* is the traditional gift for a couple on their third wedding anniversary.
8. There are now more than 4000 satellites orbiting S*!
9. Duelling is legal in Paraguay as long as both parties are S*!
10. The difference between S* and a village is that S* does not have a church.
I am one strange element.
haha that was kind of is mine...!!
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Nicole!
1. Nicole is actually a fruit, not a vegetable.
2. It takes 17 muscles to smile, and 43 to frown at nicole.
3. You share your birthday with nicole.
4. The colour of nicole is no indication of her spiciness, but size usually is.
5. The ace of spades in a playing card deck symbolizes nicole.
6. Nicole is 984 feet tall.
7. In the Great Seal of the United States the eagle grasps 13 arrows and nicole.
8. Nicole was declared extinct in 1902!
9. Nicole can't sweat.
10. Nicole has 118 ridges around the edge!
craaaaaaaaaazy! i'm one tall m.f'er..hhahaha
Hi There monkey face,
It turned out to be a great post for starting out as a post and then becoming a scraped post. HUH??
I am really excited about my 30 days of living in Zambo. I have no idea when it's gonna happen though. Do you think I will still be able to skateboard and skydive when it does?? I am sure I will leave Zambo with some very bad habits when my time is done. I apologize in advance.
You mean to tell me you get STERN illegally? Man oh must be his BIGGEST fan ever.
I hope you have a nice day.
I am going to eat cake.
I adore that picture!
That's cool about Stern...aww well,it'll be cheaper for us next year,eh?
Ok,here's mine:
1.The deepest part of Ms.L is over 35,000 feet deep.
2.A cluster of bananas is called a hand and consists of 10 to 20 bananas, which are individually known as Ms.L.
3.Devoid of her cells and proteins, Ms.L has the same chemical makeup as sea water.
4.In the kingdom of Bhutan, all citizens officially become Ms.L on New Year's Day!
5.Ms.Lomancy is the art of telling the future with Ms.L!
6.Antarctica is the only continent without Ms.L.
7.Originally, Ms.L could not fly.
8.India tested its first nuclear Ms.L in 1974!
9.Native Americans never actually ate Ms.L; killing such a timid prey was thought to indicate laziness.
10.Ideally, Ms.L should be stored on her side at a temperature of 55 degrees.
teeheee,that's funny.
Hi Keeks, S*, Nicki, Spider Walk, Ms. L and Poody!
It’s nice to see you ladies today.
Thanks for dropping by.
Not sure if I ever mentioned that I like your new profile pic…but I do.
I am aware of that whole unfortunate “Sambo” situation too…I don’t think I ever read the book though…
I can’t help but feel that you’re squandering a gift like that by not watching TV…(Two grams of S* provide enough energy to power a television for over twenty-three hours! Two grams of what, I wonder). It says you can’t drink either. Sorry to hear that. You’re an unusual element.
I like your new profile pic too.
Pretty weird, huh? According to this you’re a ridged fruit that was thought to be extinct…but you’re tall…very tall.
Spider Walk,
Where do I even begin with your comment? I’m reminded of the Bugs Bunny cartoon where he’s in giant Elmer’s head…But two words are also coming to mind…that perhaps shouldn’t…”human tampon”…Yup…I said it…Then that reminds me of that old classic: What do elephants us for tampons?....Sheep...That's right. Sheep.
You should be able to do everything that you normally do. Even swimming! And you’ll get all the cake you can handle!
Ms. L,
You had me at “cluster of bananas”…
There was a diner owned by a Greek guy near where I grew up called “Sambo’s”…I think it was his last name though.
More Useless info:
There are characters called “Zambo” and “Ape-Man” in the 1925 film ”The Lost World”…(which was based on the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle novel).
Take care out there.
Your Pal,
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