Monday, November 21, 2005

I Had a Dream...

Hi gang.

The following is a synopsis of what I was originally going to write:

I want to start off by sharing the bizarre dream I had last night…The fellas and I watched the UFC main event and we ate a lot of pizza and had a few drinks…I like having my pals over, but I get a bit overzealous in my role of host…I want everything to be perfect even though I know that they don’t care about stuff like that…I think it’s something I got from my mother…Anyway, after a night of watching these combatants beat on each other, you’d think I’d have violent dreams, right? Nope…The boys left at about 2:30am, I think…After I cleaned up (if I had left it, Lasagna would no doubt clean it up in the morning…she can’t help herself…and I didn’t want to leave a mess)…I had to wind down a bit, ‘cause it gets pretty intense watching the fights…Like after watching a “Rocky” movie, guys get a little punchy…So anyway, it was about 4:00am when I finally went to bed…I went to the spare room, ‘cause I was pretty knackered, and knew I’d be snory and a touch gassy…

So here’s my dream:
I was on “The Apprentice” and we were asked to go to a naturally lit conference room. The task was that all the “artistic” contestants would sell their artwork for charity to see who could raise the most money…The rest would be hangers-on…like in “School of Rock”… where the kids with talent got to be in the band, and the rest were given other, menial tasks…I was walking around the table, looking for my work and wondering how much to sell it for…then I realized that none of my work was there…I couldn’t tell you exactly what the other art looked like, as it was drowned out by equal parts disappointment and rage…I had to see Mr. Trump immediately. There had been a dreadful oversight. I left the room and the volume on everything around me was turned way down…People may have been asking me where I was going, but nothing got through…I went to another conference room and knocked as I entered. The Donald was engaged in conversation with another man. I indicated that I needed to talk to him. He signaled to a big man standing behind him to “Take care of this” and continued talking to the businessman. The big man seemed kind and a natural at diffusing tricky situations. He asked me if I wouldn’t mind joining him in another room to discuss what was on my mind. He apologized, stating that Mr. Trump was very busy and that he’d convey my concerns to him later. This seemed to put me at ease. We went to the other room and I made my case. He asked me if I had any artwork to show him. I said not really. He asked if I was an artist. I told him that I was, but neither of us seemed really convinced. I began to realize that perhaps they made the right decision after all… I never consider anything “fit for public consumption” so I keep things to my self…nothing is ever “finished”…In fact, I haven’t really done any “artwork” in quite some time. I apologized and turned to walk away. It seemed like the man really cared…so it must have been a dream…Then I woke up with a bigger sense of dread than I usually do. I think that’s it.

(I know what it means…so don’t bother trying to explain it for me...just thought I'd share it for some reason).

I don’t usually remember my dreams. But I got an unusual six hours of sleep, so maybe my mind and body were better able to process this one. Too bad it wasn’t a sexy one. I can picture all the little people that make our body machines work, going crazy like in “Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex * But Were Afraid to Ask”…the little guys are running around like the crewmen on the Titanic, trying to process the foods I’ve been eating and trying to get “the machine” to function efficiently on the little amount of sleep I get. Sorry little people…

Joaquin the Line

We saw “Walk the Line” today and it was quite good. Ebert briefly discusses the appeal of such biopics:

"Walk the Line" follows the story arc of many other musical biopics, maybe because many careers are the same: Hard times, obscurity, success, stardom, too much money, romantic adventures, drugs or booze, and then (if they survive) beating the addiction, finding love and reaching a more lasting stardom. That more or less describes last year's "Ray" but every time we see this story the characters change and so does the music, and that makes it new.

Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon give great performances in the film and when Phoenix sings “Ring of Fire”, he actually becomes Mr. Cash. Witherspoon is delightful in her portrayal of June Carter: cute, charming and funny…and she sings well too! She won me over during her last appearance on Oprah, where she exhibited many of the same qualities…but she is an actress. (It’s like saying that someone in management is a good person…You should qualify it with “for a manager”...If you're a manger, I'm sorry. On many levels)…

It’s been quite a while since we’ve gone to the movies…We used to average at least one a week, sometimes three at the theater…But my tolerance of others’ lack of courtesy often gets tested. The main times that my rage becomes almost uncontrollable is when I’m driving and when people disrupt my movie viewing experience. Today there were two young lads who entered just after the opening credits and took a while to settle down. They were several seats away, to our right. I let that slide though…I’m assuming the movie they actually paid to see just let out and they thought they could catch this one too. Then one of them got a call on his cell phone half way through the film with an irritating ~ and loud ~ ring tone. He answered it and lit up his area with the blue light of his phone…Then he proceeded to chat with his outdoor voice…I couldn’t make out exactly what he was saying, but it should have been something like, “When I woke up this morning I had no idea that the guy over there was going to beat me to death in front of my boyfriend”…So I gave him the death stare the whole time he was on the phone…Then he hung up and started talking to his friend…Suddenly our eyes met and I told him to shut up through clenched teeth…It seemed to work…and they left a few minutes later…I missed a few minutes of the film because of these guys…After the film, I asked Lasagna what she thought of it. She liked it too…Then I expressed my urge to “subdue” those guys and asked her if that was wrong of me…She said that I probably shouldn’t get so worked up…I guess they came in too late to see the announcement about turning off phones and pagers and to be courteous…Perhaps it’s a bit extreme to want to cause them bodily harm…but I’m allowed to imagine any scenario I want. I know that I wouldn’t actually hurt anybody for something like that, but it’s the first thing that comes to mind…Serenity now! Coincidentally, it was Johnny Cash who once said that although he’d never really killed anybody...that didn’t mean there weren’t people walking around who “needed killin’”…

Take it easy.

Your Pal,



Blogger BeatDogg said...

I thought Johnny Cash "shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die"... It sounds like those two fuckers in the theater needed a good fist massage (not in the gay way). I would have enjoyed watching that.

The UFC was pretty damned entertaining last night - some serious ass whuppings were handed out. Don't worry that you were too overzealous with the host role - Stu and I got a little overzealous with the green stuff on the way there, and I don't think we would have noticed if the house had been on fire. Let's just say the ride over the Skyway with all the lights of Hamilton twinkling away was pretty damned cool. We rocked the doobage a little on the way back too, and my brain was doing 100 mph when I got home, so I didn't get to sleep until like 5 AM. Getting up for work tomorrow is going to be a beeyotch.

1:20 AM  
Blogger Zambo said...

Hey Beatdown.

Yeah Cash never really killed anyone (that we know of), but he sang more about killing than most of the gangsta rappers ever did...but I guess it's not as threatening when a white guy from Arkansas does it...

In the film, after Cash gets arrested for drugs (he didn't announce it as publicly as you just did, I might add) his pops (played by Robert Patrick) told him, "Now you won't have to work so hard to make people think you been to jail."

The UFC certainly was exciting and I did want to go all George Costanza on those guys in the theater, but I've got to consider Lasagna and the fact that she doesn't like violence. (Plus, they might have whipped my ass...You never know. There were two of them...but I do have a lot of chimp rage bottled up)...

Getting up for work today is most certainly going to suck quite a bit...

The "Rome"finale was also quite awesome. I can't wait for the DVD to come out!

Better get some shut-eye or I'm gonna be crankier than usual at the dream factory...

Talk to you in about 8 hours, big boy...

Your Pal,


1:42 AM  
Blogger S* said...

Howard was a rerun this morning. It was the one where Artie plays one on one with the WBA chick and loses. I had reruns. I was late for work...didn't have my usual Howard Stern pep. :(

Gotta figure out how to get Sirius. Perhaps I'll start a fund. Funny, went to see Harry Potter and his godfather's name is Sirius and all I could think of was Howard.

12:17 PM  
Blogger Zambo said...

Hi S*.

Yeah Stern re-runs are usually a bit of a bummer, but they also played clips from the time Gilbert Gottfried mocked that woman who gave him a ride to a dinner party at Amy Heckerling's house. Her parents survived the horrors of the Holocaust and I guess she was looking for sympathy from Gilbert...Big mistake. He is so shameless that he's hilarious. Nothing's sacred to him. His DVD is coming out soon.

Did you like the Harry Potter movie?

Anyway...I don't like Mondays...

Your Pal,


12:42 PM  
Blogger S* said...

I really liked the HP movie...I'm a casual fan (saw two of the movies and haven't read the books). But I thought it was really good. Friends who are diehard fans liked it too.

Oh...and I'm copyrighting the book idea ;)

1:52 PM  
Blogger Zambo said...

Hello Ladies.

Thanks for dropping by!

Please proceed with the book idea and I'll settle for a brief acknowledgement if that seems fair...Something catchy like, "Zambo was the wind beneath my wings"...

Hey keeks.
That link was bizarre.
I'm up to speed on your blog. (That's funny...You're funny).
Your friend's kid sounds like a little agitator...Good for him.

I think I'm gonna pack it in early tonight.

Talk to you later.

Your Pal,


11:01 PM  

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