Chimp Attack Update
Remember the “disturbingly gruesome chimp attack” on that couple last March?

Well, the guy lived and he was interviewed on Good Morning America recently. Want the link? OK…Here it is.
He’s doing a lot better than I had imagined…According to an article dated March 8, 2005, he lost “…a nose, a cheek, an eye, his lips, a foot, all of his fingers, his testicles, and part of his buttocks to a disturbingly gruesome chimpanzee attack.” (In the video, he clearly has fingers…though not all of them).
That article also mentions that a policeman required $250,000 in medical treatment when Moe went apeshit while he was living with St. James and LaDonna Davis…That's what led to Moe being taken to the Animal Haven Ranch near Bakersfield in the first place.
Do you think that cop could have imagined what his day was going to be like that day?
I like that Mr. Davis was able to joke about the Eskimo kisses. That shows that he’s making some progress…His wife, however, didn’t seem all that amused by any of it…and their lawyer seemed pretty nice, huh?
So if you’re keeping score at home: Apes –2, Humans 1.85…
I think this is is one of the chimp assailants under the sheet.
St. James and Moe in the good old days, when he still had a profile...and nuts.
But What About Our Good Friend Oprah?
I don’t know how many of you watched Oprah yesterday…Her audience was composed of Katrina volunteer workers…She gave them each some of her favourite things.
Some of the gifts were pretty awesome! The guys in the audience were probably rolling their eyes at all the “girly” stuff at first…but then they seemed to cream their pants when they saw the new iPod, the Blackberry 7105T and the Sony VAIO FJ notebook…A lot of the things Oprah likes have pretty heavy-duty price tags…I couldn’t imagine spending $117 for a 6.5 gallon tin of popcorn, or how about “The Oprah Sweater” by Ralph Lauren for a mere $498…That’s reasonable, right? Or what about the somewhat unappealing watches ranging in price from $650 to $2500? And this one’s for Keeks: Oprah doesn’t normally wear fragrances, but she just had to add Sarah Jessica Parker’s “Lovely” to her list of must-have items…which retails for $62 per bottle…
I can see how adults could go all catatonic watching Oprah(the way hyper kids do with Teletubbies or Barney or whatever mass-hypnosis characters are marketable at the time)…As I was watching, Lasagna came in and started talking to me...I pointed at the TV, saying "Oprah"...She responded with, "I can't believe how much you like Oprah now" as she walked away...I thought about explaining myself, but decided not to...(I know that some might think that I behaved rudely...but it should be noted that it was also rude of little Lasagna to come in and disturb me while I was watchin' ma stories, while her show was on a commercial break...But we're good like that)...
I have to admit that I was captivated by all those gifts, interspersed with tales of the selfless actions of audience members to help out after Hurricane Katrina…So once again, Oprah did something really nice for her audience…who gave of themselves to help others in need…Not only does Oprah tell us what we should read, but now she is suggesting what we should buy, with Christmas just around the corner…I guess she must think that we all have what Letterman affectionately refers to as “Oprah Money”…Rumour has it that Oprah shall appear on Late Night With David Letterman on December 1st. That should be good. Though Dave’s lost a bit of his edge over the years, he’s still pretty sharp.
At the top of Oprah's web site, there's a button labelled: "Inside"...That kinda scares me...
Anyway, take it easy...
Remember that Beatles song from their White Album:
"Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey."
Your Pal,
Hi Again.
Letterman just confirmed that Oprah will be visiting a week from Thanksgiving night...he's got a 3' x 4' image of her smiling face behind him...Dr. Philth is doing the Top 10 List of tips for interviewing Oprah...What a smug prick he is...What horrible delivery...
Anyway, time for bed...
Your Pal,
Holy jesus. Dude, where to begin with that clip of St. James the human monkey buffet? His wife is clearly semi-catatonic - I guess seeing your husband being violently dismantled by screaming, blood-crazed chimpanzees kinda shakes some screws loose. If those chimps had succeeded in killing that poor bastard, I'm sure she'd be staring at whatever it was that Terry Schiavo found so gripping for the last 15 years. She just sat there and drooled for most of the interview - except for her obvious bullshit story about "looking over and seeing Moe, and he was obviously frightened". I'm sure Moe wanted in on the action, that's why he was flipping out. He'd tasted human fingers before and he didn't want to miss the hors d'oeuvres. Then there's the shit-eating grin that the co-host mongrol was flashing every ten seconds as she touched St. James' arm and yammered on about how brave he was and "the power of love". I retched so hard I almost ruptured a testicle! Talk about pandering... But my absolute favourite line, the one bit that literally had me laughing until I almost gagged, was the smarmy shit-eating host, who dropped this sage pearl about the Eskimo kisses:"That's a joke... but not a joke." I bet he's the kind of dick who goes to see a movie and explains the events as they unfold onscreen, as though the people around him are watching something else or have suffered catastrophic brain damage and cannot process simple visual information. It reminds me of this guy Bill I used to know, who would always recite idiotic facts that most of us learned around the same time we started tying our shoes. One day he actually said: "Do you know what causes lightning? Negative charges build up in stormclouds and then discharge their electrical energy into the ground."
I paused for a second, thinking that perhaps there was a punchline, then said, "Yeah, Bill, I knew that."
"Really? How did you know that?"
"Because like most of the population of the Western hemisphere, I attended gradeschool - the same place where you learned it." He seemed shocked.
Anyway, I gotta get some sleep. Good post, man.
Best line ever on a web page:
"St. James and Moe in the good old days, when he still had a profile...and nuts."
I laughed out-loud. It was funny and true.
Yet another great post.
Yikes. Don't know what to say about the chimp attack.
Will talk to you later...gonna go sell a kidney and part of my liver so I can buy a couple things on Oprah's favorite things list. *BLECH!*
Is it wrong that I root for the Chimps?
Thanks for the great comments, folks!
It's often difficult to justify liking...or even disliking...Oprah...
I don't think it's wrong to root for the chimps...or Manticore (Siegried & Roy's tiger)...or those elephants that go berserk after years of subjugation...
Though it should be understood that we be kind to all creatures...I think it holds especially true of beasts that could tear us apart...
Take care out there.
Your Pal,
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