Wednesday, May 25, 2005

More Useless Information...

I stayed up late to watch Conan…It was OK. A bit like when you’re taking the last bite after devouring a whole cake in one sitting…you know you’re gonna regret it in the morning…Anyway, I went to bed before Billy Idol performed, but just watched the rerun on CNBC…I can’t believe he’ll be 50 this year! He looks a little older, but he’s in pretty good shape…

I apologize in advance, but I would like to take this opportunity to go on a bit of a rant about a package that my work sent out to all employees…it’s a training package that they sent to our homes…even though we’re at work all day, every business day. So when you get home, you have to figure out how to get the fucking package you don’t even want - to do training you don’t even need... You can either sign the notice that they stick to your door, giving them permission to leave it there the next day…or, you can have the piece of shit redirected. I chose option two and went through all the steps to redirect a package online. The window came up thanking me and telling me that it would be redirected…TO MY WORK, WHERE I SPEND MOST OF MY FUCKING WAKING HOURS…They’re pretty efficient at Head Office, figuring out ways to keep their jobs while making things more complicated for everybody else…So several days had gone by and still no package…Did I mention that I don’t even want the fucking thing? So I thought I’d call the number on the notice to see what the shit is going on…I figured I’d have no choice but to speak with an actual human this time…after several minutes of pressing numbers to make it easier for them to serve me… There’s a deadline to complete this highly relevant training too…but I have to receive the sack of shit first…So I went over a bunch of information with a lady on the phone. She actually instilled me with a bit of confidence and I felt comfort in her apparent competence…She seemed to know what she was doing…How odd…This was several days ago…Yesterday, I asked the shipper at work to let me know if/when my package arrived. No dice. No word today either.

When I got home from work today, there was another fucking notice on my fucking front door…Fuck! I seriously considered leaving the delivery guy a similar notice, telling him to shove the package up his ass…But he’d know where I live for future retribution, so that’s no good…It’s not his fault, I know…but I don’t have any kids to beat…or even a dog…And my woman’s still at work…(kidding. She don’t work…) …On a brighter note, the training got done...I got an”A”…

NOTE: I may have spoken too soon about Corey Feldman in a previous posting. Despite this, one must also consider these. That’s all I’m gonna say right now. I’ve got to reassess a few things…

LOST is on…time to go.

Your Pal,



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