I had planned on doing some heavy duty Blogging recently, but I didn't get around to it...I've got lots of stuff to post about, but unfortunately other stuff took precedence...(I'm once again working on re-prioritizing my primary action items)...
Anyway, Angelfire has tagged me...
So here are six weird things about me:
- I tuck the laces into my shoes when I take them off...especially during winter...
- I don't usually heat up food and tend to prefer it served at room temperature or cooler...I guess that might be considered 'weird' by some...
- I collect unusual items because I find them interesting and tend to display them...(mannequins, toys, etc.). Some people find this 'weird' but I find many of those people to be boring...
- Though I desire silence in theory, I tend to listen to Stern or music or TV all day long...There's not really a moment of silence in my days (daze)...I even go to sleep listening to Howard Stern replays on my wireless headphones...(I no longer shower with the headphones and try to time my showers to coincide with the now shorter commercial breaks)...Why Stern, you may ask? Well it's funny, honest discourse with ballbusting...Lots of ballbusting...In my opinion it's the funniest shit out there, but it's not for everyone...
- Like Angelfire, I used to be able to go a long time without peeing...It was often impressive when we would go drinking and I wouldn't 'break the seal' all night...I used to also go once at the end of the day at work...but now I go more often...My bladder's getting older, I guess...Either that or diabetes or something...My pee does taste a lot like maple syrup...So for #5 it could either be that I can go a long time without peeing or that my pee tastes sweet...
- I don't really like to talk about myself. I don't share a lot of personal information. I can talk to people about all kinds of stuff, but as soon as they start asking me personal questions, I usually get evasive and avoid answering...I think I hate questions that don't really seem relevant or that I consider to be pointless chatter...Sometimes people use these types of questions to 'break the ice' (which is very different from 'breaking the seal')...Like at weddings or that type of event...They often don't really care about your answer and will ask all the same questions the next time you see them, so what's the point really?...Or they think about what they're gonna say next while you're answering...But it goes beyond that...I also don't like when people ask me where I'm going for lunch...I don't get that and it actually bothers me...What business is it of theirs? I often just say "Out" or the name of the local strip joint...Or counter with something like "Why would you possibly want to know?"...I seriously don't know why they want to know...I don't care where they went for lunch...Are they just making conversation? Please do so elsewhere...Or the old "What are you doing this weekend?"...Listen, if you wanna tell me what you're doing, just tell me. Let's skip the pretenses, shall we?...I really don't care though...Maybe I'm just an anti-social prick...So I guess that's a little weird, huh?...The funny thing is that most people think I'm always kidding...on account of my goofy grin, I suppose, and take my hostility and/or sarcasm as a joke...I'm OK with that...Is that weird?
(My goofy grin is more disarming than say the smile of Ray Liotta, which I find downright creepy)...
As for tagging...I guess anyone who reads this and wants to do it can do so...If you've already done it, you can refer to the link in the comments section if you so desire...
Take care out there!
Your Pal,
Check out Howard Stern on Letterman Tuesday, Conan Thursday and Jimmy Kimmel on Friday! Or not. I will.
Haa,I do that too! Eat food that's room temp or colder...I don't know it just tastes better that way.
I'm also with you completely on number six,not weird at all.
I get so irritated with all those so-called social niceities(is that a word? Did I spell it right??)
Just get to the point and enough of the pretending you give a crap,please and thank you.
It's nice to see you Zambo,I've enjoyed your post!
My goodness Zambo, you really are a riddle inside a mystery wrapped inside an enigma...
Um....You taste your pee???
The weird thing about me is that I click on your blog just on the day that you do a new post. How weird is that? Also, I don't like talking about myself either. Everyone gets to ask me three questions, I might answer the first one, but I dodge the second two.
Howard Stern is on Letterman tonight (Tuesday) and people can be very boring (and frustrating). I know the feeling. For the record, Ike has some eclectic collections, too, but none that he'll let me speak of.
Yeah, did you really taste your pee?
Ray Liotta's has WAY too much work done. He can't even move his lips anymore.
I hate when people ask where I met a guy. What difference does it make? I usually just say "out" but that's never good enough. I mean, is "a friend's party" any different from "at a restaurant" or "the strip club"?
Yeah, did you really taste your pee?
Ray Liotta's has WAY too much work done. He can't even move his lips anymore.
I hate when people ask where I met a guy. What difference does it make? I usually just say "out" but that's never good enough. I mean, is "a friend's party" any different from "at a restaurant" or "the strip club"?
Yeah, did you really taste your pee?
Ray Liotta's has WAY too much work done. He can't even move his lips anymore.
I hate when people ask where I met a guy. What difference does it make? I usually just say "out" but that's never good enough. I mean, is "a friend's party" any different from "at a restaurant" or "the strip club"?
weirdo. :D
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