Brace Yourselves For A Journey Into My Head!
Greetings Friends, Random Visitors and Quirky Lurkers.
I hope things are running smoothly for you as you read this.
So I’m starting to realize that I’m not the guy I once was…It’s not so much that I’m “half the man I used to be”, but maybe ¾...My life is pretty much half over...(or half started, for all the optimists out there). Anyway, if you double my current age and take into account my current lack of ambition, then when I'm twice this age I'm pretty much gonna be fucked right up...I guess maybe I'm going through one of those mid-life crisis things, perhaps a bit prematurely...
A pal recently asked, “Remember when Zambo used to be fun?”…It’s so true…I did used to be so much more fun, I think…I've definitely softened over the years (physically and personality-wise). In fact, I saw “Must Love Dogs” last week and I actually enjoyed it…I know there was a time when I would have refused to even watch such a film...I'm not really sure what all this means, but I do know that I have changed a few things about myself, partly to please my mate, Lasagna...and partly for my own good. Though it's cheesy, she really does make me want to be a better man...(See "As Good As It Gets"...Not that I was a that bad of a guy before...and she's not an intolerable hag, like Helen Hunt...but you get the idea, I hope...It's kinda like that old saying that goes something like: Women stay with men hoping to change them and men stay with women hoping they'll stay the same)...
Anyway, my room, when I lived alone in my condo, used to look like this...

Now most of these items are in boxes in the basement of our house...My office is pretty boring at the moment...I've been thinking about getting some sort of cabinet to display some of my stuff...I just haven't gotten around to it yet...A lot of those toys were from my childhood, though I did acquire a few here and there over the years...I also have a lot of "still-in-the-package" stuff that's supposedly worth more if/when you decide to sell it one day...(Like in "The 40 Year Old Virgin" ...except I was in my 20s and pulling tonnes of chix with my disarming smile and unusual charm...Well maybe not tonnes...)...We have a few rooms in the house that are mine. I'm "allowed" to do whatever I want in those rooms (within reason)...It's weird to say something like that, but I guess it's all part of the compromise. Lasagna doesn't like too much clutter or "junk", so I respect that. Plus, if I'm not reined in a little, things can get out of hand...(My TV room, or home theater, has some toys in it, two mannequins and a stuffed tiger that growls ~ plush, not real)...
Anyway, I was thinking of my pal "Timmy" the other day. He was a really nice guy. (I'm sure he still is, but I haven't seen him in a while)...He used to say that visiting my room was like a journey into my head... and that it scared him a little...We met through a friend of the family's...My dad was in the army with a guy and his son was friends with Timmy...We became good pals right away. When I went off to University, I got a call during Frosh Week. It was Timmy and as it turned out, he was living in my residence, a floor above me. We had a lot of good times and when we finished school we were in a bit of a funk and had no real direction in life...His cute girlfriend had dumped him and he had no real hobbies, so he would joke around about driving into a bridge abutment...Thankfully he never did. And when he finally landed a sweet job, cute girlfriend was open for business again. They eventually got married and I went to their wedding. Then we lost touch and we sorta went our separate ways...Then the son of my dad's army buddy got married, and Timmy and his cute wife were seated at our table. Things seemed different though. Though he looked good, he had the posture of a defeated man. Like what Bruce Springsteen describes as "like a dog that's been beat too much"...(See "Born in the USA"). They made a bit of a fuss about the vegetarian menu they had requested. (He's apparently a vegetarian now...because she is very health conscious, I suspect...and he would do anything for her...See "Pulp Fiction"..."My girlfriend's a vegetarian, so that pretty much makes me a vegetarian too")...Not that there's anything wrong with being a vegetarian (DaVinci was one in the 1500s)...if it's something you do for yourself...But I suspect that she imposed her will upon him. He's very passive...Though she's cute. She's not that cute. Anyway, I got his e-mail address and contacted him a few times, but he was going through a job transition and blah, blah, blah...So I haven't seen him since...I hope he's OK. And his cute wife too.
I always liked the story he told me about guys and girls and relationships...(I know he didn't make it up, but I liked the way he told it)...
So there's this dog. He's having a good old time running around and chasing butterflies. He happens across a fine looking bone between frolicking and laying around. So he picks up the bone and begins to prance around, pretty pleased with himself. It's probably the best bone he's ever seen. He feels that he is the luckiest dog in the world ('cause he lives for the moment). He walks up to a river and he sees his reflection in the water...(but he doesn't really understand the concept of reflections and thinks that it's another dog with a bone that's just as good ~ maybe better ~ than his. He admires the bone for a moment, but he tries to show off his bone too. The river dog, matches his move, and his bone is sublime! The dog finally can't take it anymore, so he reaches for the better bone, dropping his in the process...The bone is washed away forever and the dog is left standing there...boneless...
I believe the story is meant to illustrate that (some) men are a lot like dogs and that they often don't know how good they have it. They often throw away what they have for the projected idea of something better. (And I think the bone may have something to do with erectile dysfunction, but I forget...I also forget where the story originated, but I like it).
So...I think that's it for the moment. I had saved this as a draft, hoping to polish it up a bit before posting, but it probably never would have gotten posted at the rate I'm going lately...
Take care out there, folks!
I'm off to test drive convertible sports cars.
Your Pal,
I hope things are running smoothly for you as you read this.
So I’m starting to realize that I’m not the guy I once was…It’s not so much that I’m “half the man I used to be”, but maybe ¾...My life is pretty much half over...(or half started, for all the optimists out there). Anyway, if you double my current age and take into account my current lack of ambition, then when I'm twice this age I'm pretty much gonna be fucked right up...I guess maybe I'm going through one of those mid-life crisis things, perhaps a bit prematurely...
A pal recently asked, “Remember when Zambo used to be fun?”…It’s so true…I did used to be so much more fun, I think…I've definitely softened over the years (physically and personality-wise). In fact, I saw “Must Love Dogs” last week and I actually enjoyed it…I know there was a time when I would have refused to even watch such a film...I'm not really sure what all this means, but I do know that I have changed a few things about myself, partly to please my mate, Lasagna...and partly for my own good. Though it's cheesy, she really does make me want to be a better man...(See "As Good As It Gets"...Not that I was a that bad of a guy before...and she's not an intolerable hag, like Helen Hunt...but you get the idea, I hope...It's kinda like that old saying that goes something like: Women stay with men hoping to change them and men stay with women hoping they'll stay the same)...
Anyway, my room, when I lived alone in my condo, used to look like this...

Now most of these items are in boxes in the basement of our house...My office is pretty boring at the moment...I've been thinking about getting some sort of cabinet to display some of my stuff...I just haven't gotten around to it yet...A lot of those toys were from my childhood, though I did acquire a few here and there over the years...I also have a lot of "still-in-the-package" stuff that's supposedly worth more if/when you decide to sell it one day...(Like in "The 40 Year Old Virgin" ...except I was in my 20s and pulling tonnes of chix with my disarming smile and unusual charm...Well maybe not tonnes...)...We have a few rooms in the house that are mine. I'm "allowed" to do whatever I want in those rooms (within reason)...It's weird to say something like that, but I guess it's all part of the compromise. Lasagna doesn't like too much clutter or "junk", so I respect that. Plus, if I'm not reined in a little, things can get out of hand...(My TV room, or home theater, has some toys in it, two mannequins and a stuffed tiger that growls ~ plush, not real)...
Anyway, I was thinking of my pal "Timmy" the other day. He was a really nice guy. (I'm sure he still is, but I haven't seen him in a while)...He used to say that visiting my room was like a journey into my head... and that it scared him a little...We met through a friend of the family's...My dad was in the army with a guy and his son was friends with Timmy...We became good pals right away. When I went off to University, I got a call during Frosh Week. It was Timmy and as it turned out, he was living in my residence, a floor above me. We had a lot of good times and when we finished school we were in a bit of a funk and had no real direction in life...His cute girlfriend had dumped him and he had no real hobbies, so he would joke around about driving into a bridge abutment...Thankfully he never did. And when he finally landed a sweet job, cute girlfriend was open for business again. They eventually got married and I went to their wedding. Then we lost touch and we sorta went our separate ways...Then the son of my dad's army buddy got married, and Timmy and his cute wife were seated at our table. Things seemed different though. Though he looked good, he had the posture of a defeated man. Like what Bruce Springsteen describes as "like a dog that's been beat too much"...(See "Born in the USA"). They made a bit of a fuss about the vegetarian menu they had requested. (He's apparently a vegetarian now...because she is very health conscious, I suspect...and he would do anything for her...See "Pulp Fiction"..."My girlfriend's a vegetarian, so that pretty much makes me a vegetarian too")...Not that there's anything wrong with being a vegetarian (DaVinci was one in the 1500s)...if it's something you do for yourself...But I suspect that she imposed her will upon him. He's very passive...Though she's cute. She's not that cute. Anyway, I got his e-mail address and contacted him a few times, but he was going through a job transition and blah, blah, blah...So I haven't seen him since...I hope he's OK. And his cute wife too.
I always liked the story he told me about guys and girls and relationships...(I know he didn't make it up, but I liked the way he told it)...
So there's this dog. He's having a good old time running around and chasing butterflies. He happens across a fine looking bone between frolicking and laying around. So he picks up the bone and begins to prance around, pretty pleased with himself. It's probably the best bone he's ever seen. He feels that he is the luckiest dog in the world ('cause he lives for the moment). He walks up to a river and he sees his reflection in the water...(but he doesn't really understand the concept of reflections and thinks that it's another dog with a bone that's just as good ~ maybe better ~ than his. He admires the bone for a moment, but he tries to show off his bone too. The river dog, matches his move, and his bone is sublime! The dog finally can't take it anymore, so he reaches for the better bone, dropping his in the process...The bone is washed away forever and the dog is left standing there...boneless...
I believe the story is meant to illustrate that (some) men are a lot like dogs and that they often don't know how good they have it. They often throw away what they have for the projected idea of something better. (And I think the bone may have something to do with erectile dysfunction, but I forget...I also forget where the story originated, but I like it).
So...I think that's it for the moment. I had saved this as a draft, hoping to polish it up a bit before posting, but it probably never would have gotten posted at the rate I'm going lately...
Take care out there, folks!
I'm off to test drive convertible sports cars.
Your Pal,
You could get a curio cabinet and rotate the collection periodically!
Mid-life crisis can suck I hear. Then again, I spend everyday remembering that I am constantly running out of time. Always traveling with a sense of urgency.
My father had a heart transplant a short time ago. It was a reality check for some of us.
Take care. Your friends are always around.
Hey, Zambo, you like movies. Rent "The Matador" with Pierce Brosnan (and Greg Kinnear). There is a fellow with a serious mid-life crisis. It will make you feel better. You will laugh out loud.
I'm not even close to mid-life (I hope) and I'm completely screwed up. The funny thing about that is, you are expected to be screwed up when you're young. But I had it more together when I was young and NOW I'm screwed up. WTF???
So where did "Zambo" come from? If your mate is Lasagna shouldn't you be Garfield or something?
Aww,I like your head!
I hope your sports car is shiny red:)
I believe the dog and the bone story is an Aesop fable.
It reminds of a joke fable: "A dog is sunning himself on the ties of a railroad, his tail resting on one ot the rails. A train comes by and he is too slow to get out the way. The train runs over his tail cutting it off. The dog reacts and tries to bite whatever has tail. His head is then cut off.
..The moral: Never lose your head over a piece of tail."
That's quite a collection of collectibles you have there.
Sorry you are seeming a bit blue. I think we all wake up one day and realize time has past up by and what have we done with it. As for all those in box goddies (dolls)you men collect, I say sell them and buy one big thing you could actually enjoy with the funds.
Thanks for the comments, folks!
Junebee ~ I was thinking of something like that...
Patrick ~ It's just a mathematical reality, I guess...There's just so much to do and a relatively short time to do all of it (like what Liz said)...I hope your dad's doing well.
Josie ~ My friends saw it on the weekend and liked it too...I'll check it out for sure!
Lingo Slinger ~ That's a good idea too! I know what you're saying. I still feel young, and think young...but sometimes the body says "Fuck you!" when you try to do some of the stuff you used to do so easily...then when I double my age, I get a little concerned...That's all...I'm still immature, but responsible...
Angelfire ~ One day you wake up and you're in your 30s and you wonder where the time went...Then you realize that there was so much that you wanted to have accomplished by this point in your life...When you're younger, there are usually less external factors to worry about and it can seem like things are under control 'cause you haven't been truly tested yet...
As for where the name 'Zambo' came from, that's sort of a long story...but it has to do, in part, with the "Rambo" franchise of the '80s...(and no, I don't look or sound like Stallone and I'm not a troubled war hero who doesn't quite fit in...I fit in just fine)...and the nickname has stuck over the years...
"Lasagna" is saucy and has a lot of layers...It's just the name I gave her for this blog...I have never actually called her that outside of Blogtown...
Ms. L ~ I think the head that you mentioned is Hugo: Man of a Thousand of my all time favourite toys! (He's the bald guy to the left of Gene Simmons and The Six Million Dollar Man on the right of the second shelf)...I'm not really getting a convertible...I was just making a mid-life crisis joke...But if I got one, it would probably be red or black...
Hale McKay ~ Yup. You're right about Aesop. I like your fabale too. Good advice!
Liz ~ I wish it could be that simple...Also, they're ACTION FIGURES! Not 'dolls'...
I'll be OK...I still have a few good years left in me, I hope...We're going to Australia next year and we get to scuba dive at the Great Barrier Reef !...So that's something to look forward to...that and "Rambo IV"...Yup. It's true...
Take care out there, Bloggerinos!
Your Pal,
Aww... buck up big Z! If you're feeling blue you can always play with your dolls :)
Keeks ~ Perhaps my Smurf "dolls"...
(You'd think your great new job would inspire a less hurtful comment though)...
Thanks, Keeks!
I'm so glad you're around seem to be able to make everything worth while.
Lasagna is a lucky girl.
Just sayin' is all.
Dang... I've been going through a lot of the same stuff (just different things) and now I just realized that means I'm growing up!?!?!?!?!!!!!!! I don't want to! I want to stay young.
*huuuuuuuuuuugs* for you Zambo...that is some post...really makes you start to think....*sigh*
Tai ~ You're not too bad yourself, little lady! Your comment really brightened my day after a rather harrowing drive to work today!
Sherry ~ Me too! It's weird that I'm an alleged grown up, living in a grown up house in suburbia...Though there's lots of good stuff, there are also a lot of headaches...It's nice to see you back in Blogtown, by the way!
Nicki ~ Sorry if it was a bit of a bummer...My next post will be short and sweet...I promise! *Huuuuuuuuuuugs* right back at you!
Take care out there, Blogger buddies!
Your Pal,
Wow! Nice Post - Thanks for visiting me while I was away! I sort of back!
So, Zambo, you used to be fun? I think you still are.
You're a hoot.
The first thing in the pic I honed in on was the Planet of the Apes doll. Damn my big brother for making me watch those talking ape movies over and over and over growing up. ;)
You know... growing up can be a good thing...
ZAMBO... you are ultimately still the same person you were when you went to college.
Only maybe a bit more relaxed with a bit more money in your pocket driving a sweet convertible which you could have never had afforded when you were young.
can i have some of your toys? :P
You blog's cool. I linked today.
Shmega Dildos!
Old pal. Old chum. What a great entry. I can't wait to hear about the sports cars. As a pack-ratter like you, I wish I had some place for my Tonka trucks, blocks, and random figurines and stuff. I could definitely show off the remaining remnants of my opulent childhood! Never mind Lasagna's comfort level. Put that stuff back on show.
Hi Zambo!
Hi Zambo, Hope you have a good week - thanks for the comments!
Hey I had to change blog sites I was being stalked by my boss folow this to the new site
I loved that story!
I wish I had a room like yours. The gateway to inside your head looks amazing!
I hope all is well in your life, Zam.
Hi Z, hope you are well - you are so quiet!!!
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