Not Too Motivated Lately...
I wanted to write a bunch of stuff, but I'm just not into it right now...
In the meantime, check out The Big O's website...
I was almost touched by today's episode...but by the end, I just wasn't feelin' it...There's something about The Oprah that just doesn't seem 100% sincere...Sure she does a lot of good for a lot of people, but let's face it...She's got a better PR team than Jesus...They should really review the tapes the way athletes do, and work on The Oprah really "selling it"...maybe she just doesn't like physical contact or feels uncomfortable or something... Anyway, summing up the episodes, is if you're interested, check out her site...
I've got all these notes and Word files that I've accumulated for potential post ideas, but I don't know that I'll get to it...The topical ideas lose their relevance quickly...and my notes remind me of that film "Spider" (if you haven't seen it and don't want to know why, then don't highlight the following passage... ) Basically, the guy is taking notes in his little private notebook throughout the entire film and you think something profound is going to eventually be revealed...but it's just gibberish...And I've been forgetting stuff too...At the time I think, "This idea is so good that I'll never forget it!" Then I try to think of it two minutes later and I got nothing...
November 11th (tomorrow) is Remembrance Day in Canada...We don't get a holiday here, but we do get a moment of silence at work...It's good to know that we have a day to remember and think of the men and women who gave their lives (or their youth) so that we could live the way we do today.

In the meantime, check out The Big O's website...
I was almost touched by today's episode...but by the end, I just wasn't feelin' it...There's something about The Oprah that just doesn't seem 100% sincere...Sure she does a lot of good for a lot of people, but let's face it...She's got a better PR team than Jesus...They should really review the tapes the way athletes do, and work on The Oprah really "selling it"...maybe she just doesn't like physical contact or feels uncomfortable or something... Anyway, summing up the episodes, is if you're interested, check out her site...
I've got all these notes and Word files that I've accumulated for potential post ideas, but I don't know that I'll get to it...The topical ideas lose their relevance quickly...and my notes remind me of that film "Spider" (if you haven't seen it and don't want to know why, then don't highlight the following passage... ) Basically, the guy is taking notes in his little private notebook throughout the entire film and you think something profound is going to eventually be revealed...but it's just gibberish...And I've been forgetting stuff too...At the time I think, "This idea is so good that I'll never forget it!" Then I try to think of it two minutes later and I got nothing...
November 11th (tomorrow) is Remembrance Day in Canada...We don't get a holiday here, but we do get a moment of silence at work...It's good to know that we have a day to remember and think of the men and women who gave their lives (or their youth) so that we could live the way we do today.

Anyway, take care of yourselves.
Your Pal,
P.S. The other day, Maury Povich had a woman on the show for the ninth (9th!) to see if she could determine who the father of her baby is...
I really appreciate your nod to "Remembrance Day" aka "Veterans Day" in America. My dad is a vet. I haven't been feeling inspired to write, but you've given me fodder!
Maury Povich is one of the reasons I haven't owned a tv in almost 2 years. Too many Baby Daddy shows. Perhaps they should have a "Who infected me with what" show too. Blech!
Talk shows. Why, oh why, do we watch them? I guess watching the "train wreck" is way more interesting than being in one. Oprah has gone mainstream and has lost her cutting edge i fear. Never really got into the show, but this particular one made me glad I'm not. Sigh.
Have a great one!
Hi Ladies.
Thanks for the comments.
I guess that talk shows often are train wrecks. Like the tabloids, we often watch or read to feel better about ourselves. At least I'm not that guy!...Or ,Wow does she look awful!, etc.
As for Oprah, I find the whole phenomenon fascinating...The whole self-promoting philanthropist angle. She has taken daytime talk TV to a different level by befriending various celebrities and turning her pals into quasi-celebrities.
Look for her DVD set this Tuesday.
Take care.
Your Pal,
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