E.T. Model
My cousin was looking for an E.T. toy for a birthday cake that she was making for a nephew's birthday...So naturally, she thought of me. I do, in fact, have at least three "cake-worthy" E.T. toys...but they're still packed away somewhere in the basement...(I have the E.T. board game...the game piece of E.T. comes with a ghost sheet shell...not sure of its exact location, but can narrow it down to a 20 foot radius of stacked Rubermaid bins...).
Anyhow, I suggested that I could make one out of FIMO or Sculpti-clay...(You don't have to paint FIMO, so I went with that... ).
I was gonna buy it at lunch or after work from the art supply store down the street from work...But my old pal Mr. Gertz called and was on his way over...So he offered to pick it up for me...That was pretty decent of him, I thought...
So below are a few pix of the process...
I hope you like them....
Different views...
Next to a quarter...
Note popsicle stick furniture in background...
Lasagna made those for another project, but they were the right size for E.T. too...
In a container for transport...

I heard that he made it through the birthday unscathed...That's good to know. The birthday boy is my other cousin's son, who is 2... and he loves E.T. ... He can be heard stating with a serious look on his face, "E.T. died."
I have more news, but I will share it later...(I have to take some pix...)
I scored some awesome toys today! Lasagna dropped me off at a comic book store while she ran some errands. (She had to go to her work...She's a "hostess" at a biker bar...sort of).
So I'll post that stuff in the coming years...
Remember to delouse your merkins regularly, friends.
Your Pal,
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