My Incompetence...More of an Oversight Really...
I regret to inform you that I have made a mistake. My post for Tuesday, August 09, 2005 ironically titled "Incompetence: It's The New Competence" contained pictures of Christian Bale from "American Psycho", "The Machinist"and then from [what I thought was] "Batman Begins"...but the Batman pic actually turned out being from 2002's "Equilibrium"...(which coincidentally lists Dominic Purcell - TV's short-lived John Doe - as the main character in the credits, but he's only in the film for about 2 minutes...which I found peculiar...I think that "Cast In Order of Appearance" was not the case either...I forget though...). Anyway, I want to thank Joe Blow for pointing out the oversight on my part... I did a search for Batman images, but found none (shirtless) to illustrate the dramatic changes in Bale's physique...he mentioned in several interviews that losing the weight for "The Machinist" was not as difficult as one would think...The whole film was shot in Spain in over 100 degree heat on most days...Bale said that a bright note to being that thin was that the heat didn't affect him as much as it did the other crew members...who were sweating their balls off... I found the following picture, which is NOT FROM THE MOVIE but quite funny I thought:

(I think that Bale's face has been added to an action figure's body...)
This article discusses the dramatic weight loss and gain...
Here's Bale in the "Bat-suit"...
Thanks again to Joe Blow for noticing the error...and for commenting...(This is where an "inhuman being" from the corporate world would say, "Nice catch!"...I'd rather not...) The Beatdogg was cracking me up the other day when we were discussing "business-speak" and how if one were so inclined, one could relate anything business-oriented to a baseball analogy...I hope that he shares this and other quips in his next post...soon...
NOTE: I found this pic much, much later...
Your Pal,
P.S. I caught "Code 46" on the Movie Network today...Tim Robbins is in it and so is Samantha Morton (and a pretty blatant close-up of her nude below the waist...I wonder if they used a body double..."What do you do?"..."I'm a stunt vag..."...I will say that there's something about her, though she's not conventionally "beautiful"...she's got a heat...)...Anyway, her character has a memorable line in the film:
Everybody's children are so special. It makes you wonder where all the ordinary grown-ups come from.
Samantha Morton pic (not from the movie...but presenting her crotch...Perhaps it wasn't a double...):
I feel honored that you did a whole retraction due to my highly-tuned superhuman detection skills. I shall be even more vigilant in the future so as to make sure that you get no sleep whatsoever.
Oh yeah, and Samantha Morton. I remember seeing her in a Cracker episode where her ass was shown. She looks a lot different with the hair in your pic...(from the neck up). The problem is those teeth, unless she has had them fixed by now. Anyway, I didn't recognize her at first so I looked her up at and there are a couple of pics of the Morton bush, from a different movie. Enjoy
She's still got a messed up grill...but she's cute anyway.
She was also in "In America"...which I really liked, even though it was quite sad.
Your Pal,
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