Chimp Mauling Update!
Thanks to Beatdogg, who sent me a link to the article which I have copied below (They tend to not link properly later, so I've pasted the article and reference to where it came from):

( Click on image to see source page)
KNBC-TV—Los Angeles, CA
Man Mauled By Chimps Prepares For More Surgery
LOS ANGELES - A West Covina man attacked by two chimpanzees in March was released Tuesday from the hospital.
St. James Davis (pictured [after?] attack, [above]), who was visiting Moe -- a chimp who used to live with Davis and his wife -- at Animal Haven Ranch when two other chimps attacked, returned home Tuesday afternoon.
Davis, 62, underwent a series of surgeries since the attack. In June, doctors took him out of an induced coma and removed his breathing tube to speed his recovery.
"He's come a long way in what I consider to be a very short time," wife LaDonna Davis said Tuesday. "In reality, when this first happened, I thought this would take a lot longer than six months. He has a long way to go.
"Actually, he was over the threshold of dying. Doctors told me to make final arrangements."
While Davis was celebrating Moe's 39th birthday with his wife at Animal Haven Ranch, two other male chimps escaped their cages. They chewed off most of his face, tore off his foot and attacked his limbs and genitals.
LaDonna Davis, 64, also was attacked, but her injuries were not as severe. She visited Loma Linda Medical Center every day.
LaDonna Davis said the bacteria had entered St. James Davis' blood supply. She said he had difficulty getting air to his lungs for more than one week.
The first surgery, which included three teams of three doctors, took about 12 hours, LaDonna Davis said. Davis said her husband will undergo two surgeries next week.
"I would like to thank Loma Linda Hospital, their staff and everyone involved with the care for giving St. James back to me," she said in a statement. "We have been through a lot together, and this hospital has met the challenge to make him the best that he can be. I know there will be a need for future surgeries to give my husband the best quality of life that he can be given.
"We are not finished with our life together, and our affection for each other."
LaDonna Davis said her husband was not sure what happened when he regained consciousness.
"He thought he was in a bombing in San Diego," she said. "He didn't have any short-term memory. It took a while for him to finally catch on to certain aspects." The two chimps, which each weighed more than 130 pounds, were immediately shot and killed.
Moe was not involved in the attack. The adult male, who weighs nearly 170 pounds, was taken from the Davis' home in 1999 after maiming a police officer and biting off part of another woman's finger.
"He still loves Moe," said Gloria Allred, the family's attorney. "Moe, of course, was innocent in all this and had nothing to do with it. We're really happy that St. James is home."
That's all for now.
Your Pal,
Who the hell names their kid "St. James"? Saint James, by the way, is the patron saint of furriers. Chimps have fur... maybe it was time for a little karmic payback. If the chimps had somehow managed to skin him, this would be the greatest news story ever, eclipsing even Oprah's snubbing by Hermes.
It would be funny if the killer chimps did a little tip of the hat to "The Silence of the Lambs" - One would have the guy's face on his (like Jim Carrey did in "The Cable Guy") and the other would hold up the guy's genitals in front of his own (which would of course be tucked)and say in his best Buffalo Bill voice, "I'd fuck me."
But seriously, if your name is St. James and your wife is named LaDonna and you're on your way to wish your chimp, Moe, a happy 39th birthday at a chimp retirement ranch (because he maimed a cop and bit off a woman's finger)...and then two other chimps break out and tear you up, ripping your face and junk's not a laughing matter...To be honest, I don't want to seem like an insensitive prick, but almost every aspect of this tale is mockable and laughable...if you're not an uptight, humourless buzzkill shitsack...I was sorry to hear that the chimps got smoked. I guess St. James and LaDonna didn't see it coming...Poor St. James is gonna live the rest of his miserable existence like poor Mason Verger (played exquisitely by Mr. Gary Oldman in "Hannibal"). Assuming he doesn't task someone to show some mercy and take him out...
That's it for now.
The whole story would make an excellent musical...The "South Park" boys should get on that.
Your Pal,
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